Following the Obama-produced release last week of the movie Leave the World Behind, about the collapse of America following a catastrophic cyber attack that shuts down the power grid...
If we can’t jail the monsters doing this to us, I see some kind of Balkanization of the US. Last week both the Florida house and senate put forth a bill to create their own currency backed by gold. If we can get control of the money, it will go a very long way toward keeping the peace, at least in places where the people support things like creating a new currency.
"Civil war" is only a grandiose word for what the globalists have in store for the people. A little disruption in the production/distribution chain or the energy sector, and many Americans, armed to the teeth, will go looting and, eventually, some of them will be willing to kill for a can of soup, especially if their children are starving or have no access to potable water. This is the long version:
His point is the rich may feel they’ll have a seat at the table, but they’re only dessert. If they can see how this was put in place and how it really works, they’ll be able to deconstruct it. Because that’s all it is - a construct put in place by little laws slipped in over many decades and for NO ONE’S benefit save a few bankers hidden in shadows that we aren’t permitted to know.
Stop watching their programming…that’s all part of living outside of their virtual “matrix.”
One correction, God—Whose name is Jesus the Christ—has ALREADY prevailed. The victory ALWAYS has been and ALWAYS will be His and His alone. He is Almighty God and has no equal. Satan is a finite and fallen created being and—just as ALL creation is—under the power and authority of Almighty God. In Christ, we share the victory. Merry Christmas and May you all experience the salvation and victory that comes from Jesus alone.
Don't forget about this trailer, we almost lived the real life version and still might
"In 2010, David Crowley worked on a film about a future in which the government crushes civil liberties. When Crowley and his wife and child are found dead in 2014, conspiracy theorists speculate that they have been assassinated by the government."
hello, this is for us to hear and see, changing this outcome requires changing our directions, choices and becoming more focused on the counter narratives!
If you want to stop genocide currently in Ukraine and Gaza and from it skipping over to this continent, you need to consider "Build a New International Security & Architecture" (7:30 HR Long Discussion)
And how do you come to this conclusion... totally opposite view of mine... but most leftist would prefer to prevent this from occurring.... as these are the reasons why:
LaRouche was a very intelligent economist who produced the Glass Steagall out of the Alexander Hamilton and Henry C Carey's American Systems of Economics - of which many countries including China and Germany participated in learning this for the purpose of developing independence... and what is the independence from? Have you ever read the US 'Declaration of Independence'?
Well if you haven't figured out yet, its Independence from the British Empire, City of London formerly Venetian Empire, which is leading the helm of the UN, WEF, WHO and NATO AND MIC... and more... all very LEFTIST.
Those who supported the Independence and movement towards development and technology with the balance of nature ~ WERE MURDERED!
1865-Lincoln, 1945-FDR, 1963-JFK and well we all know about the Tucker interview with DT asking him if he's on a "LIST"...
So why would pro - American Systems of Economics and Independence people - be the ones Assassinated?
It's going to come down to percentages... currently 4% controls 96% of the world scenario has been whittled away, thanks to the BRICS+ that is, if we survive :)
Who is the leading, isolated pariah state in the worlds eyes now???
A world defined by permanent war and depression/austerity? Or cooperation among sovereign states for mutual benefit? It shouldn't be a difficult choice. Events in recent days provide some clarity, which is denied to you if you live in the West. The weekly Manhattan Project dialogue can help you break through the fog of the media narrative, and become engaged in the battle to define a new strategic and development architecture for humanity.
First, each person learns to act from principle--this means for example, free speech is valued so highly that we protect it, no matter who is saying something we don't like. We have to act from a good spirit, a true heart, courage and knowledge.
We should take on the globalists in their backyard. Law enforcement which claims to be constitutionalists need to gather up their courage and make arrests. Prosecutors and the judiciary which isn't compromised or paid off need to initiate and preside over fair trials.
As they no corporation, PPP, "charity" or govt. have charters to enslave people, they are committing fruad by so doing. Lawyers need to take them to civil court, dismantle their organizations and confiscate their fraudulent, ill gotten gains. Rich people on our side need to fund these suits. If you think you'll be keeping your money under these psychopaths, you are mistaken. Many more wealthy people need to get using their money to help themselves and others be free!
We the people should not comply. We can point out the hypocrisy and idiocy of what the global psychopaths and their minions are saying and doing. We can stop falling for psy-ops and stop worshiping political figures, which is a form of idolatry. We should protect children and help others when we can.
It is a lot harder to start a civil war when people have courage, integrity and kindness along with laughter. So I suggest not going along with their predictions!!!!
I feel that somehow 2024 will be a tough year. Pay attention to the signs i.e earthquakes, volcanoes and signs in the sky as predictated in Rev. The merchants of death and perversion are dominate now, but we will get our wake up call and better pay attention.
