Bhakdi was a prophet on this. He said with one or two shots, you had a chance at immune recovery. Three would be lethal. I've seen this in people developing new turbocancers and those thought cured who relapsed with a vengeance.

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Unless shot 1 or 2 was from a "hot" lot.

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Even then.

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Still very early days.

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Agree Green Hornet 🎯

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I’ll never forget him crying in anguish on video with his warnings so early on!

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Fascinating. It remains to be seen. I think heart disease has long since been normalized, like diabetes. They are no more interesting than the idea that you need to wash the dirty dishes. The best you can get is a shrug of the shoulders and and an "Oh Sorry," but there is no awareness that both are eminently preventable and mostly reversible with diet and lifestyle. Pharma gets rich on treating them and helping the patients to an early grave while selling them ever more medications. Many cancers can at least be managed or reduced by diet and lifestyle, but these may not be such. But, Cancer is still treated with respect. Ergo, this issue may get some more attention. Remains to be seen.

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It was not so long ago (maybe 150 yrs.) when doctors did not even know the heart could cause death. It just did not happen, people died of other things. No heart attacks, yet as you say, we don't even blink today.

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One wonders when it will be recognized that, Covid being engineered at great cost, the expense of offshoring the work and to keep it secret (after being made illegal in the US), it was engineered FOR A REASON, and, smart ppl having made it, that it is acting EXACTLY AS DESIGNED.

Why today, even those docs & scientists courageous enough to say excess deaths are due to the (also manmade, also designed for a reason, also working as designed) vax, refuse to accept that all of this is as-planned, baffles thinking people.

Either these gene-splicers are stupid... or we are experiencing what they designed this crap to make us experience. No logical third option exists...

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Sasha Latypova here on substack (Due Diligence and Art) claims that it’s impossible to create a virus in a lab, or anything ‘living’ thing that can go out in the world and kill or maim people. Her most recent substack has more on this. She makes a lot of sense to me - these evil people are lying, about ‘viruses’ and lab leaks in order to frighten the world into taking ‘vaccines’. Ms Latypova is very knowledgeable and worth reading.

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Amen. You are the carbon they want to get rid of. You parasite you! How DARE you consume the resources that THEY need?

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VA still pushing the covid shots on US veterans.

Even after safety signals were triggered at the VA 6 months after the shot roll out.

Should we call it genocide?


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Uk msm stating cancer death rates are going to skyrocket 50% by 2050!! Wonder how they know!!?🤔

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Pfizer just aquired Seagen, who make genetic cancer 'treatments' for 43 billion. Seagen have a current revenue of just 2 billion, and no blockbusters in the pipeline. Yet, Bourla insists it will quickly become very profitable for Pfizer.

And we all know they won't work, if I had to guess it will dispatch them quicker. Since they aren't lasting all that long after diagnosis (many die before 'treatment' begins), that could be a problem for Pfizer's bottom line.

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Time is now very short ... years of talking ... years of suppression of the truth ... years of suppressed inquiry and stonewalling tactics ... 2024 is the year they give us Acts II & III of their 'endgame' ...


It's not going to be a good year for 'goldfish'


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Very, very concerning.

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Covid vaccines systemically degrade the human immune system, leading to what is broadly called Immnune Deficiency Syndrome and the rise of all kinds of terminal ailments. Cancers are but one outcome.

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And they literally switch off the pathway that allows apoptosis.😐😐🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Which leads to cancer!

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Long-term fasting cycles.

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Starting to make me think that's what AIDS was a test run for.

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All going according to their depopulation plan!!! The Parasite Class, The Cabal are not alarmed one bit; they are not shocked one bit; they are non-plussed about it at the least and excited about it at most!!! They pulled off the greatest propagandemic in human history telling the populace that a novel Corona virus jumped from a bat/pangolin, bought in a wet market in Wuhan, China, when eaten by a person that mutated to be able to infect more humans and spread around the world starting in Wuhan then jumping to Italy, we were told because so many Chinese like to vacation in Italy, then to Iran, again we were told because military people from Wuhan, China went to Iran, and then finally broke out in the United States because we did not stop flights from China to the USA soon enough... all with a background story fomented that there is a bioweapons lab in Wuhan, that we were told the novel Corona Virus could not have escaped from, that works on Novel Corona Viruses so we would put 2 + 2 together and say, “oh my god, it really came from that bioweapons lab and not from someone eating a bat/pangolin in a wet market... “

See how stupid that all sounds when you lay it all out in hindsight!!!

