The last time I was shown a (so-called) “news report” by Anderson Cooper (and watched it against my better judgment), the guy made me lose my temper. I didn’t object to the content of the story. It was Cooper’s editorializing. He and Yuval Noah Harari are two of the most evil propagandists on the planet.

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This video makes it crystal clear what mockingbirds these "news"casters are. Thank you! My take on this reality via a cartoon: https://open.substack.com/pub/annecantstandit/p/mocking-the-mockingbird?r=qowdg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Everyone should know that in theory and in practice, one of the roles of the media, among others, is to influence, shape and manipulate public opinion. The press, media, cannot be totally independent, that's the truth, is conditioned by many political, economic and social factors.

Journalists are no longer ashamed that they have become service providers for various entities. to talk about ethics, it doesn't make sense, ethical means what corresponds to state/interest policy.

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While the corporate press, media, cannot be totally independent, there are still a few independent journalists who have held on to their integrity. Journalism is an important and honorable profession that speaks truth to power. The people you describe as journalists, who have become service providers for various entities, are not journalists. They are shameless propagandists, or what Paul Craig Roberts calls "Presstitutes."

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They are indeed presstitutes, but people I am talking about we see them since a long time ago, the world scene is theirs, playing their role of manipulating the public opinion. The measuring unit in journalism is trust, not sympathy. Some confuse the trust with sympathy. There is no trust in journalism today, it is an addiction to information and the information on mainstream chanels is mostly empty, targeted and distortioned, that's not information. All the media is corporate, state or private, all the media serve some interests. Today's huge level of indoctrination, lack of education and manipulation is largely due to the media. No one says that there are not a few journalists who do their job with love and more objectivity, but a few flowers do not make spring, and their fate is to remain in the minority and to fight with windmills. so journalists are service providers, paid for doing a job, educated in this way even by the new schools. We also should say that the natural need for truth and information at least in the last years made that a lot of ordinary people to become journalists and to find the ways to spred a different type of information and education. Mostly thanks to them some of us know now a lot more. Some do not want to acces them because there is no power to give them credit and they are not used, educated to look into different points of view, connections of facts, history or how to check an information before beliving it (not with fact checkers :)

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This is extremely disrespectful to our republic! How do these media prostitutes sleep at night?

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I don't know how any one can watch the media industrial complex garbage anymore. An old friend of mine during the 2020 portland riots was all pissed off about the rioting, yet had no problem supporting the NBA which had BLM on it's fucking floors! And with his indoctrinated mind, pointed at me like I was the problem because I wouldn't be a good little citizen, to just shut up and watch the damn game. Why do I have to make everything political was his question to me.

"Come back to me when the NBA stops siding with, sponsoring and plastering social justice shit on their courts and kissing China's ass" was my reply.

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Agree Ryan …I watch none of it anymore or buy a ticket or buy their clothing

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They are murdering Assange the slow way.


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That guy on the video at the beginning is Frank something or other in Providence RI. Been the newscaster on one of the channels for over 30 years.

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The three letter agencies include FBI CIA NSA and MSM.

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The wife, who understands fake news, still turns on the news at 5:20pm to listen to the weatherman and I tell her "I don't trust that fucker either."

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