If I were Bourla, I'd be more interested in finding a drug that counteracts hanging.

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I would hang myself.

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You have a conscience.

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AMEN! You know he’s got to be feeling heat right about now….GOOD!

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No one is going to held responsible.

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Exactly. These people are laughing all the way to the devils bank. These people inject poisons into babies, molest, rape, torture, maim for monry, power, and fun.

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I agree.

Way too many have been bribed, bullied or blackmailed or they are in on it. Then we have the one’s that are addicted to the killing.

Pure evil. !!!

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Pfizer isn't stopping for no one, not the FBI, not Trump, and not the people they have made billions upon billions off of. The 'plan' hasn't even been hurt in anything but the predicted ways, nothing is out of the ordinary and expected. Onwards.

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Pfizer is fueled by population compliance.

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You got that right! The more that die and the more it costs, the better.

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I do my own amateur polls, by asking people I chat with out and about, on their views regarding the shots. Invariably the answer is 'they saved millions of lives' and they 'reduced hospitalization risk.' I am having conversations with parrots not people it seems.

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Yep, I believe it is the iPhones (not to disparage the others, they have the same issues).

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Amateur polls are real… “ scientific data” can be manipulated… being an amateur will keep you alive .

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They've certsinly never cured anything and have been fined mulitple times in the billions. If we got rid of the politcians protecting them.

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Survival of the fittest. Removes the stupid gene from species Homo sapiens.

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Unfortunately, it does not, survival of the fittest in evolutionary biology means, those who produce the most offspring are the fittest, no brains needed for that.

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Imagine a $500 billion to $1 trillion windfall? That's the objective and we are the targets.

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Money, the Bible tells us it is the root of all evil.

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The love of money 💰 avarice… it’s a disease

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The nations were deceived by their sorceries. Revelation 18:23. ‘Their’ is the great merchants of the earth in the context verses. Sorcery root word is pharmakeia, magic arts and spells, potions. Also many other scriptures all over warning of deception by evil rich oppressors.

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Great business model.

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#Gravy-Train ~ #Follow-the-Money ~ #Cause-then-Cure

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Every day I hear on the radio the pushing of covid shots. Yesterday, a doctor with his own concierge practice in Malibu said on the radio that those who take the shots do not get as sick from the recent variants as unvaccinated people. We know statistics from scientists without ties to pharma say the opposite. No mention by the doctor of the shots increasing myocarditis, cancer, autoimmune disease etc....First, do no harm is the mantra of a healer. These docs are no healers and should not be allowed to practice. They are not providing informed consent. And, are encouraging shots for a mild respiratory virus, shots that can cause severe symptoms.

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He’s a con

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But most docs are pushing them.

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I've stopped seeing them but when I come in contact I just say it. Most don't respond but then I guide them to the nih.gov, show them patents, ask them the definition of novel. Then I have them lookup novel coronavirus. Then I ask them to make it all make sense. Like thebcvs rep thst catches me coming down the aisle and asks me if im interested in c19, shingkes, etc. I say, no thanks, I want to stay alive and then mention the deaths we have in the family.

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Yes they are . And if you ask the others , it’s up to the patient, without any negative press . It’s all so sad .

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The blockages in the vessels caused by the BioElectroChemicalNanoWeapon Injections are NOT comprised of the elements of blood and are NOT Blood Clots.

THE BLOCKAGES ARE ANTENNAE to magnify the ability to be identified and surveilled both internally and externally with satellites and drones. They contain products common to items in the ELECTROCHEMICAL field.

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Thanks for the great article!

This is happening all across Big Pharma.

Learn more about the #Gravy-Train. Just #Follow-the-Money. #Cause-then-Cure

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/04c1303bcade < Allow a few moments for this page to load. It's located inside a large "red pill" library:

> BeyondC19.org

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Awesomely amazing site thank you for sharing! I will share! Consider adding my book, shared in below comments.

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Thanks for your feedback, Deanna! 🙏 Much appreciated ~ and I'll be glad to consider adding your book. Just share your preferred URL, and I'll take a look.

In the meantime, may I share your generous feedback on the front page of my library, with a link back to your Substack profile? See the "Feedback and Recommendations" section here:

> BeyondC19.org

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Thanks, Deanna! Your book looks GREAT!

Adding it in now . . . .

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Here's your book link:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/77176ac2ea0c

I also added a link to your book, along with your generous feedback, on the front page of the library. Hope this helps! 👍🍀

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Gasoline was original title then changed to “Vaccine….” Gasoline is out of print.

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Ah, ok. Thanks for letting me know. I'll delete.

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A guy in Germany referred me to a book promoter who changed the title for me. The promoter said I had more initial media contacts than anyone he worked with for being a first time author. The issue and battle is about half of those media contacts were jab injured and wanted to read it selfishly, but were too injured or cowardice to bring it out on their channel, radio or print. I did have a few dozen radio, and a few podcasts. Even in UK and Spain. I trust nearly none, hence later declined several podcasts. Thanks for linking to my book! The world knows the truth or in many, refuses to see it for their long held idento-politico and sinful selfishness. Take care and hope to see you around.

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The new title is GREAT! Tragic that your jab injured media contacts were unwilling to promote your book from the rooftops!

Alas, I understand and sympathize with your reservations about suspect podcast options. Hopefully more people will discover your valuable contribution to this monstrous expose in the days ahead . . . .

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Drug companies invent so few new drugs that are truly helpful that they either buy out other drug companies or expand as fizer is doing. The perfect profit model is to create the disease, fake the treatment and create more diseases. What do you think the entire vaccination program is? Are newborns and young kids really that unhealthy? People do silly things that wreck their health and get ill and run to the doc for a pill. Pig Pharmatards love it all the way to the bank.

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"They're born without any immunity so we have to give them one!" 🙄

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It's their consolation prize cuz now they are a wounded animal.

Pfizer Bad...don't look at Moderna though 😅🤣

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Pfizer better get ready to be sued into oblivion.

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They're protected and, if there is a settlement, taxpaers pay it, so they can then pay it to their friends.

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Pfizer does not have immunity and if they're sued, they pay the lawsuit not us the taxpayers.

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It's all under eua, they dan ans will do whatwver they want. Watch.

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They have a conscience... a "seared" one...

"Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron". (1 Timothy 4:1-2 NKJV)

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It does not appear premeditated, it was and still is. Took 15 minutes in late 2020 to find and deep check their investors page projections! They ‘predicted’ lol knew Eliquis the #2 drug through 2026 and 4 or 5 of their top ten sellers for years… cancer drugs. It was just more confirmation for me to write, honor the fallen, and tell truth.


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My husband had a horrific injury from the Pfizer shots in 2021; a month after #2, he had an aneurysm and spent 18 days in a medically induced coma. We found the "vax" card with the date and that was enough for him to finally connect the dots....so we filed a VAERs report a couple of weeks ago. Well lo and behold.....now he's been getting phone calls with voice mail messages from someone identifying as belonging to Bayer, looking for medical records from an adverse reaction.

SO....in other words.....the CDC is handing over responsibility to keep the hens safe to the fox, who we all know is great at policing himself. WTF???

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