I lost a longtime friendship with a gaming friend in the Hague who refuses to believe any of this is happening. He swore there were no farm confiscations and adamantly refused in spite of my earnest appeals to watch the Epoch Times Documentary "No Farmers No Food". Said it was fake news. Very sad.
I've been working on a friend of mine for years about many things, including the open border invasions of all western nations. He insisted it was a right wing talking point for a long time. He's since changed his mind. People are coming around. Hope it isn't too late.
I said two things in 20 and 2021...1) Trump should have bought a media company and competed on the Nightly News and 2) there should be a buyout company that raises money from US the people to buy out CNN or MSNBC or SOME TV COMPANY...because 4/5ths of the country thinks if things are not on tv they never happened.
AS in OZtopia (Australia), So much for Media 'Codes of Conduct'. If it wasn't for the Toxins in the Print, at least I could have found an extra Emergency /Traditional 'Usage' for the Local 'News'paper - The Outhouse!
Same thought on Media. Why do Governments, 'Leave IT' to the MSM 'CORPORATE' Outlets to 'Interpret' Their 'Version' of the 'News'? Social Media Platforms Ditto! - Unless, said Political Members, Leave The Media report Systems as is, to 'Cover' unforeseen, 'leeway' for Plausible Deniability Factors. As slippery as Eels - The lot of them!
As for 'Money to buy out Existing Media Groups' - Save YOUR Cash! - THE U.S. Govt IS already Bankrupt anyway (U.S$ 35>39 TRILLION/ Plus U.S$140 TRILLION in Derivatives/Plus Dodgy Govt Bonds[ 1 Trillion= 10>18th]). OH! Plus 'Interest' to THE 'Privately Owned' U.S. Federal Reserve! , So THE PEOPLE, will have to 'Take Back' THE Country - BEFORE future "investing' in THAT/ANY- Future. Then The NEO Media, If it's a 'Fair/Unbiased/Quality & Equal reporting' Group ( which it should be - 'RUN' by the People FOR the People, wont take long for 'Thinking Folks' to Gravitate - AND, Maybe Reality Check , Awaken, The 'Sleepers'!
It's 'Just a Number' - Except the 'Tangible Value' in 'Bricks & Mortar', will be Stolen AGAIN from the Greater Public = Just as in, the SWINDLE 'Great Depression Round 1' - 1929>31/35 'Official'! Winners of Gt SWINDLE #1 = The Central Banking System, who 'Cleaned Out' the Smaller 'Local' Banks. = NOT Happy with just 'Railroading' some 1200 Alternate U.S. Medical Institutes at the Start of the 20th Century, for Future 'Synthetic Treatments', THE Rockefeller's @ Work again, this time Aided by the Other U.S. Federal Reserve PRIVATE OWNERS, set about - Post PROFITEERING from the 1 Year in WW 1, To Purposefully 'Collapse' the U.S/ Global Markets (Gt Depression), to Gain Further TOTAL Control of ANY Residual 'Non Central Bank' institutes, AND, 'Trade' their 'Paper Empires' into Tangible Assets - The Afore Mentioned 'Bricks & Mortar', BUT, this time at Cents in the dollar purchases - Leveraged by Strategic Foreclosures! - What's changed!! - Population sufferences (Physical/Mental [Hence depression]/Financial RuiNation & wretchedness, were of 'LITTLE CONSEQUENCE' to the U.S. Banking Oligarchs! Do folks Not see the 'Tie-In', with The SWINDLE CONVID, & Gt Depression Round 2??
OH! & the U.S. Govt's BLOWN the U.S.$ 28 Trillion, that WAS, in the Pension/Super/401K Systems! Why do Folks think 'Warp Speed' JABBING of the 'Elderly & Vulnerable', WAS a 'Priority'? - Coincidences.
What's That? = You'll Own NOTHING & be Happy! = WELL on the Way!
Forgot to Mention; CURRENT; U.S.A 'Debt'- 'OWED' to Private Owned U.S. Federal Reserve. Numbers as at NOW; U.S. $35 TRILLION = THE U.S. State can only Cover Approx 30>35% of THIS Number, IF they sold EVERYTHING 'Owned' = Travelling @ 70 - 65 % INSOLVENT, @ that Number- EX U.S$ 28 TRILLION of Super/Pension/401K Funds ARE GONE,so Cannot be Included. THE IRS, even thru 'AGGRESSIVE' Auditing, collected U.S$4.9 TRILLION in 2022 (Mostly from the Peasants - Corporates ,NFPs {LOL} & PhillMyTroughsWithMoney[Philanthropists] such as BAMGF DO NOT PAY!) = Didn't make a Dent!
