That sub-human demon needs to put somewhere he can't do anymore damage to humanity, he has murdered more than enough of us, it has to stop.

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Yes, so easy to do also. I cannot figure out why it has not been taken care of.

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Totally agree. What it is going to take?

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Hell is not hot enough.

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eternity's a long time

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His day will come.

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God’s timing is perfect

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Is this related to the Biblical mark of the beast system?

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Got to wonder.

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I think it has to be an intentional act. In other words, accidentally tripping and falling and slamming your forehead on a cheap-ink copy of Patent 060606, and ending up with the number on your forehead, is not a volitional act.

Tattoing it there is.

But this brings up another question: "What is "the unforgivable/unpardonable sin"?

Jesus refers to it as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. “Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin”. (Mark 3:29)

Why did Jesus "single-out" the Holy Spirit?

The Trinity is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, as One.

God sent the Holy Spirit - the Comforter - to dwell in the hearts of those who have faith that Jesus, through his ministry, his death, and his resurrection - is the Savior of mankind.

I think that the operative word here is "mankind". I think that Satan's primary objective is to change mankind.

And what better way is there to do that than by literally altering the essence of what makes mankind, mankind?

Perhaps by altering the unimaginably complex blueprint that separates mankind from every other creature.

By changing our DNA.

They can do that, you know.

They can "hack" us to make us, not-us.

And they have told us they intend to do so. They must tell us. And they have.

All that is necessary is our informed consent.

We were not informed then, when this all started.

But we are now.

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All while terraforming the planet for those other "creatures".

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Its unbelief.

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Such a sick man.

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The mRNA platform is still experimental. Excess death figures indicate you might want to give it a miss.

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Oh, but that's just collateral damage in the process of "saving" billions.

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Thats what they believe.

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Gates needs to be disassembled, asap.

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They should drop him from an parachute into India. I think they can take care of him real good from that point!

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Could they forgo the parachute?

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The chuckle he gave when he mentioned self assembling nano particles!

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Gates isn’t a doctor. I think he dropped out of college. But he is a really good thief. So this man probably is not qualified to speak technically about mRNA.

I hope his relationship to Epstein brings him down as a disgrace he is.

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This miserable bag of garbage "the image of the vaccinism science" is still alive? what a disappointment.

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Did you notice Bill mentioning "we'll make a lot of our bets . . . "?

This was a Freudian slip referring to the financial gain he is planning, which he quickly recognized and then followed up with a mention of the Gates Foundation and "those who care about global health"....

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Since when is this idiot even remotely qualified to discuss this subject… I feel like he is attempting to normalize a very toxic concept that will further kill even more people… that is after all the eugenics goal is it not?

Your friendly, neighborhood, seemingly caring….” eugenic “ nicely dressing in sheeple clothing. What could possibly go wrong???

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I don’t get why they are wanting to kill any of us! This is pure evil! We have the means to feed everyone and the means to keep everyone safe! But they don’t give two rat asses about us! So egotistical that they think there better than us! We will win in the end! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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When are we going to see Gates being led away in chains?

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The same way we have not see Fauci being carted off in chains yet.

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This would soon get out of hand, as the self-assembling nano stuff is still experimental. But then the situation might get dangerous for them as well. So, do not panic and don’t forget all those words might be just some PsyOp crazy making of people. Scared people are easy to rule. No matter which side.

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Okay....First I need to know, what's up with the friggin' birds?

I'd share the video with folks I know, however they'll immediately label it a deep fake BECAUSE OF THE BIRDS!

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I agree Rob and how do we know it’s not AI? It seems a bit fake. I know he uses a lot hand/arm gestures and usually very shifty, but this seems over exaggerated. Why does he have a platform to be discussing science? I find him repulsive. What also bothers me is Melinda is not called out for killing people. She’s well aware of their so called “Foundation” - The Bill & *Melinda* Gates Foundation . We need to hold her equally responsible for killing people as her sick ex husband. She is fully aware and yet she doesn’t speak up. It’s like the pedo father who molests his daughter and the mother knows and doesn’t speak up because she doesn’t want to lose what she has. Divorce was awfully quiet. Did she sign a NDA to keep her millions? Let’s give her the attention she deserves. Maybe we’ll get somewhere. I’m sickened by those two.

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Still like to see it.

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They have to tell you.

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