Sep 28Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Each country had a "nudge" unit active within their government during covid. SAGE was in UK. Dont remember the name of the Aussie group, but they had one, it was part of the National Cabinet formed for the "pandemic", πŸ€”πŸ€”I'm sure if you check each country with the highest vax rates, you'll find a similar faux-sci group, operating "nudge" policy.πŸ˜‰πŸ€πŸ€

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Lockstep messaging all over the medias as well with no variation .

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Present in New Zealand and installed across the bureaucratic machinery.

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It's all propaganda



They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public AwarenessΒ 


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I just about put no stock in anything Tam says on any topic. Nor anyone else in or out of cabinet trudope saw fit or unfit to be installed.

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Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.

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Just say NO

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Rise up. Make it happen. Give them nothing.

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Well actually we do.. Trouble is the personal consequences would totally suck. πŸ€”

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I totally understand your situation with consequences in Canada AND they disarmed everyone. Hopefully you can rid yourselves of JT and his Gestapo goons. The regular mostly leftist people supporting the tyrants in the world don't realize that when they aren't needed anymore, they will be disposed of.

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The more I hear, the stranger it becomes. It is truly a physical and spiritual battle. πŸ™

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They’ve been using behavioral science evidence to psyop and manipulate the people for decades, especially the children. It’s sick and disgusting. Now Canada actually creates a taxpayer funded in your face department, one giant step toward self destruction. How much dumber can it get?

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Nah: The guillotine. No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it.

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i love how Tam goes about things no worry , no second thought , completely in a bubble.

The glib comment while COMPLETELY SQUASHING speech , manipulating the public. Serving the public treasure on a silver platter to big business .... BUT SOMEHOW , SOMEHOW A.I will screw up everyone minds and ruin democracy ............

UPSIDE DOWN WORLD STALIN STYLE ! how can this not be high treason ?

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She knows damned well what she's doing. Trouble is most people in Canada as elsewhere are too stupid, gullible and lazy to be bothered to find out what's really going on. Have a look atthis if you've nothing better to do at the moment:

Voices Exposing the Fraud of Germ β€œTheory” / Michael McKay - https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/voices-exposing-the-fraud-of-germ-theory/

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Tam is at the top of the list of criminals who need to be punished for her crimes against humanity, she is targeting our children. That's a dangerous game for her to be playing.

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Stellar report , saving that post for posterity !

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Wonderful reporting and get why rebel news is in the cross hairs of the powers that be . I knew about the nudge units in the early 20s for compliance and see it’s really flushed out here . Also learned about the communist police stations set up here in Toronto via rebel news . I suppose the aim is to make Canada like Hong Kong with no dissenting opinions . I think there is a strong connection here to the reports from Sam Cooper - The Bureau ,regarding the saturation of the communist regime in our political areas . Too bad there are so many silos and long for the days when many people have connecting thinking points .

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She's was born in Hong Kong . . . hahahaha

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I think what I am seeing here is the transition to the Honk Kong communistic sensibilities now that there is no dissenting newspapers - as far as I know and kind of reminds me of Brazil’s getting rid of X - easier to control people when they are enslaved in a thinking point way .

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The Bravado in the absence of torch & pitchfork.

Never forget ! sadly we need the US leadership to straight it all up world wide.

No one else can break big pharma.

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It is up to us to say no and read … no one will save us overall . I think by now if people don’t see what happened, they are lost . I’m not sure if people even know how to look after their own health choices or have they outsourced that thinking to the others they consider experts in all things health wise . The world opens up with research and questioning - it can be exciting .

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May they all rot in prison

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All I gotta say about these Govt’$ EXsurt$ ( censoring propagandists ) is said MUCH better by Jordan Peterson here :


I call his talk β€œFOOD vs FooLd” … to truly regenerate health for healthy thinking.

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The pandemic was fake. Canada was psyoppped.

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Rebel news is the only news in Canada 🍁

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Except when they report about IsraHell and the on-going genocide/slaughter in Occupied Palestine. They're REAL QUIET about that...

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