If you can read French and are interested in the rise of Macron, you can do no better than to read Marc Endeweld's books. Endeweld has written three books on Macron: "L'Ambigu Mr. Macron", "Le Grand Manipulateur", and "L'Emprise: La France Sous Influence". I have read the first two and have purchased though not yet started the latter.

In these books Endeweld traces Macron's rise and his careful usage, and then discarding, of important political mentors. One of these erstwhile sponsors is Attali. While Attali was instrumental in Macron's rise, it seems that there has been a bit of a falling out due probably in equal parts to Macron's ingratitude (and sociopathy) and Attali's huge ego.

I recommend these books, along with Juan Branco's "Crépuscule", to anyone interested in knowing what makes Macron and the high French functionary state tick.

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France has always had a love affair with communism and dictatorships. They simply love the whip on their backs, it is a masochistic nation, with very few exceptions.

One nation cannot trust people born in its old colonies, and put them in positions of power, for they will always seek revenge.

If you want to get bitten, keep a snake in your pocket. Stuffing their nation's pockets with venomous snakes seem to be in great fashion among the failed politicians of today (and not only). Add massive corruption and greed fuelled by truckloads of dirty money, and you get the sort of dish served to us on a daily basis by the WEF's master chefs.

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This explains Macron. I always wondered about that.

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This reminds me of my experience in the world of research. One, if not THE major activity as a researcher was making up research projects and writing proposals to obtain funding, but they often end up being rejected.

In order to dramatically increase chances of success, one could make use of a professional business that was more connected to the higher echelons of power. They would rewrite the proposal for you, inserting magic keywords and phrases. For example "electronic dust" instead of "wireless sensor network". It turned the whole thing into a ridiculous piece of fantasy, but it raked in huge amounts of cash. The rewriting business then extracted a percentage of the loot as their fee.

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How Ironic ! "Arkancide"....... is a neologistic term attributed to the killing of political opponents and having it framed as "suicide". A reference originating with the Clinton body count, it is commonly used in connection with deceased persons ruled a "suicide" with two bullets in the back of the head.

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You may be assured that Elon Musk and his Morlock Wiccan wife know this Algerian hybrid agent from hell.

Of course the frogs are involved at hugest levels in Europe. The French have sordid history of exporting their utopian inventions like the Guilotine for all who don’t agree with Marxist or national socialist thinking. It took another good Frenchman Fredrick Bastiate to counter that Revolution with his treatise THE LAW which helped save the world but people today have never read it. Everyone should,

Thank you for a succession of brilliant and informative exposé’s.

Truly. “ The eye cannot see what the mind does not know”

Maranatha ! Come quickly Lord Yeshua

“You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

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Thanks, again, for another informative post.

He is more known now, thanks to you.

"I wonder why Archbishop Vigano never mentions ancient bloodlines behind all-powerful Papal orders and the Jesuit Papacy itself? Instead, he directs the public’s attention to front organizations and designated puppet actors."

Either he did not know; or he knew of "Arkancide". At least he is directing people's attention in the right direction. Once people realised that they are just puppets, then they will ask about the puppeteers.

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Good link. Will be linking myself tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ with credit to both.

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Just another communist with a new age twist. Why do they never figure out it never works because it can't work -- it's contrary to human nature. People who own nothing are never happy. But everything is owned by someone, and those who own everything in their domain are never happy either. Happiness comes from owning some things and adpiring for more.

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I've always wondered who are the ones mentioned in Revelation 11:18 that are destroying the earth. I assumed polluters of some kind, but more and more they are looking like the evil people as this guy you just described.

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And Messiah will come to destroy the destroyers of the earth with the breath of his mouth.

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He is at the age where he clearly thinks others should have ceased living, so bye bye buddy!

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WW3 will be only on TV, like the plandemic, but it will explain the shortages, the famine, and the martial law...

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Oh fabulous, a new evil player that requires a look.

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