I heard fromtwo completely different sources, that 'things' will get better. Personally, though, I will only believe it when I see it. I believe These obummer 'produced' movie[s] are softening us up for the future...
What's most laughable about all the doomsday movies produced in Hollywood is that they all must have a positive ending and therefore they are totally unrealistic... Leave the Wold Behind is no different in this aspect. Survival of a nuclear war somewhere in a bunker is totally unrealistic and unfounded and yet most movies with a "happy ending" must have. I'm pretty convinced though that many paranoid rich people will be be building nuclear bunkers after watching this movie if they haven't already done so... The power of propaganda, no matter how unrealistic, is very real...
Only the sheep will buy into it. And if they act it out, yeah, it could be a slaughter. The awake will be the only ones standing. And hopefully going after those who’ve caused it.
In GOD we Trust - I believe in the Power of Prayer & our Creator's amazing Power. I pray all day, everyday, continue to speak TRUTH to tyranny & try to be of loving service to those in need. There is strength in Unity & GOD's Grace ...
Have to take issue with the idea that “God is waiting for the right moment”. God is on His throne as you correctly say but He has also foreordained whatsoever comes to pass. He does not wait for man to do something or other and then step in. He has known since the foundation of the world what will happen at any given time as He foreordained it all.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:8.
It is with us to “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him”.
I don't know what tomorrow holds. I know that "they" are not the real problem -- it's "us" -- and while there is nothing wrong with planning ahead I know this:
Matt. 6:33-34 first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
I watched the Obama "Disaster Movie". It was a mix of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and a Grid Down-Particle Beam dystopian scenario with a racial disharmonic.
Methinks, it's a Mea Culpa by the Obamaites "that they Warned Us" of their Own nefarious pogrom for the USSA.
I read "1 Second After" and it still seems ths most probable scenario coming our way.
We could try to Pre-empt a EMP/Grid Hack, but .....
All I can offer is to repeat ad nauseum to Pre-pare as best as possible. The Elites certainly have .... with "Doomsday Prepper" Bunkers and Food to last Years.
2024 is Upon You/Me/We and then those Consequences from 2025 onwards for ???
"Normal" is No more. I do wish you all and myself well. We'll certainly need it. Do not ask anymore "For Whom the Bell Tolls".
If we can’t jail the monsters doing this to us, I see some kind of Balkanization of the US. Last week both the Florida house and senate put forth a bill to create their own currency backed by gold. If we can get control of the money, it will go a very long way toward keeping the peace, at least in places where the people support things like creating a new currency.
Do you happen to know the title of the bill?
Thank you!
"Civil war" is only a grandiose word for what the globalists have in store for the people. A little disruption in the production/distribution chain or the energy sector, and many Americans, armed to the teeth, will go looting and, eventually, some of them will be willing to kill for a can of soup, especially if their children are starving or have no access to potable water. This is the long version:
And this is the short one:
What they want is a Purge. Just like the movie.
It's working. Dunno about the movie. :)
I have great hope in this: The Great Taking by Webb
His point is the rich may feel they’ll have a seat at the table, but they’re only dessert. If they can see how this was put in place and how it really works, they’ll be able to deconstruct it. Because that’s all it is - a construct put in place by little laws slipped in over many decades and for NO ONE’S benefit save a few bankers hidden in shadows that we aren’t permitted to know.
Stop watching their programming…that’s all part of living outside of their virtual “matrix.”
One correction, God—Whose name is Jesus the Christ—has ALREADY prevailed. The victory ALWAYS has been and ALWAYS will be His and His alone. He is Almighty God and has no equal. Satan is a finite and fallen created being and—just as ALL creation is—under the power and authority of Almighty God. In Christ, we share the victory. Merry Christmas and May you all experience the salvation and victory that comes from Jesus alone.
Don't forget about this trailer, we almost lived the real life version and still might
"In 2010, David Crowley worked on a film about a future in which the government crushes civil liberties. When Crowley and his wife and child are found dead in 2014, conspiracy theorists speculate that they have been assassinated by the government."
Gray State. I have never forgotten that one.
warning, warning, warning...
hello, this is for us to hear and see, changing this outcome requires changing our directions, choices and becoming more focused on the counter narratives!
If you want to stop genocide currently in Ukraine and Gaza and from it skipping over to this continent, you need to consider "Build a New International Security & Architecture" (7:30 HR Long Discussion)
Here is a shorter versions:
And how do you come to this conclusion... totally opposite view of mine... but most leftist would prefer to prevent this from occurring.... as these are the reasons why:
LaRouche was a very intelligent economist who produced the Glass Steagall out of the Alexander Hamilton and Henry C Carey's American Systems of Economics - of which many countries including China and Germany participated in learning this for the purpose of developing independence... and what is the independence from? Have you ever read the US 'Declaration of Independence'?
