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I bet he doubles down. They do not win with this. They take a very smart man or woman (think of Dr. Nass) and remove his or her viable occupation. They do it unfairly and without remorse. SO WHAT HAPPENS. THAT PERSON HAS ALL THIS EXTRA TIME TO DEVOTE TO SLAYING DEMONS AND DRAGONS. AND THAT'S WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN.

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What they are doing is making the same mistake the government is making, the thought police will gain your ideas no support with the masses. You will win no converts with force and fear. Al they will do is keep eroding the trust people have in these institutions until nobody believes anything that they put out. When we get to that point, we will no longer remain a functioning society, and that is a very dangerous place to be for everyone.

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What is so frustrating about the whole thing is there are MANY more people who were against all of this across the world and WE ALLOWED THEM to go through us like a knife through hot butter and pull it off and keep allowing them to punish us and rub it in our faces!

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"Van Herreweghe has also made statements on other topics, linking the energy crisis, the financial-economic crisis, the war against Putin, the climate crisis, and the gender identity propaganda to the “Great Reset.” He describes the transgender movement as a “prime example of how alienated humanity is from its deeper nature.” He warns that the trivialization of sexuality is a dangerous trend that could lead to the normalization of pedophilia."

Exactly, I have been warning people about the march towards pedophilia acceptance for at least 15 years. Frankly, I am surprised to see a Psychologist express the same concern.

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My simplistic answer to the mess in the world today is this:

As long as the world believes in the scam that is the germ theory, we will always be susceptible to the medical cartel and the pharmafia’s stranglehold on the human race.

They will continue to roll out bogus pathogenic viruses ad nauseam as the reason for whatever illness/disease they choose, and their equally bogus survival tactic is yet another poisonous vaccine that the sheep will gladly roll up their sleeve for.

Until the inherent understanding of the germ theory and the equally criminal virology changes, the powers that be will instill demands upon their citizens and will get away with their criminal orders because the walking morons believe the crap they believe is true.

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Yuri Bezmenov warned us back in the 1980s that the left had already infiltrated most of our institutions, and that we were stuck with them. There is a cure, but people are too weak to form in mass and toss these people out for good

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Many UK members of the British Psychological Society, to which I’m a member, sent a signed group letter to the authorities demanding an investigation into the actions of those BPS Psychologists who worked for the government during Convid.

The letter outlined that those involved in Spi-B and the cabinet office nudge unit had violating their ethical oath to do no harm nor misapply their skills by using subliminal behaviour modification on the entire population. They violated the moral and ethics of their profession in bypassing Consent. These were highly skilled Skinner Behaviorists, nudge psychs (another form of App Behav Psych) and Neurolinguistic programming.

The BPS concluded after a very brief examination stated that it was all ok to manipulate the population because ‘it was an emergency’.

As Bonhoeffer discussed, the moral and ethical fabric of a society can be examined during emergencies such as wartime. It is then that morals are THE MOST IMPORTANT guidelines to follow.



What with the BPS monthly publication having changed their contents from informing us of important research psychology it’s now ‘woke’ ‘progressive’ and obsessed with UN Agenda 23 SDG’s. I’ve noticed over the last 3 years, that my values and training no longer reflect the BPS’.

tbh, I’m not surprised they’re kicking out those of us who uphold our Judeo-Christian ethics and morals. We do not conform.

In the future psychologists will be trained to be perfectly fitted for the past.

That’s Germany 1930’s-1940’s.

That’s the worst of our history. See Truthstream Media’s The Minds of Men.


I used to be proud to be a psychologist.

Today I’m embarrassed.

It has become an evil in Society.

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BREAKING! SWITZERLAND STOPS/WITHDRAWS ALL COVID VACCINATION RECOMMENDATIONS. https://metatron.substack.com/p/switzerland-withdraws-all-covid-vaccination?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579085&post_id=113465152&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

HAPPY EASTER SWITZERLAND, TO SWITZERLAND'S PASCAL NAJADI and hope to world nations, provided MSM does not censor this news. Thousands of lives will be saved, chronic debilitating vaccination injuries eliminated, this thanks to God's wisdom and success applied in Najadi's lawsuits.

For further background information to this unprecedented event achieved in a very short time:

Feb 17 2023 - 1 hr - Pascal interviewed by Maria Zee - https://rumble.com/v29vlue-pascal-najadi-worlds-first-criminal-case-lodged-in-switzerland-for-covid-an.html

March 29 2023 - 9 min. - Recommendations by Pascal - https://www.bitchute.com/video/KnMMfQORO9IB/ - Politico Phil says: "God love 'em! I did not know the Swiss had such a talent for understatement. Pascal comes right out and says because he was vaxxed he knows he has lost 20 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men.

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