Oct 5Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Has the regime really changed since the 1930s? Certainly these are crimes against humanity.

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Oct 5Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Just keeps on getting more insane.

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Oct 5Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

“In around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking

the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling

than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived,

attack again ten years later...then disappear completely”.

This is taken from the 1981 book Eyes of Darkness, which describes the outbreak of the Wuhan 400 virus. It's all script, and we are just getting started.

Thank you, Lioness!

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what is next?

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Global Trends 2025 PDF written 18 years ago describing the avian bird flu causing millions of deaths! Page 75 of the doc.

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A horrifying report. Chilling to the bone.

I fear it also foreshadows the degree of intrusion into American life we can all expect should U.S. voters fail to turn out in overwhelming numbers for President Trump and the U.S. Presidency is yet again stolen from his capable hands.

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My thoughts exactly.

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I would say that all the government institutions have gone off the rails, but they haven't. It is a deliberate plan to subdue and intimidate any dissenters. Subjugation is the name of the game.

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It's Fascist Totalitarianism, other Countries will follow Germany's lead .

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

looks a lot more like communism from here. Fascist originally meant anti communist. But we aren't allowed to mention that communism 1917- to present day murdered and starved exponentially more than Germany 1933-45 did. The propaganda is nazi bad and communist good apparently.

East Germany and stasi ring any bells? Or is that forbidden to mention?

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It's always the same cabal pulling the strings. Eastern European communism plus Stalinism plus Maoism was either one of their jokes on humanity or simply a giant experiment in mass mind control. It certainly worked for a lot longer than the " Nartseeze " were in power. In China, Cuba, Vietnam, NK, and Venezuela it's still ongoing. In fact Chicomland would seem to be their preferred model for the world of the future. As long as Swiss banks are left alone, of course. Can't have the Rothschilds lining up at the food bank:).

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good post. The nahtzees were done in 1945. The communists are still here. Actively undermining and destroying nations just like they always have. The preferred model for the NWO globo homos is definitely communist china. But the small hat propaganda is so pervasive that explaining this is like showing a wristwatch to a hog.

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It's a convergence of crypto totalitarians:).

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Not really. WWII was not a victory for the Allies. It was at best a draw or even a win for the NAZIs. The cabal that created the NAZIs now controls all the NATO/Five-Eyes countries, Israel, Ukraine and others. The Allies allowed several senior NAZIs, including Hitler, Bormann and Kammler, to fake their own deaths and re-locate to Argentina and elsewhere with huge amounts of loot and high tech. After the war was over, the Allies proceeded to allow millions of Germans to die of neglect and starvation in places like The Rhine Meadows Camps. They're doing something similar in NC right now :(



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ExactLie! The 'Installed' NAZI regime HireArchy, as a GlobAlist Exercise in TOTAL Pre Statagised Demolition of the Germanic Tribal Spirit! - Surprised someone actually 'Knows' of 4 Star SS General - Hans Kammler = 'THE 'Organiser'! = Operation 'Paperclip' & 'GLADIO'! He, 'Died', 3 DiffeRent Times, & was ProperLie 'Red-Acted'! - Nothing to see here!

Wellness - John D.

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Bolshevism, communism, Marxism, fascism, NAZIsm - all satanic-Zionist divide-and-conquer psyops intended to kontrol, manipulate and harvest. Don't fall for any of it. Not even Karl Marx - especially not Karl Marx - was a Marxist. He was a self-confessed satanist.


All theater, all the time.

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Great comment.

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THE 'DiffeRents' between NAZI & ZION 'programming' & TheaTrickAlls' = 1 Vowel - A & I. ONLY. The 'Operating System', IS/ARE, THE SAME! -

'A NAZI, travels to Palestine'. - Ominous, but NOT U.N.expected!

Wellness - John D.

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Don't forget AshkeNAZI - could it be any more clear?!

"Were the Nazis the Greatest Hoax in History?"


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In April 2021, Canada recalled a million and a half KN95 facemasks containing graphene. Children had been forced to wear these masks in Canadian schools. Health Canada compared them to breathing in asbestos all day long. That is crimes against humanity, and against the most vulnerable, the children. I saw first hand the effects of masking children all day and what it did to their psychological well-being as well as delays in learning.

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Well, if they're eating babies and drinking children's blood, making children wear toxic masks is not such a stretch :(


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Not just asbestos, titanium dioxide as well

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Those "authorities" who did this to the doctors are wretched evil scum.

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They were classier in the USA as a truthteller hospitalist … they knock on your sleep room door , fire you and have you clean out your locker and escort you to your car .

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There's a true life story there, I take it?

Sounds cold and ugly what they did.

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my sympathies, worth nothing I know, but nevertheless extended.

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Welcome to corporate medicine, medical professionals will comply to keep their jobs . Many forgot the pillars of medical ethics , sadly . Many sell outs

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Beyond troubling. We don't know freedom until it isn't.

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Germans, you say? Veddy Interestink, Mein Herr....

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Ja voll!

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Jawohl? ("yes indeed")

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Crypto-totalitarianism: when you are surrounded by the illusion of a "free" society and people buried in smartphones who think they can "vote" for a person to represent them in something called a government. Quite a laughable concept when someone with the name of, say, Rockefeller can buy someone called, say, "Trump", out of their petty cash tin. It's what passes for reality. Until the cabal pulled off Covid I too thought 1984 was a piece of fiction. It isn't.

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As Vera Sharav says 'Never again is now'

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German governments have never really left their Nazi ways! The people seem to love

control…I pray i’m wrong! I would also say few governments can ever be trusted!

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Links to the original report/articles need to be included, no matter in what language.

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Ahhh Nazi Germany is still at it!

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