Sep 28, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This is unconventional warfare against the weakest members of our society.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

This administration has clearly demonstrated that it despises Americans and moreover does all it can to hurt us and drive us into the ground, financially and otherwise. It also hates the Constitution and breaks the law (such as with the open border situation).

But Biden is obviously not in charge, he is merely the incompetent and corrupt puppet of sociopathic radical militants.

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Well, they've certainly got our attention and will get just what they deserve, now or for eternity. They don't believe in God, well God doesn't beleive in them. You Can't Box with God!!!

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

Beside harvesting in the afterlife what they have sown here, they also deserve the tar and feather treatment and to be kicked out of town.

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Kicked out of town seems a bit light!

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It certainly does sound like there was injustice, but the reporting here is very sparse, and leaves a number of questions unanswered. I prefer to see more thorough coverage of such stories, and I can do without the finger pointing at "Biden Democrats". Whatever I might think, I will not be manipulated in such a fashion.

From what I could gather from a quick search, the initial report originated with The Daily Mail (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12566397/Korean-veteran-migrants-evicted-staten.html). It is more thorough, although I'm not available to look at it closely right now, but it does present evidence, and it would appear to answer some of my questions.

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

I read the Daily Mail article and there is nothing in it that contradicts the assertion that senior citizens have been kicked out of a nursing home to make room for able-bodied law breakers (illegal immigrants). Furthermore, a homeless shelter is also being turned into an illegal (law breaking) immigrants facility.

And unless we are all mistaken and however difficult it might be for you to admit, this is done under the Democrat Biden administration, a Democrat governor and a Democrat mayor. Facts are not "manipulating" you, they are staring you in the face!

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I agree with what you say. I am looking at other things. Every day I read through angry comments here and elsewhere, directed at this evil or that in the world. I don't know but I have to wonder if this particular report was intended to use this veteran's situation to stir people up that way. That, I would call manipulation.

I see many injustices being committed, and when possible I look for ways to help. Most of the time there is nothing I can do, but sometimes there is. Twice in my life I have taken someone into my home, long term, who was homeless or about to be, and I helped a third find temporary shelter elsewhere, off the street. All three found a place to live, eventually. This is a difficult thing to do, and there can be lots of problems. But when it's there to be done and there is nothing standing in the way, what else is there to do? In each instance there was an underlying injustice that I could do nothing about. The point is to address the immediate need when we can, just because we can.

Railing at evil authorities is harmful to the person doing the railing. It's not a good way to live. I am no fan of Biden and his handlers, and I was no fan of Trump either. I was reminded this last week, however, of Acts 23:5, "Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people", a citation of Exodus 22:28. Apart from its place in Mosaic law, it is a protective principle.

Jesus went further: “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven. For he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what are you doing out of the ordinary? Don’t even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:43-48, CSB).

This is not the way the world tends to approach these kinds of problems. I keep saying the problem is "us", not "them", and this is a big part of it. That word translated "perfect", by the way, can be understood as "complete". Another word for that is "mature". In other words, "grow up". It applies to all of us.

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

I understand what you are saying, and know that it is spiritually valid. And I admire you for helping those who needed help.

There might be a difference however between judgment and condemnation. I do not condemn anyone, but since we have been "given" the right to vote, we have every right to criticize and judge those we endow with the power not to "rule" over us (we are no longer living under kings and queens or emperors) but to tend to the affairs of the state, and to replace them as needed when given the opportunity to vote again, although most governments remain entirely corrupt and dishonest regardless of who is elected, because there are powers at play that are greater than elected officials.

Anger is not a bad thing when it leads to a positive action. Like fear, it is an emotional tool meant to tell us that something is wrong and needs to immediately be paid attention to. Hate is another matter, it is obviously extremely unhealthy and destructive. Neither hate nor condemnation are desirable or spiritually valid in any form.

But we should be very careful not to equate criticism and judgment with hate, something many totalitarians do today in order to silence dissent and protect the corrupt status quo.

Obviously differentiating right from wrong requires judgment, and those who have been given extraordinary powers, authority and responsibilities by us must expect to be either praised or criticized for their words and actions.

