Apr 9Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

News Flash: That has been going on for years worldwide and funded by Governments!

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Apr 9Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

“first outdoor test to limit global warming.”

my ass....

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Apr 9Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Contrails vanish pretty quickly. They don't fan out across the sky and are visible for much, much longer.

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Exactly, ironic how it's always X patterns. Oh, and go out at night and shine a flashlight. Look at all the reflective particulate.

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Had an experience last fall over 2 days while observing this going on above me as I was mowing where I experienced a burning sensation on my eyelids and face. It was pretty obvious what was happening.

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I haven't experienced that but I have had experiences where I instantly have a ton of snot for no reason. We get sprayed a lot, almost daily.

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Apr 9Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Funny after the eclipse swept across East Texas and now we are having monstrous storms🧐

Not that we don’t have monstrous storms…we do. But something doesn’t feel normal cause I’m old and I’ve never experienced weather like, especially the thunder. I can only speak for myself, and some will think I’m a looooney! But come on…they are full of shit. They can make anything happen via the weather and you can bet your sweet ass they are doing it now and have been.

And just wait…weather change propaganda is on the horizon and they will say it’s because the eclipse did it😂

I think most people NOW see right through their bullshit! 🙏 to God! The ride has just begun!

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One thing for sure, "they are full of shit."

satan, same thing i guess.

Create narrative of pollution, global environment crisis, blah, blah, blah

Tamper with, destroy, alter the environment

Blame disasters from said tampering on the narrative

And people buy into it.

Here's what I know. It's going to get a lot worse. How do I know? Because satan is the father of earth and all of the asshats in governments around the world, and ESP the US, serve him.

It's ramping up because his days are numbered, as wrell as THOSE commiting the atrocities. I know the end of the story, how beautiful it is!

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God has already won… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏽😎😎😎

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pacific sea salt loaded with lethal fukushima radionucleides

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What could possibly go wrong?????

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What could go wrong? After all, the government admits it! The real question should be: What are they now up to that they don't want anyone finding out about?

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At this point nothing the satanic NWO elite tyrants do would surprise me.

After injecting billions of people with a poisonous “vaccine” & getting away with it & STILL injecting people with it is crazy evil clown world stuff!?

So now that we are confident that the tyrants will do anything to depopulate us “useless eaters” & plan on corralling whoever manages to live into their 15 minute concentration camps… but don’t worry because the tyrants insure us that “we will own nothing but be happy about it”?!?

Gee, I wonder why the elites don’t give up everything they have if they think we will be so happy about it???

Only prayer & revival can help us now & honestly I believe our redemption draws near… 🙋🏻‍♀️🦋💜🙏🏼

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They have been stratospheric spraying for decades, but the world is now waking up to what they have been doing. More and more people are posting pictures and writing their governments. They need control of the narrative, so they admit to “little experiments” here and there,saying it is for climate control or some other asinine reason. Meanwhile they have been bombarding us for years with aluminum, barium,strontium, carbon black and fly ash.. and it’s not for the benefit of us or the climate. The benefits for Pharma for cancer,alzhiemer,ADD drugs are boundless. The insurance industry in Alberta admitted to funding aerosol spraying to reduce rainfall and hail due to the number of claims in the past few years. Deliberately altering the weather for financial reasons. It was no accident that they make all these announcements on eclipse day, which they hyped up for months in the media, so everyone was looking at the skies. They’ve been killing every living thing on the planet with their spraying for decades and now they want to Normalize it… in the name of climate science. In the name of Control. Lyndon B Johnson stated in 1967 “ He who controls the weather,controls the world” The evil knows no bounds folks

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Nothing new here, it's been going on for over 80years! My first question would be, and I've seen this same headline posted in several places. If it's so secretive, how do we know about it????

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If you're not angry you're not paying attention.

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They do it because they can.

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They do it because nanotechnology is a 3.8 billion dollar industry annually. 😉

And that's not including the nanopathology (what happens to the "organisims" being sprayed) industry which is what pharma and DoD are interested in.😐😉

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Yes there are millions of people involved in and making a living -or a killing- from the destruction of humanity and the earth.

My point was: no one is stopping them.

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This is tragically awful. For decades they have been saying get rid of leaky refrigeration AC equipment as it will put harmful aerosols in the air. Now your tax dollars are putting aerosols there . .

Remember the ozone.

But trust the science,

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. GOD's blessings to you LofJ for being a true TRUTH Warrior ...

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Everything is Bill Gates, maybe he needs to be the one sprayed, he has been a menace for too many years now. Not one agency can do a darn thing on their own without giving this pc of crap recognition. Fauci and company back in 2019 talking about the Universal jab, even brought his name up.

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It's only aluminium oxide to try and reduce UVB coming in as the earth's magnetic field weakens. It's to buy time

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