Das "Nanobot" Paper - Reißerische, falsche Interpretation altbekannter Daten

Cholesterinkristalle fördern kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen durch Aktivierung des Immunsystems




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How does one correlate V😈Xings to depopulation? Evil does. They tried to repair and twist what he said was not intended to mean killing people. But I heard it come out of his mouth and it sounded pretty twisted. We shall soon see folks. Some may need to go find some big falling rocks they can ask to hide then from the face of God. "in a 2010 TED talk on ways to reduce climate emissions, the wealthy entrepreneur acknowledged the population factor and stated we could reduce this “if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services.”

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Kill Gates is just a misunderstood philanthropist who’s trying to fix world hunger by killing all the hungry humans. According to Kill all they have to do is tweak the self replicating lipids to produce “life saving” jabs for $2-3 a pop. He’s giggles with excitement at thought of ending a human life for $2-3!

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Yes he is. He always was a cheapskate:).

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The last group I tested, unjabbed, had 2 showing Mac addresses. Its not just the jabbed or tested today.

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Strangely enough, I've had three shots and I can't pick up a MAC off me despite picking them up off like 90% of other people when I'm out hiking.

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Hi Kieran,

I am genuinely very happy for you. Maybe there were some placebos after all.

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Thank you ❤️ though I'm not celebrating quite yet. It's still possible once it's all done, it doesn't need the MAC address to connect to anymore. Alternatively, hack my device and the ones around me to make me think I'm not broadcasting... still too many un-pinned-down variables.

On the flip side, I'm a relatively unhealthy person, and I haven't been doing anything about the tech. So if I'm legitimately not broadcasting, there may be something I'm doing that's keeping it at bay.

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You most likely received a placebo.

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Three times in a row? Well, if that's what happened, maybe that's where all the rest of my luck for this life went 😂

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Good article and I agree, next " pandemic" is installed via frequency.

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either actual frequency, or energetically fabricated from within; some diehard ppl will welcome the next itteration.

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C'est la guerre. It's the war. The Omniwar.

Omniwar Symposium


"We have yet to mount a defense" --Patrick Wood

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This is awful. It's like a sci fi movie except it's real. Only our Heavenly Father can save us. So happy I am not vaccinated.

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watch the shedding factor, sweeyheart. It's real and its effective.... but I still hope you haven't been shed upon!!!!!

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Not worried about the shedding because the people who made the vaccines would be worried about the shedding. And they aren't.

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I'm confused because I have watched many videos about nanotechnology in both the shots and blood but then Kevin McKernnan proved there was tons of DNA fragments in the shots while others found no evidence of life in them. Were some vials completely different than others and we are being poisoned from many sources? Lots of contradictions but I'm still glad I didn't take any shots. Want to understand though so that I can try to convince my friends and family not to take any more.

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There can be no other express purpose to use any mRNA poisons other than to destroy humanity. That is their only reason for existence. MURDER in the first degree.

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....'murder by injection', you don't say...?

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remember when all of a sudden, it was declared that low temp storage didn't matter anymore and there were long lines of pallets sitting in the sun on the tarmac on air force bases all over the country? does this maybe explain why self-assembling particles haven't been found in a large percentage of vials?

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Or alternatively, it could explain why mRNA wasn't found in a lot of vials. If it was ever there in the first place, it would have totally degraded.

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A whole bunch of demons need to be shipped back to hell pronto.

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