Initially I was skeptical about what that specific claim entailed but looking at flu vaccination and yellow card data, there is a big problem.

A FOI request answer to Joel Smalley revealed that on average there were 233 injury reports per year for the flu vaccine in the over 65's from the past decade with not much variation. Vaccination records reveal the same age group were vaccinated with 7 million innoculations per year on average.

The MHRA were supposed to age stratify the yellow card data according to the multi stranded strategy agreed with by the Expert Working Group. They took a long time to implement anything on that front so I took the first 21 million shots for the Covid vaccine as an approximate for the over 65 age group (remembering they injected the elderly largely first). Over 87,000 Yellow Card's resulted with power to add (remembering that injury reports take time to come through) which shockingly is over 100 X higher per dose over the flu vaccine. Even more alarmingly, death reports were hovering around 50 X higher per dose at that stage, deaths which were rendered to a mere footnote in weekly MHRA reports without such context.

Another useful correlate is revealed by S Chaplin. Yellow Cards across all products per year were roughly 27,000 - 28,000, actually a high, and again with little variation, perhaps less than 2x by memory. Yet, in the first year of the covid vaccine rollout, there were over 400,000 yellow cards, elevating their system by 14- 15 times over for this single class of product.

Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, revealed she was expecting 100,000 Yellow Cards, ludicrously high even that when consistant reporting for what is a widescale rollout should have only brought in several thousand accounting for the scale.

Perhaps people are just reporting injuries more reliably then? Well the Expert Working Group admitted that all passive safety systems underreport, a highly significant admission considering Pharmacovigilance databases worldwide are using this system. Not being able to deny this, in a reply to Dr Tess Lawrie, Dr June Raine refers to "variable reporting", a non -conclusive statement in the face of sky high injury reporting when another part of their agreed strategy was to perform sensitivity testing to test the degree of underreporting. Results have not been public but what has been made public is that the longstanding underreporting formula across all products has been purged specifically for the Covid vaccine.

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Here’s the question everyone should be asking, how do we stop this & them?? Kinda important.

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9 min. BREAKING NEWS: USA, Canada & Switzerland - 3 US Law Enforcement Agencies Activated - Ann Vander Steele and Pascale Najadi - https://rumble.com/v29up58-breaking-news-usa-canada-and-switzerland-3-us-law-enforcement-agencies-acti.html So far 14 million pre-meditated global murders.

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Okay… when can we arrest them ALL!

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Tell me how this ends....good or bad.....

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It was always premeditated... otherwise they wouldn’t be jabbing pregnant women without clinics trials .

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All of this is old hat. It won't be stopped because it is part of the reset process. The guilty are those who are in charge so nobody will be punished except those who try to prevent and make the evil known.

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So did the U.S. see : General Dynamics

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