With the air being so badly poisoned in China, this is no surprise. Those poor people have the same shitty corrupt leadership we all seem to be getting these days. There was a sat photo over China before COVID and the air was brown, during the lockdowns the air was a light tan in the same frame. I suspect part of this is air pollution.

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Sounds like the common flu/cold which hits in the winter and wanes in the fall. There was no Covid virus

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If people fall for this crap again they are hopelessly stupid. Stand up and say NO!

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Yeah, right.

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It's an upper respiratory infection, sniffles and sore throat. That even if its real!

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More fake video of people keeling over or draped by plastic shrouds coming to a screen near you

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They have a huge depopulation effort underway.

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Ok.... I have an idea for a little sing along. To the tune of Jingle Bells.... Fraud, Fraud, Fraud---- Fraud, Fraud, Fraud, ......... well, you know the rest.

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Thanks God that "U.S. government remains committed to working with China", so we feel so "safe". It was expected a new test to see exactly how the pulse is for their next moves. The point is that intentional provoked crisis over crisis and lies over lies in such a short time served to the people it will not work as expected, not all the world is a china and will never be.

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CCP “news” designed to influence ‘merica. 🥱

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At least it's not the much dreaded Delta Tau Chi scariant, which causes spontaneous food fights to erupt and compels us to crush beer cans on our foreheads.

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They Are Trying To Kill Us.

But We Should Be Nice

- About It.


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Equivalent to what - like 15mil/week in the US? Pretty high.

BUT - lots of dofferences - main one being that China has hardly any natural/broad immunity. Due to harsh lockdowns plus only narrow having narrow “vaccine immunity” for old variants... Also add in that the vaccines do seem to create a negative efficacy fairly quickly - probably just the decimation of the natural immune systems.

Yes - a new variant would probably run through the US again - due to all the knuckleheads that kept getting boosted - but theoretically any new variant should be much milder (assuming it’s a naturally occurring variant. Haha)

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I thought China didn't use the mrna jabs so shouldn't people there be better off?

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Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical was a secret party to the Pfizer/BioNTech contract with US DOD.


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That's if you still want to believe a word of any of this unrelenting horseshit. I don't.

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May 27, 2023
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Well. It’s something. I’ve had it - and they made a nasty something - who cares what they call it Or what test works or not... I am quite healthy and awake, and it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced or watched people experience. So to claim it doesn’t exist is ludicrous and hurts us waking people up. Yes it was manufactured - yes the fear mongering was insanity - yes the shots were useless and dangerous - yes the masks and lockdowns were useless and they knew it - yes the hospital protocols caused 80% of the actual deaths - yes they blocked info and access to valid treatments... and Yes - they will do it again to another extreme to take away more rights. All true

But it wasn’t nothing at first (Delta was kinda nasty too). It was rough on people with low D and bad immune systems... of course future variants were mild, that’s how mutations work - again assuming they are natural mutations.

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This is all BS based on modeling again to get more shots out there.

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Just in time for Tedros, the war criminal, have the WHO declare a pandemic and do a worldwide lockdown.

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Yep... 🙄💩

And The Morons who comprise 98% of humanity will once again, swallow the bullshit whole.

I'm a little over a third through Br. Alexis' latest presentation. Still I think it's worth your time to watch all of it, as I am doing.


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Was Bill Gates or Fauci in the neighborhood?

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