thank you

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By his logic nuclear detonations are good. He should stand at ground zero during a test and feel what it’s like to be good.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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Abomination, plain and simple.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Coming up: the desolation

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I’m working in a friend’s medical office since getting fired from my hospital position. I didn’t realize the desolation until I’ve been in the office , it’s tragic .

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Homosexuality is “natural” because otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible, according to Harari.

So is bestiality then. So is sex with gerbils. So is sex with dead people.

Harari is an mental and moral imbecile, technically an idiot savant.

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Natural = of nature. Nature = "the material world and its phenomena." Presumably this encompasses the good and the not good, giving us the opportunity to use our free will to choose? Bestiality and necrophilia are choices which good people do not make. Isn't that the point?

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There is a fascinating trend throughout history that appears amongst those who openly reject God. They become fools unto themselves. They become their own worst enemies. They become blind to their own self-destruction.

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This exactly and to a "T" mimics what CS Lewis predicted 75 years ago in his book That Hideous Strength. And in fact, Harari is so full of himself he must necessarily repeat exactly what the characters in the book did, who in turn were also so arrogant they did themselves in. The word Lewis used for demons was "macrobes." And just like in the book, these transhumanists are are also dabbling with entitied beyond their ken.

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I too believe he is the dumbest scientist ever created 🤣. Yes @BitesandPieces Daniel indeed!!

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And most arrogant

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Dear Yuval: repent! seek the Lord while it is still today and while he can be found, for otherwise tomorrow yuvil be sorry.

9 For all our days pass away under your wrath; we bring our years to an end like a sigh.

10 The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.

11 Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you?

12 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Psalms 90:9-12

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The Fig Tree generation is coming to a close.

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This exactly and "T" mimics what CS Lewis predicted 75 years ago in his book That Hideous Strength. And in fact, Harari is so full of himself he must necessarily repeat exactly what the characters in the book did, who in turn were also so arrogant they did themselves in. The word Lewis used for demons was "macrobes." And just like in the book, these transhumanists are are also dabbling with entitied beyond their ken.

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I reckon the man’s a child. Hopefully he’ll one day appreciate the privilege, profundity and consequential responsibility of being human.

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

So, by his reasoning, anything that exists is "natural" and therefore "good?"

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Of course! Anthrax, for example.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023

How does he define "natural"? How does natural = good? Aren't we here to make choices between what is good and what is not good? Nature is defined as "the material world and its phenomena." Surely that includes what is not good as well as what is good?

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Woe to those .who are calling evil, good, and good, evil,

Placing darkness for light, and light for darkness,

Placing bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.

Woe to those wise in their own eyes,

And understanding in front of their own faces. - Isaiah 5:20-21

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Yuval can be said to represent this verse: Daniel 11:37

He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or to the one beloved by women. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for he shall magnify himself above all.” He is Jewish and an Atheist. He’s a homosexual and a secular prophet trying to rewrite our bible and our faith.

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He may not be an avowed atheist but what does it take, really. Well, he won't be siring any mini-ACs any time soon. We can be thankful for that.

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He doesn't believe in the fallen nature of man and the universe.

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This troll needs Jesus.

Harari is the Malthusian meat puppet ventriloquist dummy for Satan.

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Disgusting self absorbed atheist

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This guy is not only arrogant, he’s creepy to the core. He looks AI like Zuckerberg, not breathing no emotions. Basically robotic slaves devoid of free will or any humanness. The smartest people are looking for ways to hack people? Why would that be considered smart?

There are many issues pressing humanity, these assholes are funded by evil owners who want their slaves rendered completely at the mercy of an algorithm.

Hmmmm natural for homosexuals maybe maybe

God actually has a divine plan that is not OF the Big Bang or evolution. Perhaps the world is flat. We are the center of the universe.

Of course that would mean all every scientist our programming has been a LIE.

If this creep gets excited about this you can see where a vaxxine that leads to transhumanism is

Has just been deployed.

This guy is Satan in skin creepy devoid of any heart or soul.

God will not be mocked.

Your knee will bend too.

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If homosexuality wasn't natural, then it wouldn't be possible.

Wow. That is just so.... insipid.

So rape, murder, child molestation, torture -- all of that is "natural" because it is "possible."

G-d's commandments were not to restrain us from breaking the speed of light or having two objects occupy the same space at the same time, or to make a right triangle where the square of the hypotenuse did not equal the sum of the squares of the legs. His commandments were to restrain us from doing evil things that are within our power.

These amoral technocrats are not just evil, but they are the worst people to have seizing control of our world.

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The straitjackets should match their insanity.

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