Her first tweet is, "I'm vaccinated" First & foremost the concern is about herself. Which is typical that these types of individuals have the inability to look beyond themselves and put the dots together for the betterment of society. Lack of critical thinking. Not until it hits them in the face and even then, may not happen. Better late than never? I like that except we are nearing the 'too late' phase with many that will eventually see to it we go to concentration camps or death.

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The woke are starting to awake.

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All these people need to take ‘truth bombs’, and listen and listen, sit up, wake up and SPEAK OUT about ALL the 💉deaths and 💉injuries from these 💉planned poison depopulate 💉.

I learned yesterday my beloved soon to be 21 year old granddaughter who is studying Midwifery here in Queensland, is quite ill with ‘unexplained’ symptoms, she’s been 💉💉💉, because of her Uni’s insistence, even though I tried to warn her, (as I have all my family, but I’m the 😤crazy one to them). I’ve been 🙏❤️for her, and trying to get her to top up on C, D3, Zinc etc, but she and her Mother tell me ‘they don’t like taking that rot’, whereas, I’ve responded by saying….

But you had the 💉, without hesitation from your Drs orders!!!!! Please God Help Us All in this Insanity of 💉🦠Death ( not Health Drs) Dramas that the evils have been allowed to filter our existence. And Amen. 🙌❤️🙏🌟

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At least she is honest, although for a person claiming to be literate and having access to a networked computer, "i did not know" is a lame excuse.

I blame the m.d's who knew all the time and are still pushing poison in people for financial gain.

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No, Ramsha, Covid is not “equally dangerous” (compared to the experimental mRNA injectable biologic) for a perfectly healthy 30 year old. Your ignorance is showing.

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As usual a massive amount of deaths has too take place before the charlatan's are exposed. These ignorant people have so much trust in government they need a series of face slaps and body slams before they can process the truth.

Reminds me of the period of Noah as people were banging on the sealed doors. Too late.

This journalist will now have too suffer through endless funerals as friends and family die or become Incapacitated. Worse yet she develops a problem. Oh well, being a pure blood will offer us lots of opportunities going forward.

I heard it explained once that only 10% of ones decisions lead to 100% of their happiness.

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May 8, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This "journalist" is obviously still committed to the plandemic narrative. She won't be awake until she stops pushing the "covid is dangerous" propaganda.

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May 8, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

It is sad her friend died, but it's also sad that many ignore the data until it hits them in the face. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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May 8, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

The real problem is the prohibition of inquiry. That alone should be a huge red flag for even the most committed leftists. That suppression of investigation and even discussion of anything that undermines the orthodoxy will make the medical mafia look as despicable as middle ages catholics suppressing Galileo and other scientists. The prohibitions indicate the medical authorities know their dictates are wrong but have financial or political objectives that requires suppression of heresy. Whether the whole scheme is some sort of master plan by some evil genius remains to be determined, but is probably well beyond the capabilities of any of the usual suspects. This episode was almost certainly a financial and political scam that turned out to be more successful than the perpetrators imagined. If civilization is to remain functional, it's essential that those who instigated or supported the deaths of millions and enormous global financial destruction be severely punished. But those who press theories of grand plans are a distraction that makes them look like kooks. Stick to the facts. They will inevitably lead to the right outcomes.

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May 8, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Lord, my constant prayer is that you allow honest, qualified doctors to speak freely throughout the world, regarding safe, affordable, remedies and that these medicines are promoted and available everywhere. Additionally, I pray for the end of all "fake, evil agendas" associated with this current "bovid scamdemic"! Amen

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Just two years too late to the party.

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May 8, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

“I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.”

— John Newton

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How many ‘dead friends’ does it take to realize the jabs are destructive?

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May 8, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This is all part of the master plan of The Great Reset Globalists. Depopulation is their goal and they have said it in public, WAKE UP!

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I would point to her and say, "blind faith doesn't work out too often". She ought to bear some responsibility for all hose she encouraged.

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There are no "side effects." The lethal injections work EXACTLY as intended.

There are no "vaccines." In the last 100 years, Germ Theory gave birth to hundreds of invented diseases, because it cannot be used for diagnosis. How can you diagnose a "virus" that has not been isolated? How can you prepare a "vaccine" for something you cannot diagnose? Virology, along with much of the currently-enforced Rockefellerian "Medicine," is a scam.

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