What is being done to humanity is being done on purpose, they want people to die and they don't care how they just have to die. The world's too populated don't you know, we are all useless eaters, so cancer is now how the demons will make more billions, they give you the disease then they claim to have to cure. God I wish this insanity would stop, Im 72 and wont probably be around for the worst of it but I have a kid, a granddaughter and a great granddaughter who will surely have to live in this absolutely fucked up world to come.

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Yeah and my niece and nephew are being “guided” by my “decorated science teacher” sister who teaches them to trust everything blindly. I hate our species.

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My sister was a teacher for years, she's now retied but works at her daughters school in the library where they have those books on porn, she went from a normal thinking person to a weirdo, I can't believe how a 73 year old can agree with the crap going on in schools today.

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Stunning, isn't it?

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you got that right.

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Have a look at my comments just issued, and watch the videos I linked.. They'll take you about half an hour. There's your analysis of what's going on... 🤔

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“Progressing” into an evil clown show. Good times.

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I hear you Hannah. Stay close to Jesus and encourage your kids and grandkids to embrace Jesus as well! And the Spirit of the resurrected Jesus still heals!

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They care. They’re intent on reducing the cost of the elderly by killing them off.

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Best decision my wife & I and our adult kids ever made was to not get the death injection. I worked at the time for a VA healthcare intermediary CEO’d by a doc. We went to work-from-home immediately and for two years and NEVER had a mandate to get juiced even when returning to the office.

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Prof. Dalgleish concludes by asking:

"Do these people not read the literature, or are they just plain stupid or just not care?"

There is a 4th possibility:

Now that the evidence he presents is both available and incontrovertible, the exposure to the heightened risk of cancer and death is intentional.

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Bring this to your jab happy Rockefeller based pharmacy. Put them on a checklist. Tell them actions can have consequences.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

My local pharmacy actually had the nerve to enclose a corporate-produced checklist in the bag with my son's medication, suggesting, based upon his age, several vaccinations the pharmacy believed he may "need" which they could administer (at a folding chair behind a screen at their checkout).

We were expected to return the form, advising the pharmacy of my son's vaccination history! I was appalled and said so, suggesting it was an invasion of privacy. In response, the woman said they would keep asking until we responded. I made a complaint and the pharmacy stopped using the form.

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Good on you! This is part of a push imo for a nationalized database. It's amazing how many states are already harvesting this info.

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I went to a supposed holistic urologist and had to look at a Phizer ad continually while I waited (it was on a screen)... I was given a prescription (without checking my heart) that had a side effect of irregular heartbeat. SMH! Took me forever to get them not to call/text... I had let them know I wasn't going to go with the treatment plan. Still, they badgered me. Disgusting

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Have a look at my comments to this post above... 🙄 Here's the relevant videos:

💣 "Is an American Caesar INEVITABLE?" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Ioab3s1Cs

💣 "Outrageous" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd99uVOMWEk

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My thought exactly.

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The evidence is available if you search for it, but it is not widely reported for the public to 'get it.'

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Yes it has to be… all the data from early trials showed this concoction was altering the immune system but to put in SV40 an oncogene promoter and leave dna plasmids in shows the evil intent.. like putting ground glass into baby food..

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Truly disgusting satanic evil NWO will do anything & everything to enforce their depopulation agenda on billions of us “useless eaters”.

The proof that the evil NWO tyrants are in control of the world is that none of them are being held accountable for the massive murder they have perpetrated on the world?!?

Bill Gates, Fauci, Big Pharma, Hospitals & Doctors who all got rich & paid bonuses to push the poisonous jabs, they should all already be in prison?!?

Instead they are STILL pushing the death jabs & putting it in our food & in future jabs!

Evil is in control & we need a miracle from God to stop them because they are in control of almost all governments & military & injustice systems worldwide???


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"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."

-- Arthur Koestler

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Actually God didn’t leave the phone off the hook, He warned us ahead of time what satan would do & that “Christians” today are the ones who have left the phone off the hook with God & walked away?

God works through His children on earth & He does still work miracles today through His true followers, unfortunately so many of us, myself included, are not as close to Him as we should be.

I believe the Rapture is close & after that things will really get bad.

Praying for revival worldwide.


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We have the control, but we are not using it. Most parents shot up their kids. They didn't have to. Pregnant women don't HAVE to take the shots, yet many do. The compliance reinforces the lie and the destruction, non-compliance would be the scissors to cut the puppet strings.

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I & my children & grandchildren & most of my family & friends refused the jab & masks & resisted everything we could, unfortunately I think the NWO Tyrants have already taken over our militaries in most nations & that gives them the ability to suicide anyone they want, including so many whistleblowers that have come forward???