As far as love is concerned, love does not mean approval. We can love bad people in a spiritual way, and still criticize and judge their actions and rightly seek to stop them from causing more damage and hurting more people. If someone held a gun and was about to kill a child, I assume that you would act to stop that person by any means necessary. It wouldn't mean that you would have hate in your heart for the aggressor, whom you might understand to also need help in a different form when appropriate and if feasible, but rather love in your heart for the victim.

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There are many areas in which we will see the boundaries of good behavior somewhat differently, and I doubt that it matters all that much.

The "online world" can be quite challenging, however, in more ways that I can name here. I ventured into it in 1970 in a university system environment (inter-campus). I was one of the programmers that made that online world what it was. I joined a public conferencing network in 1982, "The Source", and got my first real taste of how things work in the public online world. We had some good discussions but wow, were there ever problems. Problem people, specifically, empowered by the medium to have undue influence over the conversation.

Another problem began to make its appearance -- illiteracy. Until I became involved with public conferencing networks, I had no idea of its extent. I didn't blame it on the people themselves, but I realized that there was something seriously wrong somewhere that I had not been noticing. So add that to the problems inherent in delayed, written-only communication between groups of people that don't know each other. As we say, "what could go wrong?"

Later in the 1980s, I started a FidoNet BBS with EchoMail. Similar problems, although I was a network administrator and also a moderator in some of the "areas", and it became more my personal problem to manage. Then came the Internet, for me in 1995. Still similar problems. And then, eventually, came "free" "social media", and, gradually, all hell broke loose. Nothing could have prepared me for where that would go. I entered that world in the early 2000s, in no great hurry, and exited in 2020, deleting my accounts and not keeping backups. I'm not missing it.

Substack has been a fairly pleasant surprise. Authors are generally literate, mostly, and in the Stacks I follow, commenters are not prone to riot. I'm not quite sure how this is achieved, and maybe I don't want to know. Or maybe it is just my choice of what to follow. I disagree with sizeable portions of what I read, and it's no big deal, and I have paid subscriptions to the main blogs that I follow and recommend, agreement not required.

This does not mean that the problems I began to see in 1970 have gone away. I don't comment on most of them now, but sometimes I feel that I need to say something cautionary, even if I can't clearly define what the problem is. And even if I do define it, there are so many ways to be misunderstood. The feeling itself arises from my decades online, my knowledge of history and prophecy, and my walk with God.

Anger is to be expected, but also to be controlled, kept in bounds (again, the boundaries will vary). And examined. I've had a great deal of trouble with it over a lifetime, but no major episodes in the past nine years. That no doubt affects my sensitivity to seeing it.

I appreciate what you wrote about love. I haven't encountered the gun-child situation, or even the hypodermic-child situation (yet), not where I knew what was happening and could say something. The one time I came close to the latter, the family turned out to be long-time anti-vaxx.

What I know to do in person doesn't always carry over well to the online world. Most people I know ("church people") confine their online activities to social media, unaware of the addictive design or the surveillance and the mining and sale of their personal information, or how it influences them and draws them more deeply into the culture, or how it algorithmically restricts their "reach" to others. I warn whom I can, to not much effect.

Here online, I hardly know anyone, and I literally don't know what I am doing. I grope along, learning as I go. I know why I am here -- unimaginable looming disaster as a minority look everywhere for solutions (salvation, really) except where answers are to be found -- but what to do about that?

The only thing I know is to keep at it, imperfectly.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

Thank you for your comment...I understand where you come from.

I resisted having a computer for the longest time, and only acquired one when my clients threatened to no longer work with me. This was in the late 1990's. But I was very reluctant.

I do not participate or even look at social media platforms (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc) and only spend a bit of time on substack. I have a professional page on LinkedIn.

For most of my life, I was never interested in politics. I never voted, expect in the last 4 elections. I might go back to no longer voting and turn away from politics. It doesn't matter much who the puppets are, they are not running the show (or rather, they are running a show to distract us while more powerful individuals and institutions are taking care of serious business in the background).

