Since when does legality matter to these cretins?

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When they are in front of a Judge/Tribunal.

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Won't happen

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Yes, it will. They were not patient enough, and had not removed (mass)-murder from the statute books, before starting their lunatic democidal plan.

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I admire your faith in judges and tribunals; but isn't it crystal clear by now that justice - like democracy, free speech and the rue of law - is just a pretense?


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Murder is still murder. The Nuremberg Code is still International Law:



Defeatism is exactly what they want us to do. They know it only takes one bottom card to fall, in their precarious house of cards, and it all comes tumbling down.

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Yes of course murder is still murder and the Nuremberg Code is still law; but that's completely irrelevant if nobody is enforcing the law. So far, nobody is enforcing the law and it ought to be abundantly clear to anyone who has lived through the last ten years that the US constitution and all its institutions have been thoroughly subverted. The courts are a tool of control, not justice. To recognize this is not defeatist. It is to recognize that the law is no longer the route to justice and that we must create other means/routes to victory.

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Agreed; however, the US is not the World. Any appropriate Court can ban the jabs worldwide, regardless of what the US wants.

Eg, https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/two-weeks-until-nuremberg-public

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Yes, agreed, the US is not the world; but, at the same time, "can" is not "will/would," and no court has global jurisdiction.

Have you read "The Committee of 300," by Dr John Coleman?


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It depends on what judge you come before. The freak in a robe in NEW YORK thinks he’s entitled to make his rulings any which way he wants to, especially if he thinks by doing so will gain him some type of respect or favorable opinion from the other communist party members both on or off the bench.

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This is a great interview with three smart and non-captured citizens. The host knows his stuff too. I'd note this YouTube interview has received only 4,500 "views" in 10 days. That's only 450 views/day. Every article I publish at my little Substack newsletter gets more views than this.

This interview needs to be seen by many more people. Also, it's a tell its viewership numbers are so small (the "anti-viral" algorithms are no doubt at work again).

Thanks to Lioness of Judah Ministries and Exposing the Darkness for raising awareness of this interview and, more importantly, increasing awareness of the important and accurate points these speakers make.

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So much to unpack here. Thanks for the links you have provided. Too bad the masses were too hypnotized by the fear of dying from COVID to ask questions. Too bad the doctors who knew the truth were banned for doing so. Too bad the government made big tech censor ever day folks from sharing information that attempted to debunk their claims as disinformation and send them to social media jail.

How can we fight the war on humanity. Maybe we should stop working so what we are being forced to fund will cease? I have no answers because it’s frankly overwhelming, knowing everything these evil demons have and are doing.....

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We are not funding anything. The financial system is really just a control mechanism so whether we work or not makes no difference to the funding.

It's a spiritual war. It needs to be fought spiritually. There is no need to feel overwhelmed. You are more powerful than you realize:


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I know we are at war. I know that it’s a spiritual battle because we live in a fallen world where evil is encroaching upon every aspect of our lives.

The leaders who are trying to make the biblical prophecies come to pass on their time and not Gods will fail. In the meantime, they require capital to fund themselves and destroy us while doing so. Keep piling the garbage on us and eventually we many, many will lose hope because they have no way of surviving emotionally, financially or most importantly spiritually because they are looking at the wide gate and not the narrow one. Not everyone is a spiritual warrior, yet. Unfortunately, not everyone has the faith needed to withstand that serpent attack from Satan or his band of fallen angels.

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Illegally....When iniquity becomes general, it becomes law.

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Good to know that someone noticed the errors and failures and, may I say it, deception.

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Every crime and con imaginable has been perpetrated by Big Pharma under the control of the WEF's New World Order to undermine humanity with deadly man-enhanced illnesses and useless but DEADLY cures that will leave the planet 'depopulated'. The FDA facilitated these crimes in collusion!

'Sudden inexplicable deaths'! 'Died Suddenly'? 'Excess Deaths'? Why haven't the caring establishment thought to investigate how this mysterious problem has become so prevalent? Almost since the day after the appearance of the magical injected Covid cure (made at "the Speed of Science") was injected into the first gullible recipient?? The 'cure' that doesn't stop Covid, doesn't stop the spread of Covid, won't even hinder the spread of Covid! The only guarantee is that when you accept the injection you'll be Genetically Modified, suffer Adverse Reactions, catch Covid more frequently, resurrect an old illness or disease, or unknowingly shorten your life expectancy. Or perhaps just Kill you within weeks if you pull the short straw!

'Inexplicable deaths'! 'Died Suddenly'? 'Excess Deaths' Everybody is pretending these suspicious trends are not happening. Has anybody been monitoring important health issues? Why haven't the caring establishment thought to investigate how these mysterious phenomena have become so prevalent - commencing the day after the magical injected Covid cure (made at "the Speed of Science") was injected into the first gullible recipient??

Just remember - your local politician has witnessed these infolding events but denies the potential cause or pretends it's not happening! My local 'Chocolate Teapot' is Merriman (Conservative MP and career politician) - so I'll vote accordingly!

In the real world, The World Health Organisation ceased to exist when Bill Gates bought his right to influence the once honest organisation. The WHO, along with the UN, became CORRUPT and no longer has any authority or significance in world health matters.

We the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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The life insurance companies are aware of the sudden increase in deaths and severe illnesses because they have billions of dollars being paid out to those who are or were insured. Our life and disability insurance premiums through my husband’s employer has almost doubled. I’m sure they had no idea this was going to happen.

The vaccine had a patent long before Covid came along. Problem with the mice dying after the jab was not released to the public. All people heard was fear based off of the daily death counts. I can’t tell you how many times I was banished to Facebook jail for sharing information. One time the information was from the CDC website!!! I was always trying to get the truth out. I’m just one person that probably didn’t influence to many others yet they found it necessary to silence me. Heaven for bid if somebody else read my information and passed it on No, they couldn’t allow that.

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i hope hell does exist. This murderer deserves his own cell there. the scandals in his past keep[ mounting up.

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves ...

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Keep up your good intentions Deborah!

Even if you only get one person to check out your Conspiracy Theories (aka, The Truth), you are saving lives and helping others realise this is the work of those that mean us no good! it's so big a con, it has obviously been planned for decades. They have no morals or scruples and intend enslaving the planet so that we function as their puppets.

There may already be enough of us to disrupt their sinister plans so keep it up! Mick from Hooe (UK) unjabbed to live longer!

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Thank you. I will. 🙏

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