Clearly Pfizer had every intention to "cook the books" and pretend to have done the requisite clinical trials. And we know the FDA was in their pocket. They were doing the work of the Gates and W.H.O. agenda, so they thought they would never be called out on anything.
There are many anons who have believed for a long time that Trump knew their evil plan, and had to find a way to counter it. What THEY wanted was the total Great Reset right then and there - ten years of worldwide lockdowns and pandemic fraud pushed by fear, lies and propaganda. The result would have been millions of deaths from suicide and medical malpractice, and a collapse of the supply chains and the economy, which is what the global regime wanted.
They would have accomplished their goal of world control. This was countered and prevented. But unfortunately, this led to exposing the full entire vaxx agenda, the depopulation agenda.
This has opened the eyes of many to the collusion of the DoD in the development of bioweapons in many labs, including those in Ukraine. And it has shown who the real criminals are who have committed crimes against humanity. It is these people who should be held accountable, with the ultimate punishment.
That is a coherent narrative and it is one possibility that Trump is a loyalist president. The question is, when Trump gets back into power and he is still pro-jab, pro-5G, and they are pushing the jab to cure cancer, and the jab to cure the side effects of the other jab, and Trump is using patriotic language to compel red necks to vaxx for the red, white, and blue, then will you understand that Trump is controlled opposition, or will you still not get it? All opposition to the current murderous enemy regime is being funneled into Trump. There is no one running against Trump on either side of the isle. Americans have never had less of a choice. What it comes down to is that the owners of the USA corporation set the policies just like every other corporation in the world. The voters have no impact on corporate policies of their government. The owners' policies are so cynical and murderous toward the population of the states that in my view the USA has violated our trust (when the DOD attacked us with bioweapons, after spending 20 years illegally developing them), voided all contracts, forfeited its constitutional duties and privileges, and is now trespassing on the lands that it formerly governed.
From the start, France's expert Corinne Cotton, an analyst specialized in tests on pharmaceutical products was interviewed quite a few times from the start of the rollout. She states that the results are completely non-legit and therefore fraudulant. She noticed all the processes that were not objective and rigorous as she was used analysing... She considers those results as paper rags and totally non-reliable.
France had a hand in the building of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The treachery of the French continues as Trudeau orders that those vaccine injured should be Euthanized. Many world leaders no doubt had a hand in the Depop Shot.
I totally agree. The few scientists that did cry out about the bad science applied in this period were plucked to the last feather in France. The policies during the lockdowns and rollout were horrible, even more so in my province, Quebec. Macron and Trudeau had the opportunity to openly transform into threatening dictators. The MAID regime in Canada is being pushed as a common "suggestion" in most health institutions or health ministry (don't apply for $ help on a wheelchair ramp for your home, bureaucrats will mention you qualify for MAID instead, really!). MAID slips right through as a human thing to do, adding insult to (vax) injury. Yes, they were all part of a depop agenda.
Not quite, John: psycho businessmen did: Canada is the largest "legit" organ harvester in the world. Add 1+1, and you get pristine organs from healthy young people with mental issues who succomb to the MAID push. Now, THIS is psycho.
When it comes to these deeply corrupt beaurocrats and heads of companies, can we even believe that the names we know them by are their real names? Money and power are their gods. They are in for a rude awakening when they realise that a shroud has no pockets.
Karen Kingston revealed in 2021 that once or if Pfizer was ever granted Full Use Authorization of the Depop Shot that they would be liable once human clinical study data showed 5 recipes for the Depop Shot. She mentioned that Pfizer would have only had a week to produce evidence if ever granted Full Use Authorization.
Brook's testimony is incredibly important. I realize I will be in the minority of opinion about what I'm about to say but this is what I think: whether one only accepts the idea that these shots were OTA, these clinical trials and FDA were an essential part of this entire fraud and operation.
Had the FDA been out of the fraud loop (instead of in on the whole thing) they would have told the public that these shots are the property of the DOD and they cannot speak to whether they are safe and effective. They would have clearly stated they have nothing to say one way or another about them to both the US public and other nation's regulatory bodies. Instead, they lied to both the US public and other regulatory bodies, saying they did have authority to declare them safe and effective after "trialing them".
If you think about creating enthusiasm for these shots and then eventually mandating them, it is obvious that people are not going to be really delighted to take shots from the DOD which can't guarantee anything about ingredients, efficacy or safety under OTA. This would not have made it past most of our population, certainly not past the judiciary and not other nation's regulatory agencies, because they too would have to tell their public--"sorry chumps, this is a DOD product and you are on your own pal!"
The Clinical Trials and rubber stamp of "safe and effective" by the FDA were necessary to get the public on board and provide cover to other agencies and for mandates. These trials were necessary for the fraud to work. They don't have to be genuine, they just have to be presented as genuine to make the whole scam work. OTA isn't going to make this scam work. The governments would have had to use raw force to get people to use OTA products. What governments did instead was take cover under FDA and other regulatory bodies. That is how this worked without using brute force on the people.
It is ridiculous, you don't do 'clinical trials' on a BIOWEAPON, which you certainly didn't 'cut corners' on, absurdities becoming atrocities, that's what it is.
Clearly Pfizer had every intention to "cook the books" and pretend to have done the requisite clinical trials. And we know the FDA was in their pocket. They were doing the work of the Gates and W.H.O. agenda, so they thought they would never be called out on anything.