I try to avoid making political comments, and to read political blog. This one was an exception. I actually dislike making political comments. I feel like I am diving in a sewer and swimming with rats. It feels unclean. It is also completely pointless. Facts are important, opinions not so much, or at least, unless facts, they do not need to be made public.

I think that there are so many problems with social media. Algorithms lead to political tribalism and a complete ignorance of "the other side". And as it would be in a crowded room where everyone spoke at the same time, the only people who are noticed or "influential" on social media are those who speak the loudest, who scream, figuratively, that is to say who make the most outrageous, inflammatory statements.

Social media is all about getting attention, clicks, thumbs up, subscribers, followers, etc...so only those who yell, so to speak, get the attention they seek. Rational statements, well reasoned arguments, objectivity, common sense and sensible thoughts are disregarded by those who know that they can only draw attention to themselves by becoming increasingly more extreme.

So it does not surprise me to see radicalism spread like wildfire, as well as tribalism, and narcissism which is also something social media platforms encourage...in other words chaos.

Whether chaos was the goal, or is currently used as an opportunity to quell free speech and dissent by those who control the strings of culture and society, is hard to say. But I believe social media platforms act as cancerous cells that are destroying society and culture, and ultimately our humanity.

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For a deeper look at how social media affects its users, there is this talk given in September (video and transcript): https://www.thebereancall.org/content/brad-huddleston-digital-addiction-what-neuroscience-shows

This pastor also has a computer science degree. I have a BSCS degree myself, and I still work in the field, but I am not a pastor. I can vouch for the addictive-by-design nature of social media -- the infinite scrolling is modeled after slot machines and other forms of gambling. I can't vouch for the brain scans, but I am familiar with some of the technology, and I think it possible that what is shown in the video is real. I have not studied the research closely, however. It would be important for the work shown to have been independently replicated, and I don't know that that is the case.

I was raised in a church that didn't believe in voting, and I find myself moving back in that direction. Voting for the lesser of two evils seems not right to me (after having tried it a time or two). I might still vote on propositions (mostly "no") and perhaps against funding for public schools. Whether or not my vote is even counted is an open question here in California.

I believe that what is really destroying us is rebellion against God. I.e. sin.

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Trust me, if he was in the same shape as he was in Korea, I’m certain it would have gone a different way! The Korean War veterans are tough as all hell! I have NO words! My father missed Korea by a hair.

Remember, the occupiers in our government want a reason for control and martial law.

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I also think that they are doing all they can to provoke a huge conflict, they are trying to make us very angry...indeed, so they can justify martial law.

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I think you are exactly right.

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Sounds right. Manipulation is their main tool.

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YES! "They" are salivating like attack dogs on a chain waiting for the citizens to fire the first shot. Stay frosty.

I am so sorry this poor old man is being used to stir public rage. And kicked into the street. The world is vicious.

I pray everyone finds Jesus and soon. God Bless.

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Nothing personal against the 'Vet', but What's changed? According to the CON-Trolling Cabal - He, along with others, are on the 'Wrong Side' of the Communal Input 'Ledger' - 'Services' to The Country ARE Irrelevant - Because He's NOT 'Connected'! Folks SHOULD HAVE woken up to this = It's NOT the 1st time - Even in U.S. History! 1932; Disbanding the 'Bonus Army'. Korea/ Vietnam [We, Sorry, 'The' OZtopian Govt is Finally recognising Vets 50 YEARS on], AND, The Raft of Damaged Vets from Endless Mid East Conflicts! - & STILL!

I DO NOT agree with War - Most of, If not ALL, ARE CONtrived! That aside, These members WERE USED, By The System, & WILL BE again, & Again! It is more of a reflection of, the Non appreciation of All/ Any Citizens inputs, And contributing Values/ energies by Them, to the Whole!

What REALLY, do folks expect? If your not 'Connected', Your just a Commodity!

Maybe someone could Transfer him to the Border, & he could Re enter the U.S., & get his old hostel back!


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I get your point about war and people being used as cannon fodder, but what is new here is the deliberate and rapid destruction of the US on every level (cultural, economical, etc) in order to implement a global system.

