"Persecuted," it looks more like genocide to me, but perhaps things will calm down after the indigenous people are replaced at all positions of authority, including the Police and MP.

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The dictionary definition of "population replacement" is by design an inadequate replacement definition, it's true description is the primary reason the EU and UN were created by the Eugenicist Billionaire Banking Mafia.; "Cultural Genocide"

The term "Cultural Genocide" was stated multiple times in the terms of reference for an early UN study into which of the various forms of genocide best suited the Bankers Eugenics programs relating to the enslavement and culling of humanity in a Luciferian New World Order.

The Cultural Genocide being pushed on both the long standing populations and indigenous people of the West, fits undeniably into both the definition of Cultural Genocide and the crimes stated in the Nuremberg Code that call for the public executions of those party to this ongoing atrocity. The Banker's have falsely awarded themselves and their UN puppets fraudulent immunity to all their crimes, without any reasonable true justification and are therefore only protected by a legal fiction that has no standing in true Law.

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Romley knows how to beat them however you run the risk of death https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9p2BpgbHQ

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Your grasp of the reality like Gideon van Meijeren in this article has been a nightmare for poor parents when replaced by an "Administrative State" at the behest of local oligarchs. From my personal perspective God's Commandments are the true law, and in the United States, the U.S. Constitution is supposed to be the "Civil" law or "Law of the Land". When existing valid laws on or in the books becomes dead letter to the brain dead law enforcement officers, agents and institutions, one does not even need to venture beyond their own towns, counties or country's to see and know who the workers of these iniquities are. It's like a bloodsport for the corrupt to play in the perpetuated/perpetual hunger games because the operant conditioning Pavlovian training has become so entrenched and inured in the public psyche, that the natural defensive mechanism of denial is the only coping mechanism left to those who hate God and their neighbors.

Therefore repentance and believing the Gospel leads to Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus (a change of circumstances).

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UK leaving the EU has not stopped illegal immigrants coming here. Wasn't there some UN Treaty signed years back, with western countries obliged to take in so-called refugees?

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All UK Labour party Prime Ministers are members of the Fabian society. This plan (to destroy Western civilization) goes way beyond, and further back than the WEF, the European Union or the UN. I think these institutions are for us to direct our anger and frustration towards.....thinking something will happen, while our world is being destroyed.

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My "like" option is no more! Yes, the world plans go back a long time as I am discovering since my awakening mid 2020 and starting to learn.

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In their own words:

THE FABIAN SOCIETY - dedicated to bringing Communism by stealth to the UK since the 1880's

It is a heady moment. After 14 years of national decline,

Labour has returned to power. The prime minister and half

the Cabinet are Fabian members. Our values and ideas,

peppered through the manifesto, can at last become!reality.


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Those fleeing conflicts the criminals that corruptly control the Wests have inflicted on those communities with their entirely unlawful wars conducted by our terrorist governments.These contrived Wars intended to present them with multiple pathways profit, culminating in their murderous criminal intent to dominate humanity, including using the debt created to wage these wars to fraudulently bankrupt the West and take absolute control through the fictional Corporatisation of the all free people of this planet.

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This is nothing new. When the Europeans decided to take over North America the first thing they did was to destroy the culture and racial purity of the Native populations.

I am a blond haired, green eyed card-carrying citizen of a Native American Nation and looking at me you would never guess in a million years. And I'm NOT a rarity.

This is a tried and true strategy for a take-down. The Vikings did the same thing hundreds of years earlier all across Europe. Adios.

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Yes, but not Europeans but the tapeworm class decided to take over North America. They used the commoners to 'do the job'. Many of the ruling tapeworm class may have their roots in Europe, but their loyalty lies not with any specific region of the world because they regard the entire planet and it's inhabitants as theirs. The tapeworm only breeds within their own parasite class and quite frankly; it shows in their features.

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"tapeworm class" - astute descriptive term for what they are.

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All nations must resist one world government. Netherlands fight for sovereignty is our fight. Seek council with each one to stop the world takeover by globalists. Do not join UN, WHO. WEF or any organization seeking total control. Stop World Control.

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Great exposure however he didn’t mention the Kalergi plan.


The plan long in the making ties in nicely with the Prtocols of Zion


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"....he didn't mention the Kalergi plan." The Lioness of Judah wrote the article. Lioness is a she, not a "he".

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I was referring to the Dutch MP surprisingly not lioness who is a hero.

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Thanks for sharing this

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Strange how all the de-populationists never offer up themselves for execution. That tells you how they are all spineless, cowardly rats.

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Ponsie scheme people easily replaced.

European working class of the twentieth century still unmatched.

Three hundred and fifty years since Newton and a hundred and fifty since Maxwell and Boltzmann could they please up their game and build their own steam engine.

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Homogeneity cannot be maintained when NATO countries support so many wars creating immigrants escaping the hell these countries like the Netherlands inflicted on them. Collateral damage coming in human form to disrupt the “ cultural purity” of life in European Union countries is the price these countries must assume but no blame the victims - I am sure most immigrants would have preferred to stay in their own countries but this was not possible if they wished to remain alive.

War is hell - look at the consequences of war before engaging in it. No the hubris of leaders is that there is no honoring civilian populations or infrastructures to achieve their goals - mass immigration is the consequence and the UN does not sanction these war-mongers but supports them. There is no such thing as justice for the common men - life is hell in the 21st century due to never ending wars and destruction.

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The Netherlands is only one of the countries in their sites.They are doing the same thing in many countries.In Canada our own government is actively trying to do the same things here in any and all ways possible all in plain view of the purposely blind citizens.Being Canadian myself it’s incredibly hard to watch.I don’t see how they’ll be stopped when the people are afraid to see.

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It seems like replacement and destruction of the culture IS the agenda in many European countries, and in GB. This year is a tipping point in that regard, I predict.

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Brexit was a hoax, we are still in the parent organisation the CoE

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I presume you are meaning the Council of Europe and not the Church of England?

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Indeed, but in regard to the Church of England:

Why are male members of the royal family circumcised by a mohel?

Circumcision is common among male children in Jewish and Islamic communities, along with many African cultures, but it is rarely deemed medically necessary. Despite this, as many as 80% of men in Harry's new home in the USA have undergone the procedure.

The Jewish practice of Brit Milah is linked to the Book of Genesis’ commandment that  the biblical patriarch Abraham and his descendants be circumcised to symbolise the covenant between God and the Jewish people.


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I think it has more to do with upper class individuals being serviced by Jewish doctors who specialize in that. An extraordinarily high percentage of specialist doctors are Jewish.

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The EU is a puppet show designed to draw attention from it's political superior organisation based in Strasbourg CEDEX, the Council of Europe (CoE), they share the same flag and anthem, they are two wings of the same vulture ripping apart the culture and heritage of 46 CoE nation states.

Spend time investigating through the CoE website:


CoE was formed and financed in 1949 by Zionists and it is still controlled by Zionists.

Why do you think that Israel competes in European sporting competitions?

Strasbourg CEDEX is the Washington DC for the United States of Europe.

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In This Day and Age of Instant Communication how has this been allowed to fester and boil over … wait!

The USA still worships a druggie, thief and all round bad guy; It’s My Body!; we Don’t Sell Baby Parts; C’mon in The Waters Fine (Oh Brother)all yea Illegals; and Insurrection!

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