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Neither is Trump, Democrats or Republicans, but there are some independents.

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Money talks, bullshit walks.

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These Satanic Globalist will reach their "Bovine Feces" Climate Change Goals because it'll be Dry & Hot in HELLLLL...!

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Naturally they also aim for profit, but what's more defiant is that they don't necessarily consider us people, but their patients.

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More like their lab rats because they feel emboldened as the Nuremberg Code is no longer being upheld. Laws will only work if the laws are upheld ~ and who does that? Courts? "UN" nations? ~ UN was formed 1945; my opinion, the nazis (eugenicists) took their time and infultrated world governments; now look where we are. They want to abolish Human Rights. Example: "The Pope says is okay, therefore, you have no excuse, it is okay, because "your Pope" says it's okay". This was what I was told when seeking religious exemption for not wanting the abortion tainted experimental mRNA lethal poison jab. Hence, I have no right as a human to have a conscience and religious belief. Money talks a lot of evil. Human life is not revered. Prayer for Reverence for Life ~ 'From conception to natural end' ~ is HATED by many. Hate is a very powerful thing, but so is God's love. Evil: Yuval Noah Harari; Love: Jesus Christ.

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I should have put the word patient in quotes, it's the word used by that individual. yes, after all, we are their lab rats. The pope is worse than harari, considering his religious position, as he acted in this period, supporting all the experiment.

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Put that one up against a wall before a firing squad.

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The old business model of window of opportunity-keep your customer on the pill wagon!

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What? Profitable! Like I always say, after the fuck up, they always Double Down!

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Profits are key critical - safe and effective, hmmm, not so much🤡🌍

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Code for it is deadly and getting more deadlier. But as long as enough of you "quackcine lovers" are still alive, we can make more money because you will line up for endless "mouse proven" injections. Sayeth the big pigs of pharma...you are that dumb and we know how to exploit your stupidity.

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They are doing it again, because we did not hang them the last time.

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They mock God and they mock us while telling us they can save us. Unfortunately most are looking to man’s solutions instead of God’s, the One who created everything.

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil - help us to help ourselves awaken others. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to tyranny. Thank you Dr. Coleman - you are one of my favorite Truth Warriors ...

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