That photo put a dagger through my heart because my daughter had my 2 1/2 year old son jabbed. I was visiting that day and saw the bandage and asked about it not knowing they gave it in the leg. The look on my face made her try to justify why she did it. She won’t listen to anything. My days have less joy with this knowledge.

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My daughter and husband and one grand daughter has took the jab! We have had many friends die suddenly and Turbo cancer! They just would listen they really believed it was ok!

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I’m speechless. A tragedy of Nazi proportions. It’s not looking good for the future of humanity.

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Poor babies 👶🏻 😢😢😢🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Yes, schwab himself said so publicly. Homosexuals, pedos are good to get population down

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Evil is upon us!

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Peds will tell you “ it’s for the greater good”... shameless. 🤮🤑☠️

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Dear Lord bless Bless & protect our precious children. Thank you Lioness of Judah for your dedication in exposing Medical tyranny. This is Spiritual warfare - I pray all day, everyday for our world, especially our children ...

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AMEN Susan P... We Need to Maintain a Mighty Hedge of Protection around the "Lioness of Judah" as She Reveals God's truth...

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Seizures after vaccines are too common even before the latest bioweapon plague. A retired neonatal ICU nurse friend told me that the callous members nursing staff practically joked about being ready with the seizure cart after delivering all the shots to the premature and sick newborn babies on the unit.

This level of evil is taken as normal.

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Until People can Grasp the Concept of GOD vs Evil you'll Never Be able to "SEE" the Origination of the True CHAOS, or what's known as "Ordo Ab Chao".

It's Why they changed the Meaning of "FACT$ceens" to Only having to Create an Imunne Response and Not have to "Protect" or "Stop Transmission", Understand if you Fell Face First into "Bovine Feces" BULL $HIT, your body will Create an "Immune Response" too... "BS" is WHO Approved & Certified...!

Know Who is the Author of "Lies & Deceptions" and "WHO" would want to Kill the Future or Our Keiki or "CHILDREN", GOD is the Creator, Satan the Destroyer.

Aloha & God bless, kyle

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stupid pediatricians.

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Extremely, at least i know now not trust most drs "expertise".

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And we can see now on a global scale what cowards look like in the form of medical drs and what their oath to hipocratus meant to them.

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Not Stupid but $@tanic...

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"Captured" pediatricians (and pediatrician groups).

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Sorry Bill Reply was for KP

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