I really admire you Lioness … some of the articles are so grotesque, I can’t read them in detail . Day after day you shows the truth , no matter how ugly and you never give up . Thank you . 🙏

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And God Bless her for it!

Jesus said be bold!

Imagine if we all were!

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The many sides of the globalist coin. Reject this tyranny as one would a rabid dog.

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They just won't stop until we're all dead. With most refusing jabs now it won't be long until they start spraying it into the air.

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Already doing that. Not specifically quackscenes but the stuff they do spray could be worse.

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I do give them A for effort. They are a tenacious, evil, deviant bunch! I mean giving them different strain names, and this shot covered this variant but not this one, i.e., we need ANOTHER shot for that. Quite a lot of thought put into all of the pictures, names, etc. I won't give them or their schemes the time of day, and neither should anyone else.

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I had hoped Russia may have gone rogue from the WEF, but sadly it appears that they are infiltrated too.

It's really up to the people now... and hopefully the enforcers these tyrants rely on, wake up too...

Those in the WEF think there's a seat on the Ark for them, but many will be tossed overboard.

The allegiance to the WEF of the brainwashed graduates and acolytes is astonishing.

The WEF disciples are more than happy about every anti human rights, anti people agenda, the disciples seem to be under a spell not able to see the bad side of authoritarianism, have an allegiance to the WEF only, above allegiance to their country, citizens and even their own family...

Starting to think this video I was sent a few years ago ain't so whacko (as I originally thought, I was so naive) as the agenda in it matches the WEF, UN and WHO whistleblowers stories, matches John Coleman and matches the Day Tapes...


Altiyan starts of in first 12 minutes somewhere saying "Everything is in place and nothing can stop it"...

But save yourself a heap of time and go to 4 hours 00 minutes, and watch for five or ten minutes...

This does not seem super whacko anymore, even to a sceptical non-religious person...


I've not been too religious in my life, but nowadays I'm starting to think there's something to it all in the plans we see unfolding...

Also in the video buried in the hours somewhere, Putin not only has been to the WEF, as has Xi... Pretty obvious China is owned by the WEF (elites meet there every year WEF meeting of champions), but both seem to give the same signals they're on board with the WEF agenda... I had hoped Putin was keeping his friends close but enemies closer... But after your article today, it seems it's a big club...

Watching that video again it struck me that just because you may not be religious doesn't mean others aren't, and their religion may be dark and nasty.

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Yeah, right. I saw something about this earlier. I didn't see any mention of the fact that that arsenal is aimed at the Russian people. Safe for the perpetrators if they have complete legal immunity. Effective against the population. So it's true, it's safe and effective.

It's not that hard to see what's happening; it's just hard to stomach. Don't sink down into the "what"s. Seek the true "why". It's not that hard to see either. It's just not popular.

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Russia is part of the Cabal. I should know. I used to submit Op-Eds to RT. There are many topics you cant discuss and these include Disease X and the vaccines

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What another medical clown show. All lies as the mRNA poisons protect you from only two things; living and living healthy. If you are anti-life, inject mRNA poisons at will.

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