Well if you haven't figured out yet, its Independence from the British Empire, City of London formerly Venetian Empire, which is leading the helm of the UN, WEF, WHO and NATO AND MIC... and more... all very LEFTIST.
Those who supported the Independence and movement towards development and technology with the balance of nature ~ WERE MURDERED!
1865-Lincoln, 1945-FDR, 1963-JFK and well we all know about the Tucker interview with DT asking him if he's on a "LIST"...
So why would pro - American Systems of Economics and Independence people - be the ones Assassinated?
It's going to come down to percentages... currently 4% controls 96% of the world scenario has been whittled away, thanks to the BRICS+ that is, if we survive :)
Who is the leading, isolated pariah state in the worlds eyes now???
Reality Is Breaking Through the Fog
A world defined by permanent war and depression/austerity? Or cooperation among sovereign states for mutual benefit? It shouldn't be a difficult choice. Events in recent days provide some clarity, which is denied to you if you live in the West. The weekly Manhattan Project dialogue can help you break through the fog of the media narrative, and become engaged in the battle to define a new strategic and development architecture for humanity.
First, each person learns to act from principle--this means for example, free speech is valued so highly that we protect it, no matter who is saying something we don't like. We have to act from a good spirit, a true heart, courage and knowledge.
We should take on the globalists in their backyard. Law enforcement which claims to be constitutionalists need to gather up their courage and make arrests. Prosecutors and the judiciary which isn't compromised or paid off need to initiate and preside over fair trials.
As they no corporation, PPP, "charity" or govt. have charters to enslave people, they are committing fruad by so doing. Lawyers need to take them to civil court, dismantle their organizations and confiscate their fraudulent, ill gotten gains. Rich people on our side need to fund these suits. If you think you'll be keeping your money under these psychopaths, you are mistaken. Many more wealthy people need to get using their money to help themselves and others be free!
We the people should not comply. We can point out the hypocrisy and idiocy of what the global psychopaths and their minions are saying and doing. We can stop falling for psy-ops and stop worshiping political figures, which is a form of idolatry. We should protect children and help others when we can.
It is a lot harder to start a civil war when people have courage, integrity and kindness along with laughter. So I suggest not going along with their predictions!!!!
I feel that somehow 2024 will be a tough year. Pay attention to the signs i.e earthquakes, volcanoes and signs in the sky as predictated in Rev. The merchants of death and perversion are dominate now, but we will get our wake up call and better pay attention.
I heard fromtwo completely different sources, that 'things' will get better. Personally, though, I will only believe it when I see it. I believe These obummer 'produced' movie[s] are softening us up for the future...
What's most laughable about all the doomsday movies produced in Hollywood is that they all must have a positive ending and therefore they are totally unrealistic... Leave the Wold Behind is no different in this aspect. Survival of a nuclear war somewhere in a bunker is totally unrealistic and unfounded and yet most movies with a "happy ending" must have. I'm pretty convinced though that many paranoid rich people will be be building nuclear bunkers after watching this movie if they haven't already done so... The power of propaganda, no matter how unrealistic, is very real...
Obama produced, need we say more .
Only the sheep will buy into it. And if they act it out, yeah, it could be a slaughter. The awake will be the only ones standing. And hopefully going after those who’ve caused it.
2024 is going to be a rough year
These ghouls don't need a crystal ball when they have satan on their side. Seems the glove are off and rapid nonstop fire is the method at hand.
In GOD we Trust - I believe in the Power of Prayer & our Creator's amazing Power. I pray all day, everyday, continue to speak TRUTH to tyranny & try to be of loving service to those in need. There is strength in Unity & GOD's Grace ...
Have to take issue with the idea that “God is waiting for the right moment”. God is on His throne as you correctly say but He has also foreordained whatsoever comes to pass. He does not wait for man to do something or other and then step in. He has known since the foundation of the world what will happen at any given time as He foreordained it all.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:8.
It is with us to “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him”.
I don't know what tomorrow holds. I know that "they" are not the real problem -- it's "us" -- and while there is nothing wrong with planning ahead I know this:
Matt. 6:33-34 first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
I watched the Obama "Disaster Movie". It was a mix of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" and a Grid Down-Particle Beam dystopian scenario with a racial disharmonic.
Methinks, it's a Mea Culpa by the Obamaites "that they Warned Us" of their Own nefarious pogrom for the USSA.
I read "1 Second After" and it still seems ths most probable scenario coming our way.
We could try to Pre-empt a EMP/Grid Hack, but .....
All I can offer is to repeat ad nauseum to Pre-pare as best as possible. The Elites certainly have .... with "Doomsday Prepper" Bunkers and Food to last Years.
2024 is Upon You/Me/We and then those Consequences from 2025 onwards for ???
"Normal" is No more. I do wish you all and myself well. We'll certainly need it. Do not ask anymore "For Whom the Bell Tolls".