Total control over the monopoly money. Never forget, this CBDC scheme will only work if there is zero competition. In a free market, no one would accept it.

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I didn't understand the point of Bitcoin when I first heard about it.

If Bitcoin was an alternative to CBDC, then I very much understand it.

I doubt they'd let them get away with it.

I mean -- people will barter with sea shells before "Oh, I have to eat maggots again because I used up my yearly meat allowance on last week's balogna sandwich."

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BTC was created by the NSA. ETH is a CCP product. There was a paper written by NSA personnel perfectly describing what eventually became BTC. Even the issuing process follows the law. This is in fact the biggest tell for NSA creation of BTC, no software engineer I know would design such a terrible energy sucking scheme. BTC uses more electricity than the country of Argentina, it's sinful the amount of waste. But it's legal and the mining scheme was probably designed with input from US treasury attorneys.

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I am not a software engineer, so forgive my naive question.

Could you program a sort of Bitcoin that did not use so much energy?

Why the energy drain?

And what an argument against CBDC! It wastes electricity and contributes to climate change!

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Yes, you could easily process all of bitcoin's transactions using a form of consensus with no more than a few hundred watts of power. However, that model is not as "decentralized", meaning it's easier for authorities to lay hands on the people deciding which are valid transactions. CBDC will not be anything like BTC, it's a centralized ledger, with every transaction approved by the central bank. BTC was attractive because of the freedom and lack of registration and it was created to get people excited about digital currencies. Nothing gets people more excited than if they make money, of course, which was the purpose.

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So the power drain of Bitcoin is due to keeping it anonymous so the PTB can not stop you spending how you like.

An exchange for something exceedingly necessary.

I guess they'll rip it out by the roots when they're ready.

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No, it's to make it "legal" by distributing the approvers and doing it by chance like a lottery. BTC is not anonymous, all the mining rigs are sitting in data centers and people know where they are. The blockchain itself has thousands of trap nodes that know where every transaction came from and goes to. People using VPN's are completely tracked, some VPN's are owned by the FBI and security agencies! And yes, it's guaranteed to be a rug pull when they decide to "pull it"!

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Undoubtedly, especially since Biden just "conveniently" canceled .... what was it, LPN? As a retalliation against Texas daring to defend their own border... and justified it with "Climate Change."

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THANK YOU for sharing those links! Great stuff. I’ve been trying to convince my 16 yr old daughter the reality of the CC narrative. It’s becoming very difficult to not believe humanity is DOOMED.

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Thanks for sharing that!

The only problem that CBDC solve is absolute control.

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I wonder how they slipped up and let an actual human being into the Federal Reserve system?

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They didn't. He is the controlled counter narrative: https://youtu.be/Mk49Qf7oh_4 [12:57]

His name is Kashkari: Cash Kamikaze/hari-kari

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Hell on earth is coming with CBDCs, here's how: https://bitchute.com/video/C8Dm3BjdJm14 [15:07mins]

Summary: They will deliberately crash the system and force you to swap your bank balance for CBDCs as the only way to save it. Cash will be outlawed, you'll have a window to redeem it. Eventually they will start tightening the noose. Want to buy meat? You can't. Because climate change. Want to leave your city? Can't your money won't work outside of it because of that darn climate change. Said something mean to someone online? Your CBDC wallet has been deducted 50 credits and your social credit score has fallen. You will become their slave. Do not comply.

Here they are admitting this out loud:

"A key difference with the CBDC [and cash] is the central bank will have _absolute control_ on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability--and we will have the technology to enforce that" -BIS Chief Agustin Carstens https://bitchute.com/video/mLVkHURKZp3S [56seconds]

ECB Head Legarde: CBDC Will Grant Us A Limited Amount of Control, Cash Transactions Above €1000 Illegal, small transactions below 400 euros we might choose not to control: https://bitchute.com/video/kuzkLnoAm3kY [54 seconds]

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It will be interesting to see how Mexican Drug Cartels are going to react to a CBDC that gets ushered in. Will drug dealers take Digital Currency on a blockchain with a device and give up their physical currency? Drug Cartels and corrupt politicians love their cash (bribes-Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey) more than anyone, but I am not sure how that will work!

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Interesting thought. My guess is that they'll have to move into gold and silver or an equivalent. If all goes according to plan by the time they are done with it, the dollar will be toast, so cash won't be worth anything anyway. Out job as the stewards of our own freedom is to prevent all of this.

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I agree; I will say if the government's CBDC blockchain is anything like the Obamacare website when it was launched, it will be a cluster, you know what. Even the politicians will be zeroed out!! It will operate and be about as functional as the "Potted Plant," hair-sniffing Pedo, who is called POTUS!!

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Maybe they’re in on it.

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I wouldn't put anything past the swamp scum in D.C. with the DemonRats and Repubturds!

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Haven’t been proud of most folks in my hometown, for quite a few years! But this statement & it’s honesty, is encouraging!

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Neel is the guy with Paulson that came up with $750 B bailout in 2008

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thank you

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Only Free Fools would be for that. They wouldn't be for it for very long if it were ever implemented here. Just say NO.

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I thought the Federal Reserve was owned by the Central Bankers.

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find, join, support you local Jural Assembly, soonest. www.orsja.org

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Don’t let it happen. It would be the last straw. End times.

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Examples please.

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Time for bartering and trading of goods and services

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"There it is."

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CBDC is only working if the power is on. Cash works in all instances. Do you really want the banks and the government to know about every dollar you spend? Do you really want them to be able to control your access to your money? All this digital crap, every last electron, is designed to put you in prison. You entire life is becoming a digital hell from which the only escape is death.

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Watch him change his tune when he gets the call.

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