I understand certain light intensities, and Electrical fields, can excite the jabbed, and those who are affected by Morgellons, to express the Fibers.

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+1 for the Picard meme 😃

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So it is possible to repair some damage, perhaps all the damage, given the knowledge & treatment protocols. Encouraging for the survivors of the 'gene therapy,' very encouraging.

We should be financing this research, but instead are finding ways to minimize it, while maximizing the bioweapon. Such is the function of government.

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No Edwin. The damage is permanent and irreversible.

Sure there is palliative treatment for anything! Ie stage 4 pancreatic cancer

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Depends upon what symptoms you're having and what's been damaged.

The Neuroweapon Injections targeted physiological systems most important

to propegate life and critical thinking.

They're about depopulation/murder, sterilization/stillbirths, neurology/hypocampus.

There is protocol available for ongoing treatment with detox and there is a way to protect the

brain; specifically the hypocampus.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea's Protocol is the best found for the whole body dealing with overall anatomy.

Dr. Michael H Nehls, MD, PhD wrote a book entitled, "The Indoctrinated Brain." He is a Researcher out of Germany and has up-to-date research documenting his recent discovery pertaining to the Hypocampus as the part of the Central Nervous System; the Brain, especially targeted by these Neuroweapons for destruction with a suite of both psychological and Ai/ Quantumweapons based in Synthetic Biology to parallel our Neurological Systems.

All now occuring is creating and maintaining extraordinary STRESS, CONFUSION, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY FROM ALL THE TERROR PORN inherent to their False Flag Operations, Propaganda, Outright Lies, threats, Geo-Engineering of the Environment with both HAARP and Contaminents to pollute the air; thus also the water, food and all on Earth. In this current year; these technologies have been escalated under the pretext of their environmental cult based in paganism once known as 'The Earth Mother' which is now camouflaged with the definition of "Climate Change'.

He claims this happened concurrent with the NULLIFICATION of Constitutions of the Western Nations and especially the U.S. with SUSPENSION of all Unalienable Rights displayed by escalating CENSORSHIP, SURVEILLANCE, PROPAGANDA as well as ISOLATION activated via 'MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW' camouflaged as the definitions of 'Lockdowns', Masks and Social Distancing (All were designed to isolate and prompt/nudge obedience or the maintenance of obedience). All removes the ability of the Hypocampus to regenerate the neurological cells necessary for normal learning from day to day and the ability for critical thinking. Intelligent people DO NOT MAKE GOOD SLAVES. The Criminals Against Humanity now creating an Extinction Event of all DNA on the Planet prefer all humans as their OWNED 'Human Cattle Herd' as they were before the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Revolution and Constitution.

The treatment for the Brain includes a lot Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Exercize, Sleep, Human Social Contact, and the Supplementation already documented in any number of protocols for the body. He advises the ADDITION OF A SINGLE MG OF LITHIUM to protect the Hypocampi (there are two, one for each hemisphere) of the Brain which can be purchased over the counter. A therapeutic level of Lithium far exceeds ONE SINGLE MILLIGRAM...By a thousand times for the person suffering Psychosis receiving oral treatment. One single mg. of Lithium is all necessary to end the attack upon the brain's hypocampi by ending the negative destruction of the brain with the body's own cycles to deal with never ending stress it was never designed to deal with.

Advise anybody to read the book...Fascinating. Find it odd how even Alternate News Sources don't report his findings.

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The jab can have the both negative and deadly issues. The dna splicing in and the nano particle tech. And additionally the placebo saline shot marked for VIPs and those that they could not have all falling down dead and maimed ie US NAVY Football Team etc.

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There most definitely was a SARS-CoV-2 virus and to claim otherwise is pretty stupid. The origination of that virus and the plans used to supposedly deal with it are an entirely different matter.

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Right. The no virus fraud appears to be chaos agency. It was a bio-engineered agent designed to harm, which it did to many people albeit less severe than predicted thankfully.

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Where do you get your virus DNA sequencing map identifiers from of the virus you are referring to?

If you have the sequencing please provide for this " bio-engineered agent" .

Just like a particular car or building, there is a set of blue prints. Where are they? Who provided them? If it exists, this " bio- engineered virus" so do the blue prints.

Without this proof of existence you are blowing hot air right?

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Yes Purple, there seem to be viruses every year from the beginning of time. We can give them all kinds of names. We do need to isolate them, ID ( sequence ) them, and then infect with them ( to humans? who volunteers(ed)) to prove a virus though. Standard procedure for proof which is necessary in reality science.

Reality Science may be a new sub specialty of Science moving forward since Fraudci and friends have done a fairly good job of falsifying and spinning. I want to say something about history of Italians, Mafia, slime and dishonesty within the culture but I better not here. Read the history books. It is fairly well known for the insiders at NIH.

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