U.S.Treasury, after taking out a High Interest 'Loan' from the
Cont'd Recently; U.S Treasury after taking out a high interest 30 day loan from Federal Reserve, to 'Pay Interest' on Debt to THE SAME 'Federal Reserve', said that; [Paraphrase] "WE do not have the Money available in Treasury, to pay the Interest on our Debt, Even after 'Stealing monies & Revenues' dedicated to other Budgets!"
Looks like a one way Street/ Outcome to Me. No wonder I'm 'JACKED' about only getting U.S$ 0. 65 Cents/ AU$ 1 in SWINDLE 'Exchange' rates here in Australia! Ditto Europe & U.K. in 'CRISIS!'
Maybe The Farmers could stop supply to Supermarkets, State the TOTAL reasoning - And see how long the Governments 'Last'!
Folks shouldn't Forget, that the 'Magna Carta' of 1215 ( of which a lot of English derivative Nations use this Document as a basis of their Constitution And Civil Rights) WASN'T just 'Handed over' to the Tyrant King John. Inevitably The King only signed under Leverage, from a Disenfranchised Society!
'Backbone' apparently still exists!
Maybe the Germans/Dutch Farmers (And Other States) could Amalgamate as some form of Political/Financial Agri Consortium
As for THE Media, THEY have ZERO Residual Credibility left, so they Can't get any Lower - Unless your Score system goes Sub-Terranian!
2020 - War Gaming the Food Crisis they will create:
"Cargill and the other organizers of the global crisis simulation Food Chain Reaction: The players were divided in teams for Africa, Brazil, China, the European Union, the United States, multinational businesses and the international institutions. Their task: to figure out how they could cooperate to guide the world through a decade of mounting climate pressures and the resulting disruptions. There was no safety net.
In the end, even as extreme weather ran rampant and food prices flirted with 400 percent of the long-term average, they came up with a host of solutions...
..The most eye-catching results, however, were a deal to INSTITUTE A WORLDWIDE CARBON TAX and a global food security summit that was tasked with setting up a whole new global governance structure for climate and food security issues."
"In its 155 years, Cargill has insinuated itself into almost every aspect of global agribusiness, transforming the way human beings produce and consume food. It has made its owners into billionaires. And its ascent has played out to a steady backdrop of controversy, most recently the revelation that its supply chain has been linked with vast deforestation – related to extensive fires – in Brazil’s crucial Cerrado region. It is the latest in a string of scandals affecting Cargill including fatal food poisonings, deforestation, agricultural pollution and allegations of child enslaved labour."
First, disruptions in the global food system can trigger bigger problems that can have socioeconomic consequences that will hit us here at home.
Finally, the private sector can, and must play a role in making the global food system more sustainable and resilient. We know that that climate, land, water and farmer livelihoods are all a part of the food security equation.
CARGILLS? See their Subsidiary Companies - NatureWorks & ESPECIALLY 'The MOSAIC COMPANY' = A bit like the Manchurian candidate in 'Real Life'. THE MOSAIC CO > use a search engine - pull up Co name. See 'Subsidiaries of the registrant @ SEC.Gov [ SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission - U.S.A. ]. Good luck with the 'Extensive List' - Local U.S.A. [Including MULTI TAX 'Offset/Haven'- DELAWARE - Thanks Joe, Just ANOTHER Coincidence] & Global 'REACH'!
Next; BankTrack - Under 'Dodgy Deals'.
If that Ain't enough, consider a Greenpeace report; 'Cargill, the Company feeding the world by helping Destroy the Planet'. = Great P.R. / insight for folkes, Unaware of Cargill's 'Operations' since WW1. - Taking up 'The Reins' where the OTHER english 'East India Co', Left off! [LOL].
Even though they have been around for 155 years, they are quite secretive.**
Cargill 'spun off' its interest in Mosaic in 2011: "The complicated TAX-FREE transaction — worth more than $24 billion — will also help keep Cargill, one of the biggest American companies, private. Cargill will distribute its 286 million Mosaic shares to its own shareholders and debtholders."
