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Feb 23
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And it ain't over yet! Many will still die.

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Unfortunately you are correct.

Many in my circle of friends and family have already died and two more have turbo cancer and are not expected to live much longer.

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At least another five years of die off. And that's not even bringing up the fact that the technology is now in us all. Even the unvaxed, between shedding and purposely contaminated food, water, injectables. Humanity is on the brink of extinction. As we know humans. The first step to transhumanism has been achieved. Fake bird flu is coming. It's looking bleak. Good has to win over evil. It has to. ✌️

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Sorry for your loss. It's no coincidence this will put us around UN Agenda 2030. There is another Substack writer who goes by 2nd Smartest Guy where he offers Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. He reveals facts about the vaccine and offers potential solution. I think he owns the company in all honesty. I did order Ivermectin once from them when they were running a 20% off special which is done at least once a month. Shipping was fast. You would need to search for him on here maybe but I believe he said Ivermectin can remove the mRNA and shows a Joe Tippens protocol as he had Stage 4 Lung Cancer years ago and is still around today. The thing is many have talked about shedding so we could all have some of this stuff inside us.

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Tragic news! I'm so very sorry for your loss.

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So many are sick. The majority do not correlate their illnesses to the jabs. If you try to enlighten them, for the sake of possible detox or treatment, they WILL NOT accept it. I suppose they can not. It's simply too much. On top of being ill, to have to deal with the evilness of it. The absolute betrayal they must feel. It enrages me. Even though I find it difficult to empathize with the willfully ignorant, there is still the ugliness of taking advantage of the sheeple that pisses me off. I can't even begin to think about the children. 🥺

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Well put!! I couldn't agree more!

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This is my experience too. They cannot even entertain the idea that they were lied to and misled. Even while they are getting sick again and again in rapid succession.

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I would appreciate it if the petition included a statement emphasizing that there is no need for a 'vaccine' for a virus that does not exist.

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Criminal! They also redefined the definition of a vaccine to complete the deadly hoax!

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Indeed they did:

Executive summary: Herd immunity has been recast as only being achievable via vaccinations that no longer grant immunity (give that a moment’s consideration), at a time when declaring a pandemic is as easy as pointing to a cluster of sick folk somewhere in the vast world. Once evoked billions in taxpayer currency will automatically be transferred by horse traded politicians to corrupt corporations that will then repeatedly mass inject the entire world’s willing (so far) population with poison.

Sources for everything above here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/by-your-magic-spell-all-the-nations

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You spelled vaccine wrong, it’s spelled depop shot!

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EXactly Eric 💯🎯 or

Wacksceen, Deathsceen then Crimesceen...

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Sitting on their yacht eating steaks and laughing at injected sheep! Herd immunity doesn’t exist! 😂

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Correct and they say we should entertain the idea of eating bugs to combat climate change as these people fly their private jets to the World Economic Forum multiple times per year. Real ID becomes mandatory in May and without it you cannot board a plane.

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Digital ID tied to health and updated euthanasia jabs! Hard pass! 😎💯

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yes, yes and yes.

All GoF needs to be shut down and all work on modRNA platforms need to e halted

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Fraud, waste and abuse 💯

Sadly I don’t expect Doge to do much about this after the fact. Nobody escapes judgment though and the FDA is complicit in the crimes against humanity!

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The work of Katherine Watt as documented on her Substack, 'Bailiwick News' and Sasha Latypova's, 'Art and Due Diligence' assign the actual ownership and distribution of what are referred to as 'Gene Therapies' to actually be 'Military Operations' of the DOD and 'His Majesty's Armed Services.'

The research of both women can be found in Substack and is worth the hours of research into their archives to better understand the labyrinth of this LEGALIZED attack on the world's population.

Glaxoklinesmith's 'Wellcome Trust' under Sir Jeremy Farrar, now at W.H.O, was equally involved with the Research and Development with DARPA and other organizations in academia, etc.

The serums are defined 'Countermeasures' by Militaries owning them which is to classify them as WEAPONS or BIO-NANOWEAPON INJECTIONS. They are also defined, 'EUA Demonstrations as well as other distinctions by BARDA using Big Pharma to market/sell which created the appearance of them being medication instead of BIO-NANOWEAPON INJECTIONS. The same substances of the serums are now being manufactured and 'CROP DUSTED' into our environment as well as placed in food to be consumed around the world.

This is a very complicated issue and larger than this letter defines it to be.

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Thank you. More should read baliwick. People have no idea what has already been implemented and by whom. It IS of the upmost importance. To our survival.

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Will be praying all channels are open & willing AND held to account. That this gets out and THROUGH to people. Thank you Lord, depending on the Holy Spirit to dot the i’s & cross the t’s. In Jesus’s Holy Name. Amen

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Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever.


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Bravo! This is an interesting development. Have maintained then President Trump was bamboozled by speakers of falsehoods as were the rest of the American public. This time it is different.

Isn’t is a crime to knowingly mislead and misrepresent something as true? And there is also the crime of omission as well as commission. Following the money will bring those grifters into the light.

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Trump had one way to take the big pharma down. People need to SEE it! Here we go!

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Print this and give to every pharmacist and pharmacy in your town! YHEY are the ones guilty of STILL promoting and giving the JAB! They are the ones guilty of crimes against humanity.

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Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever.


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"and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,"

is this to say "as we forgive" that is forgiveness for our trespasses is a function of our forgiveness of those who have trespassed against us?