Or anyone they fear may reveal the evil truth about them, like Epstein, Seth Rich & so many others.

Also when potential whistleblowers see other whistleblowers get suicided it causes them to keep quiet?

Also I wonder how many people in our government have been threatened to keep quiet or they will kill one of their loved ones?

We know there are SO MANY evil rabbit holes of things that stink to high Heaven yet our Injustice System is not investigating, instead our Injustice System is focusing on punishing conservatives who peacefully protested at the capitol, while they allow illegals & terrorists to actually get away with violent crimes every day in our country?

I will never give up or stop resisting but how do we overcome stolen elections by the WEF NWO Tyrants?

Because if we can’t stop that then we have lost our country, and we KNOW the 2020 election was stolen & it can be proven but the Supreme Court denied hearing all the evidence?!

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The great threat now is the WHO amendments, if we agree, everyone will be enslaved in one way or another.

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Yes that is true!

But the biggest evil is the digital currency bill the NWO Tyrants want, because with it they can control everyone’s money, including completely cutting people off from accessing their money UNLESS we do whatever they say… including whatever jab the WHO tells us we must take.

The unholy trinity = WEF, UN & WHO.

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CBDC's need to have privacy laws attached, otherwise as you said it will become a social credit system.

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I don’t trust any “privacy” laws they pass, which they probably will do that at first to get everyone to accept them, then they will continue to pass new laws taking away any privacy they promised.

With the CBDC we have NO privacy & it gives them COMPLETE control.

Just as is predicted in the Bible:

“No one will be able to buy or sell anything without the Mark of the Beast on their forehead or hand”.

After they force us to accept their CBDC power grab, eventually they will use the excuse that hackers can access our accounts so they want everyone to put a “mark” (tattoo or chip?) in their right hand or forehead which can be scanned at stores or by our cellphones?

They have already been making computer chips like these for some companies & their employees who volunteered to take them.

Of course I compare everything to the Bible because of my personal Spiritual belief that it is God’s Word.

I realize everyone has their own beliefs, but so far in my humble opinion the Bible’s accuracy is 100% when interpreted accurately.


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Because our governments have stolen all the SS & Medicare money we paid into it our entire adult lives, our governments do not want to pay it back when we retire or get disabled?!

The NWO tyrants miss-use our tax money & launder it through “charities” back into their own offshore accounts.

So they want to kill off first all the elderly so they can keep our money.

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Here is an interesting theory in this:


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When you combine these ingredients, with the effects of the increase in igG4 antibodies produced by the jab, the outcome is inevitable. Would explain why they push boosters. Each injection destroys your immune systems ability to detect and fight any infection or disease. Most likely by booster #4 it's a done deal.

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Boosters for a virus iteration that is gone.

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Agreed. These variants mutate faster than bunnies have babies.

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And, pharma can never catch up with their dangerous and ineffective clot shots.

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Just read Dr. Dalgleish's article, and accompanying comments. There are two videos amazingly on YouTube I watched yesterday that bear directly on this situation, and are closely related, although I imagine the two authors are likely unaware of each other... 🤔

The first is from "Black Pigeon Speaks" talking about our political situation in The West with reference to Oswald Spengler's "The Decline of the West", first published in 1918 and now it would seem, coming to fruition:

💣 "Is an American Caesar INEVITABLE?" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Ioab3s1Cs

The second is by Dr. John Campbell PhD, relating British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen's speech to an almost empty House of Commons of the nature of the crimes committed with The Covid Scamdemic and subsequent fraudulent Lethal Injections. When the crowd in the public gallery began to cheer, the speaker of the House of Commons coldly announced she would clear the gallery out!

Good thing I wasn't there, or I'd have found a way to gain access to the house and punched the stupid bitch out.

💣 "Outrageous" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd99uVOMWEk

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So many drank unquestioningly from the poisoned chalice!

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From one Angus to another - excellent article and thank you so much for your work!

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This is Pure Demonic. The demonic so called leaders of our countries hate us. They do not want the aged to collet pensions, which they paid into all their lives. Most of the young believe in nothing, but believe in utter bs. These useless grandstanders and spoiled idiots will be the vanguard of the feudal lords. When the trust funds have been stolen and stupid mom and dad are not there to hold their hands and bail them out it will dawn on them, but too late. Let them enjoy the fruits of their greed arrogance and superiority and hopefully they will repent.

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thank you

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For anyone interested a recent interview of Prof Dalgleish on Hearts of Oak Rumble sums up his timeline through Covid and makes some interesting observations…47 mins long…


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Biological weapon.

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Glad I never got Covid shots.

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