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BREAKING : Police brutally cracking down on Wuhan protesters who are demanding to lift lockdown tonight.

Songpinganq @songpinganq

China… a drone with a loudspeaker and camera pointed at you appears: ''This community is in total lockdown now! Stay in your room! ''…
If you need a visualization of Orwell’s 1984, this is probably as close as you can get…

China 🇨🇳 time. August 31th.
14 millions residents lockdown to the point of starvation.
Some screaming out the window in despair.

China 🇨🇳. September 1th.
Starving kids screaming for food in a COVID quarantine concentration camp.
It's late at night and the guards still have not served dinner.

Songpinganq @songpinganq

China has thousands quarantine concentration camps now:
This one locates at Quanzhou City.

Songpinganq @songpinganq

@SilviaMaidorn It's the same in China.
No one ( except powerful people ) can escape from daily routine COVID test as long as you are alive.

#China military moves ahead with new technology. In exercises #PLA soldiers use 3D wall-mounted radars, self-propelled reconnaissance balloons, combat robot dogs and exoskeletons when operating in a building. Via @ILRUSSO1

Shenzhen City.
Chinese 🇨🇳 health workers dancing for ''morning call'' , before they are going from door-to-door to perform COVID test on everyone.

I've been dabbling in video creation and editing for fun. Here is a little project I pieced together. Unfortunately it is shorter than I'd like due to Twitter upload limits, but hopefully at least one of you enjoys..
Keep questioning and keep your eyes open~
~"It's a Mad World"
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Is it possible China knows something the rest of the world doesn't? And it's suspect their sinovac did not use mRNA tech.
Are these videos fake/staged though? Just like that original photo of the dead guy lying in the street in Wuhan, surrounded by two men in hazmat suits. I call B.S. in that photo - nobody dropped dead in the street from covid where I live. How do we know the ChiComs aren’t staging these new scenes to scare the West and encourage/give excuse for our corrupt leaders to follow along? Heck, they’re probably in on it.