The Jab strikes again? Pax

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Or was it shedding?

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All Jab related no? The end result is what the elites desired....we have a surplus population "don't ya know".

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Useless eaters, as we are seen, by the parasitical and damned cosplayers of God. The Great Hypocrite Class. The Malignant Maligners. All those necks in search of a noose.

The doomed self-proclaimed elites. Huzzah! Straight to hell with them all.

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Cause and effect, NONE, of the Covid Vax, are " Safe & Effective" .

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Or any other vax. All vac poison.

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Another delayed suicide by a vaxophile

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More like murder by NZ politicians including his father

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He was an adult when he chose to get jabbed.

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Interesting that they’re keeping it under wraps what he died from… Either they’re protecting some illicit activity he might’ve been involved in, or they’re protecting themselves for forcing that jab upon him

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Interesting and highly criminal.

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So awful.

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Doctors remained baffled, as usual, yes?

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Not "doctors." They relinquished that role when they abandoned ethics for an awful lot of money and collective amnesia.

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What is going rate of payment for 'bafflement' right now?

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One is allowed to remain a “doctor”.

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Jabbed huh! Maybe if more MP's and politicians sons and daugters died of the jab we might begin to get some people with a conscience and a change of heart to fight tyranny rather than side with it.

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Nah. I think most of these perps would sell their own kids for money and power.

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Most likely their sould to satan

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"Safe and effective."


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As far as I'm concerned it's VUPO - Vaxxed Until Proven Otherwise.

I don't know who originated this term, but to me, it's appropriate!

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And shedding is a thing.

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There was wailing and gnashing of teeth throughout the palace of Pharaoh…the Angel of Death did his work too well.

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Sadly it going to take more children of politicians dying suddenly before this gets real attention. Young healthy athletes never dropped dead in these numbers before the covid vaccines/bioweapons

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A coincidence maybe?

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Are you being sarcastic? I hope so, otherwise you are not a bright individual.

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Coincidence is the propaganda explanation, it is so obviously not a coincidence, I was saying it 'tongue in cheek' I thought it was obvious. No need to mud sling though.

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Notice I asked, as this form of communication makes it difficult at times to infer tone.

Trust me, friend, I wasn’t slinging mud. That was me, being polite. I don’t sling mud so much as bury in mud.

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True, it is difficult to decipher where a commentator is coming from without the benefit of face-to-face communication, even then words can be taken out of context or misunderstood. Some people take differences of opinion as a personal attack, which stymies further understanding. I don't want to be inflexible in my position, I just want to aim for the 'ideal' of getting closer to the truth.

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How ugly. Likewise to you.

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It' the va...va...va... climate change.

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Here's a couple more:


I'II go with 99.999% jab induced, which coincidentally is the chance a healthy young person had of dying from 'covid'.

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Here's what happened to a spineless Tory MP who refuses to connect the dots. As well as being spineless, he is armless and legless:


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Hope Mr. Cameron at least ordered an autopsy.

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Autopsy should be automatic? Is NZ different?

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I can tell you autopsies are no longer standard procedure (Ca) We've lost multiple (young) people in our family, and they said we could pay for one if we wanted one.

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Yes, that has been the case in many parts of the world including Canada, where I am.

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He complied and pays the cost

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