The news just gets better and better... What did the common man ever do to deserve this pestilence?

Arrest Fauci et al.

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I know someone who was diagnosed with penile cancer and had it surgically removed last month.

I asked if he thought the vaccine had anything to do with it. Of course, he didn't think it did. (There is no way I will be forwarding this post to him.)

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Well, the Satanists running this thing want to cut them all off anyway, so for them it will be a good thing.

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As an ob/ gyn , I have seen , my share of lichen sclerosis of the vulvar area in the last 2 weeks , all patients were jabbed.

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Oh, how dreadful for these poor souls. I assume that their immune system is tanking. I bet genital herpes and warts are also ramping up.

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Not as much as this lichenoid dermatitis.. so interesting… it has a predilection to become a squamous cell carcinoma, so maybe ?? Not sure

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No one is left untouched in some manner with the poisonous vax. Every one in my circle of family and friends who took the jab has some type of side effect that is concerning.

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Many hospital staff , where I work , are sick again . Funny it’s not Covid it’s RSV , viral pneumonia and this chronic cough with laryngitis. New onset autoimmune diseases too.

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Reading this just triggered a thought. I was at a social dinner thing with some mostly new people I hadn’t met before. Occasionally, (Im unjabbed) I get a persistent mild annoying cough which I always associated with just happening in some environments and it is not often it happens. Indoors around lots of people, their perfume or whatnot or possibly “shedding”. Well, it turns out the guy sitting directly across from me has had a persistent cough since vaxxed and been to numerous docs except a pulmonologist who cant find the cause, except one said “bronchitis”. That evening I had that infrequent cough occurring at this dinner table, and he asked me if I had covid??? I assured him I didn’t. Then later I heard he was the guy with the awful persistent cough although he wasn’t coughing that evening. What I am NOW wondering is if he was shedding onto me and why I coughed??? After a glass of wine my coughing stopped. As if it calmed my bronchial tubes or whatever?

Just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them??. “Brandon is not your bro”, have you heard of this? Do you get a cough while around a lot of people who apparently have some health issues related to coughing such as when you are in the hospital???

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I used to get this mild headache back of my skull . I got fired from the hospital so haven’t had it since. Few people have complained about it that cough in the office I’m in . Also , if anyone is on Lisinopril since getting the jab , that can cause a persistent feeling of clearing your throat or coughing

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They are clueless… captivated by the narrative.

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Who would have thought we would see humanity poisoned in such a cunning hidden way through our food supply , air and pharmaceuticals? I have friends that are just clueless and innocent because they trust authorities and look up to the wrong people.

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When will this ever end for the unfortunate people who thought they were helping to not kill grandma or other reasons like neediing employment? Probably years from now.

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Mar 2, 2023
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Unfortunately, common sense is not common anymore. Now it is unusual.

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the only way anything will ever be done is if it affects the penis negatively. the jab will surely be pulled now!

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For sure!

Anything to do with the male reproductive organs is a major emergency. I remember what it was like working in the ER any time a guy came in with suspected testicular torsion, for instance. The place positively EXPLODED with activity. This penis stuff could be out ticket out.

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This should’ve been one of the first things brought up… All with pictures and with ALL the gory details… I think this would’ve made men think twice.

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You can’t make this sh*t up...

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I just can't see even this becoming a deterrent. They'll just say it's rare, blame the patient for smoking or being old or what have you, or say it's mis/mal/dis information. Seriously, no adverse event, no death from any age group, no abnormal findings have mattered to people. People can drop dead on live TV, entertainers can cancel tours, people they know can be perpetually sick and SADS is happening every-freaking-where. Nothing will open the eyes of those who don't want to open them. Literally nothing.

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Man, they have got to be kidding, but they are not!

I was wrong, 20 years till the vaccine.

Or not.

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Yikes indeed. So glad that I put up with the considerable inconveniences of refusing the injections.

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Well this is how to get some attention these days!

Sadly, we know about those unfortunate souls with the menstrual and now, penile side effects. And they might as well know that we know that they know...

Reminds me of the nude emperor thing..

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