NatureWorks is their greenwashing arm even as they manufacture bioplastics and polymers.
“The Breadbasket of Europe”
Whilst most Westerners were fast asleep their governments were asset-stripping Ukraine.
This fact sheet provides details on the transnational agribusinesses that are increasingly investing in Ukraine, including Monsanto, CARGILL, and DuPont, and how corporations are taking over all aspects of Ukraine’s agricultural system. This includes circumventing land moratoriums, investing in seed and input production facilities, and acquiring commodity production, processing, and transportation facilities.
In Walking on the West Side: the World Bank and the IMF in the Ukraine Conflict, a report released in July 2014, the Oakland Institute exposed how international financial institutions swooped in on the heels of the political upheaval in Ukraine to deregulate and throw open the nation’s vast agricultural sector to foreign corporations.
"Interest in knowing more about Cargill has been mounting over the years as its success and scope of business activities has grown. Secrecy and public reserve come naturally from its core original grain business; industry practice fosters close guarding of market knowledge and information. Thus, years of conditioning perpetuated a reluctance to respond to inquiries or to spontaneously give information, which has added to public interest."
UKraine IS being 'Ethnically CLEANED -OUT' for 'FALL-BACK' PERMANENT Position of ZIONist Khazarian Mafia'! NO EXPENSE 'Spared' ( Mainly by Ukrainian Male/Female 'Nationals' - THE Future Breeding Stock of THAT Country!). 'USED' as 'Grist for the Mill', OR 'Executed' By the ZION-NAZI AZOVs/Right Sector Battalions @ the Rear!
As for 'CARGILLS' - It's the Same M.O. as IRAQ, with U.S. & ALL-LIES of the Willing To TOTALLY Destroy Persian Culture in a Strategic 100 point Plan. 1} Get rid of The Ancient Hereditary strains of Organic Crops & introduce G.M. ( IRAQ was 90% self sufficient on Food Stuffs/Agri PRE INVASION!), Denigrate previous Heads of State, Promote war between Ethnic Groups, CON-TROLL ALL Systems, Latent Repressions, STEAL resource, - AND ON!
NONE of this Matters! Once AWOKEN TO THE BEAST, ONLY a Parallel 'Systems of ALL actually Counts! SCREW groups such as CARGILLS & World Central Banks - & The 'Strategic Zombies' - Imported or Local, that 'THEY' have Created for CONtrol, WILL, Eventually 'COME FOR WHAT THE 'ELITE' HAVE GOT! = WHO's going to Stop them? = The Law & Order, & Responsible Moral Middle Class 'BARRIER' has been Strategically DEMONolished by Multi facet Psych-Op Stratagems (CONVID/ False-Fraudulent Economics/ Broad Spectrum Trans Agendas/ Moral & Education Erosions/ Political Betrayals & Treason/ Bollox Corporate 'CONsensus Science'/ Broad Spectrum Media 'TREASON' & Baseline NON SENSICAL PREDATIONS & TERRORISM). SO, look to Yourselves, Gain PROPER UNIFIED Localised Community Trust/Defence /Organic Supplies / Morality/ Support/Knowledge & Spritual Growth (Including Mirth), And leave the Corporate Military CONplex to - 'THEIR SELF INFLICTED FATE'!
The Lessons of 'Proper History', No longer have Merit, going by Current Global Operations!
Yes! This needs more sharing! Like the Canadian Truckers Movement popped the cork and the energy of their message still lives on globally when I see this... the people need to hear more and more reasons to stand together!
The LYING Liberal Media. They are the enemy of the United States and a propaganda arm of the ANTI American Demonrat Party. Avoid them at all Costs if you are looking for truth in the media.
People power. Good bless them all.
Wish we could protest like this here!!
We can and we should
Thank you for brining this to our attention, I hadn't heard about the protest.
I lost a longtime friendship with a gaming friend in the Hague who refuses to believe any of this is happening. He swore there were no farm confiscations and adamantly refused in spite of my earnest appeals to watch the Epoch Times Documentary "No Farmers No Food". Said it was fake news. Very sad.
I've been working on a friend of mine for years about many things, including the open border invasions of all western nations. He insisted it was a right wing talking point for a long time. He's since changed his mind. People are coming around. Hope it isn't too late.