I believe, like many others, this is all a cover for the roll out of 5G/6G/7G etc. and what really caused these outbreaks were 5 G being rolled out in Wuhan, Italy and Tehran which coincided exactly with the supposed virus outbreaks in these areas!!! I believe it is also the 5-7G that is causing these turbo cancers although I can see that the mandated vaccines might be equally to blame or at least causing a synergistic effect to cause these turbo cancers to develop like we have never seen before!!!

Back to the depopulation agenda!!! The Cabal has explicitly stated they want to reduce the world population by at a minimum of a couple of billion, so from 8 Billion down to 5/6 Billion, and possibly down to what was printed on The Georgia Guide Stones as a 500 Million people limit being necessary to allow Mother Earth to heal from damage we have done to her and for a sustainable earth population!!! So why does any of this surprise you all???

This is a perfect storm they have created in multiple ways my friends; with the fear porn alone possibly being to me their most insidious part of their plot! Keep us so scared, fearful and angry of what they did, how they did it, who was involved in it, like Doctors/Nurses/Scientists we thought we could trust, and when they will do it to us again and how they will do it in the future!!!

I try to stay vigilant and informed without being fearful and consumed by all the fear porn drivel they pump out 24/7!!! I know their plan, know to tell them to fuck if to anything they say to do, take or be a part of and spend time on me, my wife, family and friends!!! I want to send out all the love, light, wonderful thoughts and blessings I can to all of you all!!!

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Michael, I’m not insinuating criticism, but how have you come to this depopulation conclusion? My best guess is depopulation too. It’s that one plausible hypothesis, that seems to simply explain all of the wilful blindness of the so called experts.

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How do you mean; that the concept is so awful, the experts cannot conceive of it?

What will they do when they realise (as the vast majority must have by now) that the institutions they trust, and have trusted for decades, have shafted them?

There's gotta be a tipping-point, and we've gotta be close.

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Keep in mind that Pfizer just purchased a cancer drug company....

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👍😉💯👏👏👏👏 it's good to be Pfizer 😉🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😤😤😤😤

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They Got ‘Nuthin.

Nothing We Can’t See Through.

Nothing We Can’t Handle.


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So, to extrapolate regarding the (seemingly most obvious) motive; i.e. to cull the herd, to reduce the population as per the Georgia Guide-stones fame, the question arises: What will YOU do, when the men in "white" come knocking from house to house, administering their kill shots? So far, this has not been mandated to this degree, but are we to think otherwise?

Will Satan's lust for death, disease and the near destruction of humanity ever be appeased? I suggest not. But he must be eliminated via the Hand of God, for nothing else will suffice. The same applies to all who have willingly joined his ranks in this horrible campaign, preempting the "new world order."

As for me, and my house, we will trust the Lord Jesus Christ, and pray that we fail not in our faithful duty to broadcast the Truth as it is in His Word, regardless of temporal circumstances.

No small order but certainly worth all the effort we can put forth. After all, wouldn't it be better to be recognized as part of the solution, rather than part of the problem?


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What? The war on cancer over the last 50 years has resulted in an escalation of cancer instead of ridding the world of cancer? Well guess what? There will never be any cancer cures from the modern stone age medial mafia and their masters, big pharma, because that will shut of the bulging cancer drug profits.

This is part of the plan. If you are not murdered outright by mRNA poisons, you will become desperately ill and diseased with things like cancer. You will not seek true natural cures, but run to the stone age medical community which will not cure you, but kill you as they rape your wealth.

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So will transfection agents posing as vaccines ever be pulled off the market?

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