Aug 24, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Nursing home staff here in the U.S. are asking if I want to go ahead and kill my husband if he needs resuscitation. As if I were deciding to throw out a worn out shoe. Callous and utterly distasteful.

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I’m changing my living will back to no DNR and don’t you dare think about it! I don’t trust these people.

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Utterly demonic 😡

I am sorry you have to go through this.. Prayers to you and your husband. Stay strong 🙏 ❤️

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

The irony of all of this is that you need to be "fully vaccinated" to qualify for government-assisted murder. Let that sink in.

Human experimentation, anyone?

I live in Canada and I hate it here.

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Tyranny is not a pleasant state of affairs.

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I've come to loathe Canada.

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I love Canada, but not so much the various levels of govt and agencies who are not working for the citizens best interests.

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I can appreciate that.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Why are you behaving like this? Some very sick people benefit from Euthanasia, but have you seen the "requirements" for Canada? They'll do it if you're healthy if you say you're "too poor to live with dignity" or if you have a mental illness diagnosis.

Do some research before insulting and swearing at people on Substack like a degenerate.

This ain't Reddit, buddy.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Author

Profanities and insults will not be tolerated here. I don't have time to deal with this nonsense. The user is banned

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Ok so anyone who feels suicidal at any given moment should be allowed to die on the spot without any thought? People DO change their minds whether YOU like it or not.

You are the one who sounds like a nazi.

You're clearly mentally unstable and looking for a fight. Crawl back into the hole from where you came.

Good day.

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No, dead people don't change their minds; only the living do.

You're insulting me and throwing a tantrum because I think this is a decision that should not be ushered out lightly on any and everyone as it opens the door to abuse and coercion (which has already begun if you would just....read.)

A debate always has to have 2 sides. Otherwise it's a dictatorship.

You follow Jessica Rose I think? Read her article that she posted about MAID this morning.

I wish you well.

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For your information, here are the lyrics that have been shopped off our National Anthem (I know who wrote it in French because he's my great-grand uncle):

"Ruler Supreme, Who hearest humble prayer,

Hold our dominion within Thy loving care.

Help us to find, O God, in Thee

A lasting, rich reward,

As waiting for the Better Day,

We ever stand on guard."

It's good time to sing it in its entirety. Obviously Mister Troodo is not aware of the full Canadian Anthem.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This is the most terrifying thing I have seen so far...backed up by a peer reviewed NIH paper classifying the anti Vax stance as mental illness...

Absolutely terrifying.

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Can you point me to this paper, please?

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Ill try only have phone now.

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In Sept 2021, as my appeal to remain uninjected was being rejected, I told my co-workers that I expect that by early 2022 nicely named interment camps would be built. I was off by a few months. They responded something like 'Naw, I don't see that happening.' To which I responded, 'And you saw being suspended and fired from my job because I chose not to get injected?' Nope, they hadn't seen that, either.

It is interesting to note that Canada has in the past been quick to enact eugenics plans on the indigenous. And that we Canadians didn't stop the eugenic practices of forced sterilisation of the undesirables until the 1980s (I think).

How long will the internment camps be voluntary? Not for very long, I am sure.

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That’s the first thing that jumped out at me was “voluntary..” oh sure, okay..

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You're absoletely right to bring this genocide up. Are you in Quebec? this is the worst pro-eugenics province of all. I just have this "old" movie "Soylent green" in mind where old people "vonluntarily" go to euthanasia facilities to die. In the movie they make it so smooth: a little movie of what used to be nature, along with beautiful Vivaldi music, before turning you into waffles for the rest of humanity... Here we are, but I doubt they will go to such extend as to lulluby me into death... the waffle part will soon be implemented when they'll realize it's cheaper to pulverize us into powder instead of growing insects and bugs in labs for food...

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Yes. One of the substack links – I've forgotten which – found a link to a scientific article that is now gone from the WHO about the advantages of cannibalism.

I read the book Soylent Green in the 1970s. I've not watched the movie.

Interestingly enough, this is not new. Have you read A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift? https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1080/1080-h/1080-h.htm

We assign it as a satire. And yet...

I left Yukon Canada in February less than two weeks after I lost my job. I left in part because I saw this coming, in part because I don't have the financial means to live in Canada without work, and in part because in my interactions with the people and management I worked with in an engineering department with about the most grounded and educated people it is possible to be with about my being suspended and my research, I suspected that there is no way for Canadians to wake up before the axe starts falling. So I toss alarm clocks in the form of words from afar to some I think may have a chance to hear what is happening. I've had the tiniest amount of success. Mostly no success.

All the best, with peace and gratitude.

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Thank you for your insight!... I've noticed that the professionnals have been the greatest adepts of the propaganda. People with education I work with (I'm just the receptionnist for crying out loud...) have meticulously followed the agenda. Let's see how Canada unfolds... Concerning the Jonathan Swift proposal, it's so awful to speak of children as being "flesh". Sadly I heard there was a black market for it, and a rather known one for their blood. Nothing surprises me anymore, but it's getting really hard to sort out the truth from the fiction... May God bless you with health and wealth in your new endeavors!

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You may find Jasun Horseley's book 'Vice of Kings' an interesting read. It is a meticulously researchede examination of the presence of organised child abuse, and the infiltration of Fabian eugenics ideology into the school system.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

DO the members of parliament from all parties NOT have this info....this needs to be shared with them and the senators and the media..... whether they care or not....we need evidence that they were given the info and did nothing about it...... we need this to go viral......let's start, please.......

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We are already tracked and in many ways incarcerated, just in our own homes. The increasing numbers of all non Covid, all cause deaths around the world indicate that they are already putting us down.

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Aug 21, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Harari speaks as if he just can't wait to be hanged by a mob. It wouldn't take much really. Even some moderate trout fishing line would do the job.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

They all need to feel some fear. Immediately

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deletedAug 22, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry
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Canadians have no idea what's going on. It's beyond their reach, in their wiildest nightmare, but also the information is totally misleading or absent. The media is so deeply corrupt here it's pathetic, and heading for the worst. The opposition party is complaining once in a while but the other party lead by Singh-along gives Troodo full authority. Well, more like 3/4 of the parliement is filled with WEF protégés. That explains it all. Ok guys, since I qualify for heavy mental illness because of my comments and because I did not comply, being a Christian to top it all off, I guess I'll see ya in jail soon! It's a matter of time before they turn me (or my Canadian brothers and sisters) into soylent green patties!

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Australia as well… and some blue states here in America… 🔥🔥🔥

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