The atrocities the elites are committing are becoming harder to explain away and even the most determinedly blind are being forced to see.
GOD bless the Farmers & all who support them. Thank you Lioness for posting ...
I said two things in 20 and 2021...1) Trump should have bought a media company and competed on the Nightly News and 2) there should be a buyout company that raises money from US the people to buy out CNN or MSNBC or SOME TV COMPANY...because 4/5ths of the country thinks if things are not on tv they never happened.
I still SAY THIS.
AS in OZtopia (Australia), So much for Media 'Codes of Conduct'. If it wasn't for the Toxins in the Print, at least I could have found an extra Emergency /Traditional 'Usage' for the Local 'News'paper - The Outhouse!
Same thought on Media. Why do Governments, 'Leave IT' to the MSM 'CORPORATE' Outlets to 'Interpret' Their 'Version' of the 'News'? Social Media Platforms Ditto! - Unless, said Political Members, Leave The Media report Systems as is, to 'Cover' unforeseen, 'leeway' for Plausible Deniability Factors. As slippery as Eels - The lot of them!
As for 'Money to buy out Existing Media Groups' - Save YOUR Cash! - THE U.S. Govt IS already Bankrupt anyway (U.S$ 35>39 TRILLION/ Plus U.S$140 TRILLION in Derivatives/Plus Dodgy Govt Bonds[ 1 Trillion= 10>18th]). OH! Plus 'Interest' to THE 'Privately Owned' U.S. Federal Reserve! , So THE PEOPLE, will have to 'Take Back' THE Country - BEFORE future "investing' in THAT/ANY- Future. Then The NEO Media, If it's a 'Fair/Unbiased/Quality & Equal reporting' Group ( which it should be - 'RUN' by the People FOR the People, wont take long for 'Thinking Folks' to Gravitate - AND, Maybe Reality Check , Awaken, The 'Sleepers'!
USA is further in debt by 1 trillion every 90 days!
It's 'Just a Number' - Except the 'Tangible Value' in 'Bricks & Mortar', will be Stolen AGAIN from the Greater Public = Just as in, the SWINDLE 'Great Depression Round 1' - 1929>31/35 'Official'! Winners of Gt SWINDLE #1 = The Central Banking System, who 'Cleaned Out' the Smaller 'Local' Banks. = NOT Happy with just 'Railroading' some 1200 Alternate U.S. Medical Institutes at the Start of the 20th Century, for Future 'Synthetic Treatments', THE Rockefeller's @ Work again, this time Aided by the Other U.S. Federal Reserve PRIVATE OWNERS, set about - Post PROFITEERING from the 1 Year in WW 1, To Purposefully 'Collapse' the U.S/ Global Markets (Gt Depression), to Gain Further TOTAL Control of ANY Residual 'Non Central Bank' institutes, AND, 'Trade' their 'Paper Empires' into Tangible Assets - The Afore Mentioned 'Bricks & Mortar', BUT, this time at Cents in the dollar purchases - Leveraged by Strategic Foreclosures! - What's changed!! - Population sufferences (Physical/Mental [Hence depression]/Financial RuiNation & wretchedness, were of 'LITTLE CONSEQUENCE' to the U.S. Banking Oligarchs! Do folks Not see the 'Tie-In', with The SWINDLE CONVID, & Gt Depression Round 2??
OH! & the U.S. Govt's BLOWN the U.S.$ 28 Trillion, that WAS, in the Pension/Super/401K Systems! Why do Folks think 'Warp Speed' JABBING of the 'Elderly & Vulnerable', WAS a 'Priority'? - Coincidences.
What's That? = You'll Own NOTHING & be Happy! = WELL on the Way!
Forgot to Mention; CURRENT; U.S.A 'Debt'- 'OWED' to Private Owned U.S. Federal Reserve. Numbers as at NOW; U.S. $35 TRILLION = THE U.S. State can only Cover Approx 30>35% of THIS Number, IF they sold EVERYTHING 'Owned' = Travelling @ 70 - 65 % INSOLVENT, @ that Number- EX U.S$ 28 TRILLION of Super/Pension/401K Funds ARE GONE,so Cannot be Included. THE IRS, even thru 'AGGRESSIVE' Auditing, collected U.S$4.9 TRILLION in 2022 (Mostly from the Peasants - Corporates ,NFPs {LOL} & PhillMyTroughsWithMoney[Philanthropists] such as BAMGF DO NOT PAY!) = Didn't make a Dent!
