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Sep 13, 2023
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The problem is how few will accept who the actual perpetrators are.

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Right you are, Doc Trozzi! Keep up the good fight. Our conference in Toronto last winter was fruitful!

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What else is hidden in those millions of pages we have yet to see?

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FDA approval is based on the 97% that didn't croak. That's how vaccine and drug approvals work. And it makes perfect sense, because those Deagel figures won't happen on their own.

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Thank-you for this post. I truly appreciate doctors and medical professions who questioned the narrative. I appreciate sound medical data so I can good decisions for myself and my family. As a Canadian, I am truly appalled by the medical and health censorship. I am saddened by the mistruths that are causing division in this country.

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You have joined a growing minority

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I agree. Pfizer’s own documents showed how deadly the jabs were and instead of removing them we are still being told how safe they are. Meanwhile the body count continues to go up. I think that document is the smoking gun that shows that there is intent to do harm just like so many people have been saying. Now if we can only find a court that will take the case.

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The Judicial system in the US is corrupt and long gone. No judge will dare stand against the cabal. It would mean the death sentence

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Not only that, but the PREP or the CARES acts made it so neither the courts or congress can do their jobs and reign in big pharma.

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Here you go ... 32 week pregnant woman , placental abruption today, history of 2 jabs last year and tested positive Covid today and delivered , stat c-section , 2 units blood. Baby band mom are stable . It’s a Bioweapon.

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"It’s a Bioweapon."

And we really can't say that enough. Over and over - like 'safe and effective' only this will be accurate.

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God help us!

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GOD bless you Dr. Trozzi - you are deeply appreciated ...

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Resheph, (Hebrew: “the Burner” or “the Ravager”) ancient West Semitic god of the plague and of the underworld, the companion of Anath, and the equivalent of the Babylonian god Nergal. He was also a war god and was thus represented as a bearded man brandishing an ax, holding a shield, and wearing a tall, pointed headdress with a goat’s or gazelle’s head on his forehead. Resheph was worshiped especially at Ras Shamra, Byblos, and Arsūf (later Apollonia, near modern Te


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I believe it is higher. Being a counselor, I wonder if whatever was put into these vaccines, is causing people to 'lose it and kill others'. I am seeing a trend.....I am also seeing children experience SI more often....

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Shocking, the trial didn't include anyone over 65, which makes these deaths more out of place.

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I guess they missed their mark with round one and are fine-tuning their weapons to be more effective.

Round two incoming this fall.

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"They" have a name.

And it begins with the letter J.

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Has Been

Practicing License Without A Medicine.


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Is now a good time to mention the fact Pfizer is owned by a Jew?

The "vaccine" developed by a Jew?

The CDC ran by a Jew?

The NIH ran by a Jesuit, which is to say a "Catholic Jew"?

How about the Jew media running the propaganda?

How about Jewgle censoring data?

How about Jewnose Cuckerberg and his Jewbook censoring the truth?

How about the Jew banks demanding lockdowns as conditions for loans? (Hint: foreclosures).

How about the fact the ACE-2 receptor that is targeted is only present in white and black populations, but NOT in Ashkenazi Jews (or the Amish, for some reason)?

How about the fact the Jewdog Mossad infiltrated the CDC and WHO years ago with the intent of making genetic bioweapons?

When we gonna take the blinders off, realize nearly every aspect of our lives from church to school to what we eat has all been corrupted by the foul Jew?


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