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Oct 17, 2023
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One would hope. However, in today's world ..........

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It is tragically the lie that continues to grow. The horrendous part is that a good percentage of the population is in its crosshairs.

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Duh, They Had It Ready In 5 Months With Operation Warpspeed! Just Sayin!

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They had the patent for it a couple of years before the so-called COVID.

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Another indicator of complete FRAUD.

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Turtles all the way down.

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Gates took out two patents for a coronavirus vaccine in 2015/16 at his Pirbright Lab UK.. he invested heavily in 2019 at 18 dollars a share... and sold after first vaccine 2020 rollout at 300 dollars a share.. because he knew market value would drop once the body count rise... scum bag.

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And richard rothschild had a patent approved for c19 test and tracking approved Oct 13, 2015, to become active in 2020.

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Reuters fact checkers deny these patents but they are right there on Google patents (114 of them to RR) and on NIH website.. these buffoons are using ten year olds to disclaim science and patent lawyers ... what clowns.

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Yep. I knew something was up because I found it personally on nih.gov, grabbed a screenshot of the patent, then did an internet search and factcheckers said it was false, reported by a danish journalist or something ridiculous.

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Experimental is still a fucking Experiment. I was NOT born a Guinea Pig so it was a non-negotiable no for me.

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I think for Pfizer and other "vaccine" manufacturers didn't worry about truly testing their "covid vaccine" because they generally didn't test other products. They can put heavy metals in a product and inject the toxic mess into babies with no liability issues so there never was a reason to fully test. They had no skin in the game. Doctors are trained in Rockerfeller medicine to gaslight parents and others who claim to have a reaction. The Pfizer covid shots was just business as usual.

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Pay Pfizer offices visits. Shut them ALL DOWN.

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That is it. Until the perpetrators of the crime start to pay a price, this will indeed continue.

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I dont take any prescriptions but always ask your pharmacist who makes a prescription, even over the counter meds. If it's pfiser ask for a replacement.

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Apixiban /Eliquis has Pfizer partnering Bristol Myers Squibb... they create a vaccine that creates coagulation cascade.. then damage limit by offering a remedy... nasty people.

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No different than Microsoft. They create viruses and sell you virus protection. The entire business model is corrupt coming out of the gate.

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Exactly. I have an image that is split with his mug, creqting viruses for computers and viruses for people.

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And software or medicine for cures. All pre planned bullshit.

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And medicine with software!

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An ill conceived potion (so they wish you to believe)built upon a lie that just keeps growing..whilst stealing lives... and the only ones who ever benefited from this concoction.. are the investors (GateKeepers)

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If enough evidence is presented that these (so-called) “vaccine” developers acted fraudulently, they could lose their total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their product.

What if there’s nothing “unintentional” whatsoever about these products causing massive harm? That’s probable. What if these products are intentionally poisonous? That’s probable. What if the focus of these products is intentional depopulation? Seems like a correct conclusion.

Pfizer is just an employee.

Who’s the employer? It’s a public-private partnership. Didn’t the United States Department of Defense hire Pfizer to conduct Operation Warp Speed? Thank you, Donald J. Trump, for the lockdowns and the poisonous jabs. But I’m sure that Trump was following the guidance of Q and that Q is an omniscient entity.

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Who exactly will take the "vaccine" immunity away?

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I consider what entity GAVE total immunity from liability to the (so-called) “vaccine” producers. Only that entity can REMOVE total immunity from liability.

Frankly, I think that entity will be destroyed.

What (or who) precisely is this entity? The Crown Temple. See https://protocolhistory.weebly.com/crown-temple.html if you are interested.

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The government who signed it into effect Ronald Reagan 1986...will have the power to reverse this... but many politicians are vaccine investors ... which is why RFK is pushing for change... Pfizer should be prosecuted because they did not do due diligence on testing... then changed the vaccine given EuA for one that did not have approval.. 200 people needed to get vaccinated in order to stop one death....on the first rollout... that number has changed...now 1 in a thousand are having life changing results to save 5 lives...the numbers are fudged until you look at the list of disability claims in each country which has risen by 200 % enough is enough.

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None have had "approval." Under an eua the recipe can be changed this one has had 7 revisions, with additions of things like tromethanine (causes thrombosis) peg's for anaphylaxis. None of the jabs have been safety tested, fraudci was forced to admit this after being sued by rfk jr.

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Governments often change laws... that’s all they need to do to put right a wrong.

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For this particular one It expires at a point, due to eua. Can't remember if its 2024, 2025. Regan gave it for the others and I believe it will never go away.

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Two points... EUA is only ever granted during a pandemic when there are no other ways to treat

the disease... which in the case of Covid... we already had .. so the CDC wilfully along with the FDA tried every means possible to poison any therapeutics such as IVM and HCQ...both used for 40 plus years without huge numbers of injury.