U.S.Treasury, after taking out a High Interest 'Loan' from the
Sorry Wrong key!
Cont'd Recently; U.S Treasury after taking out a high interest 30 day loan from Federal Reserve, to 'Pay Interest' on Debt to THE SAME 'Federal Reserve', said that; [Paraphrase] "WE do not have the Money available in Treasury, to pay the Interest on our Debt, Even after 'Stealing monies & Revenues' dedicated to other Budgets!"
Looks like a one way Street/ Outcome to Me. No wonder I'm 'JACKED' about only getting U.S$ 0. 65 Cents/ AU$ 1 in SWINDLE 'Exchange' rates here in Australia! Ditto Europe & U.K. in 'CRISIS!'
Maybe The Farmers could stop supply to Supermarkets, State the TOTAL reasoning - And see how long the Governments 'Last'!
Folks shouldn't Forget, that the 'Magna Carta' of 1215 ( of which a lot of English derivative Nations use this Document as a basis of their Constitution And Civil Rights) WASN'T just 'Handed over' to the Tyrant King John. Inevitably The King only signed under Leverage, from a Disenfranchised Society!
'Backbone' apparently still exists!
Maybe the Germans/Dutch Farmers (And Other States) could Amalgamate as some form of Political/Financial Agri Consortium
As for THE Media, THEY have ZERO Residual Credibility left, so they Can't get any Lower - Unless your Score system goes Sub-Terranian!
Wellness to the UNITED PEOPLES OF US!
Thank u for posting , had no idea . Praying 🙏 for all those there .
“They” love creating chaos!
Wake me up when they stop the light show (accomplishing what exactly???) and go on a rampage bashing down the city with their tractors... won't happen
That's what I call PUSH-BACK!
Heroes God save you
CARGILL - Get these monsters under control:
2020 - War Gaming the Food Crisis they will create:
"Cargill and the other organizers of the global crisis simulation Food Chain Reaction: The players were divided in teams for Africa, Brazil, China, the European Union, the United States, multinational businesses and the international institutions. Their task: to figure out how they could cooperate to guide the world through a decade of mounting climate pressures and the resulting disruptions. There was no safety net.
In the end, even as extreme weather ran rampant and food prices flirted with 400 percent of the long-term average, they came up with a host of solutions...
..The most eye-catching results, however, were a deal to INSTITUTE A WORLDWIDE CARBON TAX and a global food security summit that was tasked with setting up a whole new global governance structure for climate and food security issues."
"In its 155 years, Cargill has insinuated itself into almost every aspect of global agribusiness, transforming the way human beings produce and consume food. It has made its owners into billionaires. And its ascent has played out to a steady backdrop of controversy, most recently the revelation that its supply chain has been linked with vast deforestation – related to extensive fires – in Brazil’s crucial Cerrado region. It is the latest in a string of scandals affecting Cargill including fatal food poisonings, deforestation, agricultural pollution and allegations of child enslaved labour."
CARGILL knows because they create the misery:
First, disruptions in the global food system can trigger bigger problems that can have socioeconomic consequences that will hit us here at home.
Finally, the private sector can, and must play a role in making the global food system more sustainable and resilient. We know that that climate, land, water and farmer livelihoods are all a part of the food security equation.
CARGILLS? See their Subsidiary Companies - NatureWorks & ESPECIALLY 'The MOSAIC COMPANY' = A bit like the Manchurian candidate in 'Real Life'. THE MOSAIC CO > use a search engine - pull up Co name. See 'Subsidiaries of the registrant @ SEC.Gov [ SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission - U.S.A. ]. Good luck with the 'Extensive List' - Local U.S.A. [Including MULTI TAX 'Offset/Haven'- DELAWARE - Thanks Joe, Just ANOTHER Coincidence] & Global 'REACH'!
Next; BankTrack - Under 'Dodgy Deals'.
If that Ain't enough, consider a Greenpeace report; 'Cargill, the Company feeding the world by helping Destroy the Planet'. = Great P.R. / insight for folkes, Unaware of Cargill's 'Operations' since WW1. - Taking up 'The Reins' where the OTHER english 'East India Co', Left off! [LOL].