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It’s stuff like this that makes me so angry I could lose my mind! 😡

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This is so heartbreaking. I know there are many others like this. Where is the human dignity?

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The only thing I "like" about this report about how this man is being abused is your faithful daily effort to report truth, injustice & the evil parasites behind it. Therefore, 👍🎯👍, because I can only hit your "like" button once. It helps me to remember that we are part of a small community of like minded humans who see through the wall of lies...🙏

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Yes. Clearly, we feel like outliers in this chaos. We are united in truth and love of justice, freedom and goodness. We all need reminding of the fact that we may be small in numbers yet we are huge in spirit. x

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Aye, well put. We may be outliers, yet strength in unity of spirit overcomes infinitely divided "inliars" with superior numbers. 🙏🫶💪

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I see what you did there with the words inliars. . , 😂 Stay in the Light. x

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😇 Aye, you too, lassie. 🙏💕🙏

I truly hate Spelcheque, cramps the message. After all is said & done, prayers with feet & hands that are willing & words of Truth are our best weapons.. God's Love overcomes all things evil. The waiting is the hard part to endure...

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Hopefully everyone on here is preparing for turbulent times ahead. It's not going to get any better, and even if they do we have the one world government prying at complete control over the United States. I mean they already have it, but they need to get the rest of us.

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Dark times.

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THIS, is NOT 'New'! Hitler & other High ranking Nazis was 'Employed' By the Controlling Groups, to Drop THE German population in a hole - Aided & abetted by Stalin, & The western Allies! - It happens to Anyone - Anything, that get's in the way of THE Agendas!

And 'The rapid Destruction' of ALL, is Not just a U.S. Phenomena - It's current Global Ops, with Multiple Coincidence Events such as Synchronised Maui/ turkey/ Greece/ Libya Etc., to 'Cover Tracks'& the Standard CONfusion of 'FOCAL POINT', with folks TOO Preoccupied with Broad Spectrum Survival, of Themselves/ Partners/ Offspring & extended Kin! Standard Operational Procedure= Sun Tzu - Art of War! Of which IT IS a War - On Home Populations - U.S./ NATO - Operation Gladio;

Paraphrase; 'It may be Necessary to Enact Events & Activities on HOME populations on HOME soil, to Entice/ encourage war weary Populations to fight in Unsavoury wars in Foreign Lands'! - Sept 11th comes to Mind! AND, USING, the Same Directed FREE Energy Tech- in the New 'Theatres'.

The END GAMBIT is all - There are NO 'rules of Engagement', there are NO limits, & ALL of the Tools in THEIR Toolbox ARE USABLE! - Try 1] Finding the Instigators/ Planners/ Ops 'Staff'. & 2] Try taking That/ Them thru the COMPLETELY Compromised Judicial System. Luck - good or other is Permanently MIA, especially in the '5 Eyes Cabals' Field of Operations!

Last; the ONE thing that taking down the U.S. of A. DOES, is it is [ Corrupt or Not], There is still a large proportion of the Global population, who look towards / Consider The U.S. as a Bastion of Freedom & Democracy [ Illusion or Not], So Destruction of said Empire, Destroys The 'Image/ HOPE/ IDEA' of Emulating said 'Independent' Social Collaborations! And, destroying The $ , Destabilises Economic Order, with ANY other Alternatives - Such as the Neo BRICS Economic Bloc being 'Allowed' Measured expansion! Countries 'Entertaining' joining said alternatives, get the Greece/ Turkey/ Libya 'Treatment', for A Touch Up 'Reminder'!

Historical observations; "It is The Press, above All, who wage a Positively Fanatical and Slanderous struggle, tearing down Everything which can be regarded as a support of National independence, Cultural elevation, And the Economic Independence of the Nation."-

Your - 'ON every Level' - Sound Familiar? = Thank You - Mr Adolph Hitler.


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May be Hill and Bill could take them in. Forget that they would cheat him out of his SS. This is Obummers Hope and Change in action.

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This administration has no bottom. They continue to sink to a place we have never been before. They are absolutely revolting.

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