Modern people do not know history. Perhaps they also do not know science or logic either. If they did they would have questioned those things that didn't make sense such as the downplaying of natural immunity and masks for something as small as viruses, and a quickly produced vaccination foisted on everyone of all ages.

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Nuclear weapons preceded the ozone layer hole. Pretty sure that was mostly a scam.

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Using the alarm of a global crisis allows NGOs, Think Tanks, and non-elected global organizations to step in and take charge. The end game for these scams is to dismantle nation states' sovereignty. Global dominance demands it. The WHO is fast at work with its Pandemic Treaty to override individual nations' authority.

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Powerful video - thank you Lioness, very much appreciate. I have passed on to many. Staying informed is crucial for knowledge is Power & our Creator lives in the TRUTH ...

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We already know the next plandeic is in the works. These guys in the Deep state are not really that Smart, they just have money and power. They necessarily and always do Beta testing, which is what we saw before covid. Same thing here. Probably next to bad is either bird flu or spme type of ebola/marburg. But truth be told, most people, like all those utter idiots racong to get booster no. 5 now will race to sign up for the next scam. I kust had s friend die from the shot this week. You Deep Staters, of a surety. WILL stand before God in judgment. I would NOT want to be in your shoes then. And to be certain, this WILL happen

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Since when was consensus part of science? Since Copernicus? Galileo? Since Ignas Semmelweis was drummed out of the medical industry in the 1800s for insisting his doctors wash their hands between operations?Since when was consensus part of science?

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Common sense. Somehow it seems to have flown out the window for many in power. The only conclusion is that these world crisis’s are being conducted on purpose for dark reasons not intended to help you and me remotely. We are useless eaters to that crowd who think they will come out on top at the end. As it says in the book of Psalms, God laughs at the foolish arrogance of these evil people. They will receive their just rewards soon enough. Meanwhile, God help us through these dark days. Look up!

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