Election year "virus."

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Do viruses even exist? IF they can’t find the virus

The perfect enemy becomes a ghost a phantom.

Could Covid just be the vaxx poisoning of the spike protein that is now taking place?

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Covid is a bioweapon.

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Yes I agree not a virus tho.

But some poison that is in the vaxxines and also

Spread via water, chemtrails? Both

And now shedding of the vaxxed

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I noticed that people spent a huge amount of time arguing whether or not viruses exist.

Would always say don't waste your time arguing...it's a bioweapon.

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They have to keep up the fear

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Guts, it’s a shame we are not understanding the repercussions of the plandemic on us and the planet. There is a thing called toxic blk mold and biofilm that cause respiratory disease…I read an excellent article by a chemist on here. Start looking at other issues that may be the root cause…

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*Guys 🤦🏻‍♀️AI hating it.

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Who cares it’s China. Last time they faked some dude falling in China the entire planet of sheep freaked out! Screw China!

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I’ll give you the unknown cause! EMF from the 5g towers!

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All meds and syringes filled with toxins are made from the Chinese. And pumped into stupid American sheep! No wonder Americans are fat, dumb, getting maimed and dying post jab! Why tf would you listen to the scumbags trying to kill you!

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FUCK CHINA. #LevelTheCCP #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist #FuckUpsAndTraitorsInCharge

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Thank you, great round-up.

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beware the international health regulations check out citizengo.org also the james roguski substack for more information

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Can anyone believe anything that the CCP says or reports? Fairly certain that is “No”. Any deaths in China are likely due to and caused by the CCP. They hate their citizens worse than the usurper regime in the US.

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