Oh, Karla, that’s too funny, yet I didn’t think of that.

No boiling of frogs here.😎

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Get ready! You going to kill Gmom. They do the nursing home crap again, everyone needs to pull their parents out! See how long that lasts. Nope, the check comes to me! Not the NH.

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They doing psychology again. Saying next time we will obey lockdowns. 😂 I didn’t obey the first and certainly not the next. I been an outcast or outlier all my life. Never followed the crowd. I will just watch and learn and survive. Buy seeds!

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Well if it makes you feel any better, it is currently winter in Australia and vaccinations are at an all-time low. No one is 'rolling up their sleeves' even for childhood injections. The fear porn complete with 'children in hospital wearing oxygen masks' is doing the rounds and we are not having it. Here is all the bullshit they are doing to us and everyone is giving them the middle finger: https://aagabriel.substack.com/p/stalled-state-government-public-health

They lost.

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No way.

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Precisely! You nailed it!

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We got the toxic batch at my hospital and have seen many employees die and other have new DX of kidney disease and cancer. No one is interested in taking any more shots. People will quit before accepting death.

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Well seems This “C-Vd” inject. was a test of human gullibility…

Sadly the next “Real” injectables

probably not going to be optional …

2 choices:


B) Suffer

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I'll take a bullet to the head first. Big harma can fk off all the way to hell.

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"You Will Obey."


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As a Lady, it's not appropriate to tell the 'Nut Job Parasites' where they can place their 'Nudge Unit'.

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OK, I’ll do it for you, they can shove their whole Mass Democide shit show up their collective asses!

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These folk we could not warn, now their fate is in God’s hands.

The Authoritarian remedy was all they could see, blinded from their schooled daze to the idea of doing their own due diligence. Instead rote learning and passive gullible acceptance was established. Ridicule weaponised if a question rocked the teacher’s table of textbooked ‘facts’.

Who wrote these texts to fool the schooled? The same who laughed as cv19 burned: freedom, wealth and health.

There are more liars to find than we currently see. They are in every field of academia. Obscuring truths and mis- directing to retard reality.

This is my notice to you all.

Dig on your interests, test everything you know against their ‘facts’ and weed out their LIES. It’s time due diligence was applied to everything we think we know.

We must not leave a rock unturned.

Here’s a table I’ve knocked over.

We breathe air not oxygen

A new take on lung and blood physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Please read, it may be the push you need to get started on your own journey.

We each have puzzle pieces and time while we wait for the rest to stretch and yawn.


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This is how I live today...Trust No One! Do the damn research! And QUESTION everything! So far it’s working out nicely. I’m happy, healthy, un jabbed and unafraid. Be a FROG. Fully rely on God!

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When you said FROG, I thought heck no not boiled alive. But I love your FROG!

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God help anyone who has any faith left in government and pharma.

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Does one get a anti covid scam vaccine, maybe all this will go away then?

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Sorry, just asking satirically

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Why stop at three lol?

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In the NYTs article some experts say get all three at once, totally safe and effective. How are two mRNA vaccines going to interact with each other?! Who knows, we need you to take it so we can see what happens. They didn’t say where they will put three shots since you only have two arms although I have a pretty good idea - same place I’d tell anyone encouraging me to take it to stick them.

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A triple injection of mRNA hi-tech rat poisons? Fat fucking chance.

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Succinctly stated! 😎

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