As I have always said, when it comes to COVID, anyone talking about "statistics" and trying to prove anything with them, is not being honest. The tests didn't work therefore the data was faulty. However, they did have reasons for collecting data, but it had nothing to with COVID.

The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing

"If we do not stop it, this testing will prove the stealth weapon destroying us all from the inside out, without ever firing a shot."


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A shot was fired - inside the arms of those who believed the lie. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny for this is a global genocide. Life Free or die with honor. In GOD we Trust ...

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Truth of the matter is that these fearless, courageous souls can shout it from the rooftops but until the mass population decides it wants no more of this evil it will continue, unabated, as the goons only plan to turn up the volume on their wicked agenda.

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It's dreadful that so many people were bamboozled and threatened into getting jabbed. That became the smoking gun that has caused so much continuous destruction.

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Biggest crime ever … started with Fear Porn …. NEVER EVER FORGET.

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Okay. Um mention additional information/ bring up more about this chem trail and wind generator dissipaters as well since their causing all these not dissipaters to shove lethal/harming chemicals compounds through our respiratory system but yes we can detox but not what our brain organ has alr consumed from it giving us mindgranes ALSO, I’m so excited for non EMF harmful blutooth devices to BE REPLACED with these QUANTUM technologies that don’t hurt us. I’m all about it and want these release to being brought to us!😄😁😁 TOO BAD ORSINI(you need to mention this “gang” as well cause they own EVERYTHING and LEWS wont let us have this🤦‍♂️💩😕PATRIOTS FREAKIN UNITE BABY

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The biggest lie in history is “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it [the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (from Genesis 3:4-5).

It pervades the thinking of all who believe that we can save ourselves, ensuring failure if we do not turn away from such thinking. Today, Science™ (i.e. "knowledge") specifically represents that Tree.

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So many still in the dark! In a church bulletin…”please pray…for our congregation..we have so many in our church with.. mysterious illnesses.” Obvious they are clueless! Might still be taking boosters! Lord help us!

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On the nail, apart from the fakery of the COVID illusion, which you don't quite seem to get past.

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May every single participating doctor, nurse and the manufacturers be tried for genocide

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I realize so many have lost lives, family members, livelihoods and their health.

Personally speaking : This LIE was the final straw in my marriage. It helped finish off a broken relationship. I saw the fakery from day one. . He refused to listen & took 2 poison rounds. game over.

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Well folks are we entertained yet?

Anyone see a current pattern of the plandemic-X being promoted?

Well something may be in the air (pun intended) during the 8Apr2024 solar show. As tens of thousands of mouths are openly gawking at the sky.

They may soon begin to ingest particles that will later in the coming weeks manifest into something greater then what we have see before.


I won't write any specifics due to the new ussa sensor-ship environment. Yeah ya'll get it.

Take all info with a grain of salt and always take this to our God and Creator for wisdom to understand.

Much Agape to all.

Just an old man...

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