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We can only forgive others when we’ve been forgiven. As God forgives us, that is, when we are sorry for what we’ve done, repent and seek His forgiveness, so we can then forgive others, when they are sorry for what they’ve done, repent and ask forgiveness.

In any other situation, we pray for them to be blessed and let God handle it. When God blesses us and other people, He brings them to an understanding of sin and they too, seek forgiveness and turn away from their wickedness.

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…”she brings them to an understanding of sin”… *She*?? Hopefully that is a typo because there is zero doubt that Father God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are all males.

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Thanks fixed.

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I have a feeling that with regards to the Divine Creator, the Term(s) Male & Female are not relevant and there is a state of being that is above the division that we mere mortals experience.

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Genesis 5:2 ‘Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man when they were created.’

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"he" referring to the creator, because some mere mortal wrote it down that way.

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"when they are sorry for what they have done, repent and ask forgiveness."

That is just it! When and IF they repent. Until then, dont hate them, instead pray for them, but keep your distance.

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DOGE is just another distraction. You think that Trump is going to do anything about his beautiful vaccines? Not on your life if you're still alive after your fourth booster. He's a con man. He locked you down like animals in 2020 and you complied. Then he paid hospitals to kill you. Then he paid Pfizer to kill you. Wake up folks. Mind you we tried to wake you up in 2020 and were called names.

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Your photo with a mask on speaks volumes🥴

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LOL! We can never forget that O'Biden unlawfully mandated these shots and before Trump left office he was recommending alternative treatments which O'Biden banned.

Pastor Sorensen makes the claim that Trump was in a corner and had to consider the greater good. The powers that should not be wanted the world locked down so the ghouls could push forward their Great Reset agenda. I recall the video from the WEF called 8 Predictions by 2030, The one that starts out saying you will own nothing and be happy. Meat will be a treat and not a staple, for our health and for climate. We can see livestock farmers are under attack and cows and chickens are being killed in mass over a bird flu. Eggs have went to over $6 a dozen. They are even adding mRNA to Coca-Cola and Pepsi now. Democrats were in control of the Congress when hospitals were being incentivized to use ventilators and Remdesivir. Fauci receives full pardon by Biden which says it all.

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Only thing sheep will be getting is more toxic jabs that sheep will be paying for with more stolen tax cattle $! Freedom cities aka 15 minute smart prisons and AI governance to keep the sheep in line. All to keep you safe and cozy!

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Murderna was recently given 200 million to make bird flu jabs. And bird flu doesn’t even exist! 😎💯

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Nobody told you to get the " experiment"! Sucker YOU!

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Uh I don’t know where you’d get the idea that I’m vax’d lol But yes anyone that did is a “sucker”.

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That's a general statement for all. Not specifically for YOU.

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would someone PLEASE explain to me the logic of advocating "covid19" vax for a 6 Month old Baby? Who anywhere in the known universe thinks this is a good idea?

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I want to share a few thoughts:

1). By sliding these gene products in the back door under the category of “Vaccines” Pfizer, Moderna and FDA were able to prey upon the gullibility of a public who had, to that point been thoroughly saturated and indoctrinated in a (misplaced) belief that “Vaccines” are nearly magical or religious, like holy water in their purity and unblemished goodness. I pray a vast swath of the public will by now have been disabused of that quaint belief. But with the zealotry the idea of vaccines enjoys Pfizer, Moderna and FDA were easily able to induce a massive majority of people to take the injectable gene products without bothering to research them.

2) Anyone who had glanced at the history of vaccine development against Corona viruses would have confronted the pitiful failure to ever produce a successful vaccine for combatting any corona virus. There would have been no reason to trust that some hack rush job would have been successful where decades of focused, unhurried research and development had failed.

3). Anyone scratching the surface of Pfizer’s criminal business practices, as alluded to by the author should have been cause for any rational person to do an instant about face when offered one of these products.

4) You may have noticed I have not called these experimental injectable gene products “ Therapies”. That is intentional because therapies aim to do good. That is not and never has been an aim of these bioweapons. To call them therapies is a misuse of the word and suggests an underlying benevolence that is surely absent.

5) A return of the ill begotten $16 Billion to the defrauded taxpayers would be a good start. But compensation to the victims and their bereaved should actually take precedence over recouping the monies wheedled out of the government and taxpayers.

i'm sure there are many mire points to be made, but I'm going to leave off here for now.

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Well, completely agree.

On your last point, I think the point of the 16B$ clawback is a devise to bring legal liability. Many good things can come from that. And by "good", I mean bad for Phizer/Moderna in a good way. Keep in mind that Pharma was only a tool in this operation, but the chain of accountability often has to start with lower level tools in a complex law enforcement process.

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That is an important point you bring up. Big pharma WAS/IS a tool in the whole scam. This does not lessen their responsibility in any way, but it is important to recognize, that they were used by the dod to manufacture and distribute the nano bio-weapon injections. I'm pretty certain no one had to twist their arm. But the fact remains this was a military operation from the beginning. The allopathic medical cartel was established by Rockefeller and friends, for this exact purpose, (As well as other useful fear and poisoning tactics). Few realize the depth and the decades of planning this operation entailed. (If you take a few steps back, it's not difficult to imagine that centuries, instead of decades, were in play for the planning). But who lives that long?? Makes you think, doesn't it?

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Fraud is definitely a reason to NOT have protection from the 1976 Vaccine Act... time to ALL sue!

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Who’s going to sue? The prez just thanked Bourla the other day. I have clients who are big time attorney’s. Their all jabbed through the roof as well!

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Absolutely crazy how brainwashed they are?? Or are they just going along to get alone - and profit?

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