Absolutely Agree; I will resort to that as soon as every menber of the UN, WEF, and all the Hollyweird Pedos resort to the same standard of living!!!

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Exactly! Does Klaus Schwab Iive in a mud hut? Does Bill Gates?

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Net zero has no basis in reality or common sense. It is an absurd power grap.

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Of course not. Has no scientist or eight-year-old child yet pointed out to them that if there's no carbon dioxide, there will be NO PLANTS? And after that, no oxygen. What is wrong with these people? Either they are actually insane, or they actually believe they are not members of the human race, or they're being used by a power with an enormous sense of humor to WAKE UP MANKIND. Probably all three.

I think the clown show is indeed drawing to a climax, and thence to a close. 🤡 🌍

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Ravenlan, I think someone is not following the science LOL!!! Let's make this 8 y.o head of a new movement to save the planet based on real science.

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We the carbon will not comply.

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Trouble with that Dee? You will try, not to comply. I too will try, not to comply. But the Moronic Masked Morons / Blue-Pilled Pinheads -- that in Brutish Columbia where I live comprise 98.659% of the people who live here -- will do everything they can, to make us comply... 🙄💩

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Its a frustrating troubled world that so many are deluded and will not wake to truth.

Let all be blessed in their non-compliance, even if it is the few.

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Until the Canadian Truckers brought a temporary halt to the insanity because of my non-compliance I was staring homelessness and arrest in the face..

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Inhuman actions, so sorry. This is a scary time.

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Is that all of BC or certains areas are worse than others ? What about Vancouver Island like Parksville, Qualicum Beach ?

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I can't tell you that. Here's the website I got my informatio from. Hopefully it's a crock of s***... https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=BC

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Great source ! They have info by regions like Vancouver Is., by type of vaxx delivered and age groups. I'll do a deep dive on it. The bits I saw for BC are flabbergasting. I wonder though how much the numbers are inflated since the info although entirely compiled by volunterers do compile the GOV numbers whom we can't trust. THANKS.

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I suggest that we move the WHO and UN to a giant igloo in the Antarctic. The can use solar panels and windmills to heat the place.

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Insufficient personal privacy, and too spacious. I suggest they each get their own pine box.

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I'll bet The Globalist's mud huts will be truly spectacular... 🤔💩

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Your subtitle needs to be a T-Shirt and billboard design. "You are the carbon they want to reduce!" Interestingly, this was more than hinted at in the very first big screen Star Trek movie. The "V-ger" computer became self-aware and sought to destroy all carbon-based life forms. Helping in our own destruction is the ultimate in foolish endeavors.

PS - I'm serious about the T-Shirt design. Do I have permission to use this as a slogan?

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Oh, no, no, no, Senhor Guterres. You and your fellow idiots would be dragged out into the streets and slain by the masses long before half of this absolute nonsense takes place. These people don't realize they sound like Marie Antoinette.

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And may I add: I do NOT want to see any sort of scenario actually take place. We need to head all of the nonsense off at the pass, probably disband the UN, because it has never been anything good, and send everyone home to explain themselves to their fellow citizens, if necessary.

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Let's shut 'r dowwwwn now

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There will be no life thriving on this planet a net zero plan. And that UN Senhor Guterres is nutcase needs to have a DIRT NAP ASAP.

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LoL ... what’s a Dirty Nap?? 😂

(Sounds interesting...)

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same as 6 feet under ground.

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The picture of the little round hut you illustrate with doesn't tell the true story of traditiional building. The ugly concrete and steel structures they've been building around the world are collapsing and killing millions of people in earthquakes and floods. Traditional building materials like earth+straw, if fired will outlast disasters. The fired earth kilns in Iran case in point, centuries old. Yes Agenda 2050 is a diabolical scam, but not everything traditional is bad.

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Another way to get rid of us “Useless Eaters”... how Clever of Them!

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I wasn't even going to look at this but the tag line "You Are The Carbon They Want To Reduce" drew me in. I picture these guys safe and secure in their carbon-intensive luxury bunkers, until the great earthquake hits. And then...

Rev. 6:15-17 Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the generals, the rich, the powerful, and every slave and free person hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come! And who is able to stand?”

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Not mocking the distributor of this news.

Just laughing at the insanity of it all.

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So let's start by bulldozing the UN headquarters in New York City into the East River, that it sits beside. Next, put me on the first tour of "Climate Czar" John Kerry's mud hut followed by Bill Gates mud hut.

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for sheer ugliness the un headquaters should be dozed with kerry in it.

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So, the Global Methane Pledge signers are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru, Spain, the United States, and Uruguay...

What do these countries have in common? No matter how hard I try, I can't find a common denominator.

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good question.

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I envision that southern border being open is going to come in handy for when they decide to 'force' us. Those Chinese to the north training in Canada as well.

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can I have air conditioning and running water? windows? The hut looks kind of small.

This gives me the incentive to buy a big fat house full of plumbing and electricity right this minute

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These arrogant fat slobs are so tiresome. You can bet they don't plan on living in squalor like they want the rest of us to. I do miss sanity and tire of hypocrisy from these demonic infested thugs.

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