Even though they have been around for 155 years, they are quite secretive.**
Cargill 'spun off' its interest in Mosaic in 2011: "The complicated TAX-FREE transaction — worth more than $24 billion — will also help keep Cargill, one of the biggest American companies, private. Cargill will distribute its 286 million Mosaic shares to its own shareholders and debtholders."
NatureWorks is their greenwashing arm even as they manufacture bioplastics and polymers.
“The Breadbasket of Europe”
Whilst most Westerners were fast asleep their governments were asset-stripping Ukraine.
This fact sheet provides details on the transnational agribusinesses that are increasingly investing in Ukraine, including Monsanto, CARGILL, and DuPont, and how corporations are taking over all aspects of Ukraine’s agricultural system. This includes circumventing land moratoriums, investing in seed and input production facilities, and acquiring commodity production, processing, and transportation facilities.
In Walking on the West Side: the World Bank and the IMF in the Ukraine Conflict, a report released in July 2014, the Oakland Institute exposed how international financial institutions swooped in on the heels of the political upheaval in Ukraine to deregulate and throw open the nation’s vast agricultural sector to foreign corporations.
** Cargill: Trading the World's Grain
"Interest in knowing more about Cargill has been mounting over the years as its success and scope of business activities has grown. Secrecy and public reserve come naturally from its core original grain business; industry practice fosters close guarding of market knowledge and information. Thus, years of conditioning perpetuated a reluctance to respond to inquiries or to spontaneously give information, which has added to public interest."
UKraine IS being 'Ethnically CLEANED -OUT' for 'FALL-BACK' PERMANENT Position of ZIONist Khazarian Mafia'! NO EXPENSE 'Spared' ( Mainly by Ukrainian Male/Female 'Nationals' - THE Future Breeding Stock of THAT Country!). 'USED' as 'Grist for the Mill', OR 'Executed' By the ZION-NAZI AZOVs/Right Sector Battalions @ the Rear!
As for 'CARGILLS' - It's the Same M.O. as IRAQ, with U.S. & ALL-LIES of the Willing To TOTALLY Destroy Persian Culture in a Strategic 100 point Plan. 1} Get rid of The Ancient Hereditary strains of Organic Crops & introduce G.M. ( IRAQ was 90% self sufficient on Food Stuffs/Agri PRE INVASION!), Denigrate previous Heads of State, Promote war between Ethnic Groups, CON-TROLL ALL Systems, Latent Repressions, STEAL resource, - AND ON!
NONE of this Matters! Once AWOKEN TO THE BEAST, ONLY a Parallel 'Systems of ALL actually Counts! SCREW groups such as CARGILLS & World Central Banks - & The 'Strategic Zombies' - Imported or Local, that 'THEY' have Created for CONtrol, WILL, Eventually 'COME FOR WHAT THE 'ELITE' HAVE GOT! = WHO's going to Stop them? = The Law & Order, & Responsible Moral Middle Class 'BARRIER' has been Strategically DEMONolished by Multi facet Psych-Op Stratagems (CONVID/ False-Fraudulent Economics/ Broad Spectrum Trans Agendas/ Moral & Education Erosions/ Political Betrayals & Treason/ Bollox Corporate 'CONsensus Science'/ Broad Spectrum Media 'TREASON' & Baseline NON SENSICAL PREDATIONS & TERRORISM). SO, look to Yourselves, Gain PROPER UNIFIED Localised Community Trust/Defence /Organic Supplies / Morality/ Support/Knowledge & Spritual Growth (Including Mirth), And leave the Corporate Military CONplex to - 'THEIR SELF INFLICTED FATE'!
The Lessons of 'Proper History', No longer have Merit, going by Current Global Operations!
Wellness to the UNIFIED US!
Yes! This needs more sharing! Like the Canadian Truckers Movement popped the cork and the energy of their message still lives on globally when I see this... the people need to hear more and more reasons to stand together!
The LYING Liberal Media. They are the enemy of the United States and a propaganda arm of the ANTI American Demonrat Party. Avoid them at all Costs if you are looking for truth in the media.
Washington Post
Media Matters
NY Times
ABC News
NBC News
Huffington Post
CBS News