Second point... there is documented proof along with further testing that show quite clearly the original vaccine produced is entirely different to the one given EUA and was patented as early as 2015... not as we were told... and every red flag showing injury and death.. was whitewashed over by the very same CDC... politicians are aware of what happened and Pfizer are losing share prices... wait until RFK or Trump return to power .. liability is coming off the table... and these bastards know it.

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I await with bated breath (so-called) “vaccine” developers losing their total immunity from liability.

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We the people , were the trial .

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….. and still recommending to pregnant women. Many labor and delivery wards are closing due to decreased births .

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Oct 17, 2023
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So true Mzlizzi !! CEOS’ are not fond of low volume but the jabs did this 🥲

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Im retired but went to work during the plandemic because i was bored. There was a fertility clinic that would order lunches and I would go deliver. You should have seen all of the 20-30 year olds in there. Astounding.

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Not me. I was satisfied with Natural Immunity.

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Bait and switch. Brought to you by the most heavily fined big pharma company of all time aka the criminal organization known as Pfizer

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The fact it was experimental and made in no time, it was a hard no for me, I don't know why everyone didn't make the connection but sadly they didn't.

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There was no emergency. A LOT if Corrupt people made that happen. Charge, try, convict, sentence, carry out sentences swiftly, publically.

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in March 2020, I got sick for 3 days. Scutters! The 3rd night I couldn't not sleep because of difficulty breathing. The 4th morning, I was tired but all symptoms were gone with the exception of I had lost my senses of smell and taste which didn't return for 2 years. Upon return, my senses were heightened temporarily then eventually they returned. The rest of my family didn't get sick until November 2021. I had natural immunity so I didn't get sick when the rest of my family did. The global terrorist response was lock down, mask up, mRNA for all volunteers. If you want to keep your job, better be jabbed. 3 years of Mandates for a FAILED EXPERIMENT. Crimes Against Humanity. #EndAPECnow #APECresultedInCovid19AndmRNAjabs

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The fact is, it was made a long time ago. They just said it was made in 9 months in "operation warp speed." They had so much clinical trial data they wanted to bury for 75 years (like the J6 video footage) that they were ordered to release 55,000 pages per month by the supreme court, about a year and a half ago. I believe it's still going. Moderna is next.

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Yes I downloaded some of their data awhile ago, the evil runs so deep with them, there are no words to describe it. I know the jabs were made ahead of time but the people who took them didn't, they just went ahead and jabbed thinking they were made in 9 months, thats what I can't understand.

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I jidt dont get it either. Even if it was "legitimate." It's still a no for me.

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We realized this when we saw israeli agreements dated NOVEMBER...

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I am so tired of this. There is so much evidence of crimes against humanity on the populous yet NO ONE is strung up in the town square. There are people where I work who are injured. Some are waking up but others are still in denial. The ones waking up wish they never got the injection x 3. As an unvaxxed, I stayed quiet because I didn't want to have the vile names they were calling the unvaxxed directed right at me even though they had no idea I was "unclean" amongst them and could hear every vile naziesque word they were saying. I pray for the injured and I pray that Jesus will have mercy on us even though as a nation, "we" have turned our face away from God. Example: Canada, under Trudeau's demonic liberals, we are turning into a satanic ungodly nation with our "laws" being changed without our consent all in the name of diversity equity and inclusion. If you are a Christian or Jew in Canada, watch your six. DEI = Death, Evil, Iniquity; that is what Canada is turning into.

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I'm sorry, but with just a B.S. in pharmacy there is never any vaccine that I would take in less than 10-15 years, especially when my risk was minimal. When I hears it was mRNA derived, it became never ever.

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drug companies push drugs on tv all day.

You think they have tested those drugs thoroughly? NO.

The population are the testers. Why do you suppose they include special payment options so you can get one month supply for $5? They neeed mice - uh, I mean humans

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I get upset everytime I see a new one. Disgusting.

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I am betting that if we dig deep enough, we would find that most big pharma drugs do not have honest and complete trials. If they did, most drugs would never see the light of day.

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I recall a story in early 2021 suggesting that studies were done on Ferrets and ALL of the Ferrets dies. The usual 15 year human study of course never happened. The rules like 5 adverse reactions or one death resulting from use of ANY medication, of course overlooked. Now today, millions dead, billions like to follow. It took tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of corrupt Healthcare professionals to facilitate CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. There is nothing else to call it. HAMMER DOWN.

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If you were knowingly making poison you wouldn’t do a trial either.

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Now THAT is settled science. Everything else is simply talk,end of story.

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You would conduct a trial to get past authorisation but remove all the bad results... wink wink!

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