There are many anons who have believed for a long time that Trump knew their evil plan, and had to find a way to counter it. What THEY wanted was the total Great Reset right then and there - ten years of worldwide lockdowns and pandemic fraud pushed by fear, lies and propaganda. The result would have been millions of deaths from suicide and medical malpractice, and a collapse of the supply chains and the economy, which is what the global regime wanted.
They would have accomplished their goal of world control. This was countered and prevented. But unfortunately, this led to exposing the full entire vaxx agenda, the depopulation agenda.
This has opened the eyes of many to the collusion of the DoD in the development of bioweapons in many labs, including those in Ukraine. And it has shown who the real criminals are who have committed crimes against humanity. It is these people who should be held accountable, with the ultimate punishment.
That is a coherent narrative and it is one possibility that Trump is a loyalist president. The question is, when Trump gets back into power and he is still pro-jab, pro-5G, and they are pushing the jab to cure cancer, and the jab to cure the side effects of the other jab, and Trump is using patriotic language to compel red necks to vaxx for the red, white, and blue, then will you understand that Trump is controlled opposition, or will you still not get it? All opposition to the current murderous enemy regime is being funneled into Trump. There is no one running against Trump on either side of the isle. Americans have never had less of a choice. What it comes down to is that the owners of the USA corporation set the policies just like every other corporation in the world. The voters have no impact on corporate policies of their government. The owners' policies are so cynical and murderous toward the population of the states that in my view the USA has violated our trust (when the DOD attacked us with bioweapons, after spending 20 years illegally developing them), voided all contracts, forfeited its constitutional duties and privileges, and is now trespassing on the lands that it formerly governed.
From the start, France's expert Corinne Cotton, an analyst specialized in tests on pharmaceutical products was interviewed quite a few times from the start of the rollout. She states that the results are completely non-legit and therefore fraudulant. She noticed all the processes that were not objective and rigorous as she was used analysing... She considers those results as paper rags and totally non-reliable.
France had a hand in the building of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The treachery of the French continues as Trudeau orders that those vaccine injured should be Euthanized. Many world leaders no doubt had a hand in the Depop Shot.
I totally agree. The few scientists that did cry out about the bad science applied in this period were plucked to the last feather in France. The policies during the lockdowns and rollout were horrible, even more so in my province, Quebec. Macron and Trudeau had the opportunity to openly transform into threatening dictators. The MAID regime in Canada is being pushed as a common "suggestion" in most health institutions or health ministry (don't apply for $ help on a wheelchair ramp for your home, bureaucrats will mention you qualify for MAID instead, really!). MAID slips right through as a human thing to do, adding insult to (vax) injury. Yes, they were all part of a depop agenda.
Pure psychos came up with that policy.
Not quite, John: psycho businessmen did: Canada is the largest "legit" organ harvester in the world. Add 1+1, and you get pristine organs from healthy young people with mental issues who succomb to the MAID push. Now, THIS is psycho.
MAID sounds a lot like MADE as in Mafia. In order to be MADE, a recruit in the Mafia would have to kill someone. A bit ironic.
LOL!!!! - Now I feel guilty I chuckled at that!! great analogy!
When it comes to these deeply corrupt beaurocrats and heads of companies, can we even believe that the names we know them by are their real names? Money and power are their gods. They are in for a rude awakening when they realise that a shroud has no pockets.
It should have been called the WEF Depop Shot.
Damn right!
If you trust fizer to do any drug trial fairly and honestly, you are as insane as they are.
Karen Kingston revealed in 2021 that once or if Pfizer was ever granted Full Use Authorization of the Depop Shot that they would be liable once human clinical study data showed 5 recipes for the Depop Shot. She mentioned that Pfizer would have only had a week to produce evidence if ever granted Full Use Authorization.
Dear fellow readers: Has the “ virus”. ever once been isolated since the scam started 4 years ago ?
If so, please share sources.
Thank you & lovingly
Pure Blood Dolly Dagger. x
Brook's testimony is incredibly important. I realize I will be in the minority of opinion about what I'm about to say but this is what I think: whether one only accepts the idea that these shots were OTA, these clinical trials and FDA were an essential part of this entire fraud and operation.
Had the FDA been out of the fraud loop (instead of in on the whole thing) they would have told the public that these shots are the property of the DOD and they cannot speak to whether they are safe and effective. They would have clearly stated they have nothing to say one way or another about them to both the US public and other nation's regulatory bodies. Instead, they lied to both the US public and other regulatory bodies, saying they did have authority to declare them safe and effective after "trialing them".
If you think about creating enthusiasm for these shots and then eventually mandating them, it is obvious that people are not going to be really delighted to take shots from the DOD which can't guarantee anything about ingredients, efficacy or safety under OTA. This would not have made it past most of our population, certainly not past the judiciary and not other nation's regulatory agencies, because they too would have to tell their public--"sorry chumps, this is a DOD product and you are on your own pal!"
The Clinical Trials and rubber stamp of "safe and effective" by the FDA were necessary to get the public on board and provide cover to other agencies and for mandates. These trials were necessary for the fraud to work. They don't have to be genuine, they just have to be presented as genuine to make the whole scam work. OTA isn't going to make this scam work. The governments would have had to use raw force to get people to use OTA products. What governments did instead was take cover under FDA and other regulatory bodies. That is how this worked without using brute force on the people.
It is ridiculous, you don't do 'clinical trials' on a BIOWEAPON, which you certainly didn't 'cut corners' on, absurdities becoming atrocities, that's what it is.
This is nothing new. Mike Yeadon has been exposing this for the last 3 years