Thank you Nick Hunt for searching for the truth on Pfizer's post-vax safety studies (and thank you to to "Exposing the Darkness" for bringing this news to a larger audience. ASIDE: This Substack's aptly named). We're now at least aware of an alarming "abstract" report if not the full document. Somehow, I don't think MSM "journalists" are eager to report or follow-up on this data. (The real results are probably even scarier). I'd also love to see a similar report comparing cancer diagnoses between vaxed and unvaxed.

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You can just as easily point to the original clinical trials that had several more reported heart conditions in the vaccinated cohort.

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The deep state wasn't counting on an unvaxxed control group. We made it impossible to hide and deny their deadly weapon.

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thank you

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You can't innoculate against a common cold coronavirus. Some say you cannot innoculate against any pathogen. They may be correct. But Covid was a giant scam. So baffled doctor syndrome is no excuse. Stop jabbing you pathetic tools!

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My son now has a heart issue after he got 2 Covid shots.

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Lies and more lies take the jab

New World Order says it's fab-

-Ulous grand and can"t you see

Just what they want It killeth thee.

More dead bodies this is fun

Better killing, beats the gun

Load them up on "remsdivar"

Walk a bit, but not too far

Men and women, children too

Got disease and now are through

Ventilators- rhythmic time

Killing people, such a crime

Many people have to die

Little children say goodbye

To Grannie in facility

We are told it has to be.

Damn the jabbers as they kill

Seem to never get their fill

Jab in multiplicity

Jab the babies, has to be.

Jab and wound, Watch them die

Little children, cry and cry

Hell is happy, Satan grins

Stupid people in their sins

Die from certain suicide

Many liars who have lied

But coming down from God above

He witholds His perfect love.

Damn the mandates, damn those people

Vile and wicked, curse those sheeple

Telling all to take the jab

Death comes straight, right from the lab.

God in heaven, in His hate

For the killers, has a date

Laugh at God, you greedy fool

Time is coming, note the rule

You must die before you live

Jabbing others as you give

Pain and hurt and even death

But you'll also draw last breath.

There is hell, and heaven too

Which one are you going to?

Push the jab, you seal your fate.

You must pass straight thru Hell's gate.

But you say, there is no hell

Deep inside you know damn well

That Truth will send you to your fate

You chose damnation, its too late.

God of wrath, that you deny

Time goes fast, and you will die

Fool embrace stupidity

You the Truth will surely see

Just look away, but here comes death

And you will draw your final breath

And cast into eternal fire

Now meet your end you filthy liar.

The world is evil, greedy people

Best identified as sheeple

Take the jab, believe the lie

It makes me sad that many die.

What can I do but just refuse

To yield to the jab abuse

And I die too but of old age

Peacefully, not in a rage.

The die is cast, the wheels grind slow

But they do move and we will know

Our fate or destiny to share

I may be rough but really care.

Especially for babies dead

Who took the jab, just as fools said

Damn murderers, that was their way,

They will find out, is hell to pay.


Three in the morning and I lie awake wondering how it all came to this?? It all started when western nation leaders opened borders and imported "strange and foreign' people. I think that this tool of judgment is straight from the hand of God who saw societies He blessed suddenly embrace murder by abortion, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, illicit drug use, idolatry, sex trafficking etc. These always existed but never before boldly defended and openly practiced. Is it the end? No, but aside from a turning back to His commandments I think we are in the start of the end times. He knows alone, and His will can never be changed.

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Little gal, I know the breadth and length and depth of a mother's love, and your worries and pain at this tragedy in his life. But also yours. You precious woman carried him nine months, giving him life, and look back in time from the moment of his birth, when you first gazed upon him as a new born baby and the affection in your eyes beggared description in its strength.

It will never die, and last forever, because God created that in you and all women as a crowning glory of being the eighth wonder of the world. I cannot express amply to pay homage to you for that or the affection you carried for him years and now suffer sorrow over the state of affairs.

I travelled a few years ago crossing the border at Blaine Washington, from Canada, and driving down close to the Mexican border before turning north east through Death Valley and then down to Tombstone. The beauty of the west coast highway and azure blue water of the Pacific Ocean was indescribable, but is dwarfed by your inner and outer beauty as a woman now worried over the well being of one you nurtured.

I cherish you for being who and what you are as I do all women, and express gratitude to you for being who and what you are, feel that now in your gentle spirit offered to you because you merit it among all things.

Do not feel alone precious one, for every mother here in the same place feels it too and as rough as I am, I understand, having had a mother who deceased four months away from her hundredth birthday and she never stopped loving me until the moment on her last day she turned her head towards me with the three women in my house looking after her, and with one last look at me her head dropped to the side and she was gone.

All three ran over to her bed and started crying but I walked over and told them she always told me she was not afraid of dying, as my father had told me before he deceased and I was not going to cry.

I know and understand women well, but can never comprehend their depth of affection in its immensity and intensity unrivalled by anything in this temporal existence.

Do not feel alone. There are millions of women world wide with the same affection and grief. You are precious. You are priceless. And I am not the only one here who cherishes you dearest daughter of Eve.

Always Edward

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