It all starts with the lie of "evolution". They are trying to BE the Creator, and make man in THEIR image. In other words - they have REJECTED the true Creator.
They probably KNOW we were created, but they worship the "god" of this world, lucifer/satan, and they worship themselves.
There is no "new stage of human evolution". This is their attempt to usurp the authority of the true Creator.
It all starts with the lie of "evolution". They are trying to BE the Creator, and make man in THEIR image. In other words - they have REJECTED the true Creator.
They probably KNOW we were created, but they worship the "god" of this world, lucifer/satan, and they worship themselves.
There is no "new stage of human evolution". This is their attempt to usurp the authority of the true Creator.
It all starts with the lie of "evolution". They are trying to BE the Creator, and make man in THEIR image. In other words - they have REJECTED the true Creator.
They probably KNOW we were created, but they worship the "god" of this world, lucifer/satan, and they worship themselves.
There is no "new stage of human evolution". This is their attempt to usurp the authority of the true Creator.
Technocracy, theosophy . . . gnosticism. These are all attempts to restore pre-flood religion, just as they attempted with the tower of Babel.