This is awesome, so cool that Canada inspired the world to fight for their freedom. Courage is contagious

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May G-d bless them all and keep them safe. 🙏

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We, the Whole World need to be Free, and be completely rid of the Elites Genocidal control and power that is from Satan and the devil. 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️💪💪💪🌟🌟🌟

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It's a freedom wildfire.

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I hope there’ll soon be a convoy in every country of the world. 💪

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I'm SOOOOO disappointed by Israel being on the FAUCist forefront of this Coronatarian nightmare: I HOPE it's only due to the lack of media coverage about mandates in Palestine (or Jordan or Syria or Libanon or Egypt or Turkey for that matter) as well as the latter's (involuntary) lacking of the FAUXine preventing them from imposing the same tyrannical mandates that I got the impression that for the first time Israel's Islamofascist neighbors are more free than Israel.

I hope that the Israeli Trucker perform the long overdue exorcism - just like it's overdue in the rest of the west! I definitely like the parting red sea Exodus spin they give this famous Canadian Freedom Trucker poster: the new Moses is a Trucker! STOP WORSHIPPING UR GOLDEN FAUXINE!

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Love the Isaiah quote. Comparing covid tyranny to the Red Sea is elegant. Where is Moses?

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I love this!!!

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As with many geopolitical events like Trump's presidency, "The Simpsons predicted it", the Freedom Convoi:


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This particular video was made from 2 different episodes.

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For sure

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