Also meanwhile in Canada:

Malton ( Mississauga) Ontario


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FEMA in the US has had these powers for years, including work conscription..... 😒

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Thank you very much!

Passing on...

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Ironic how certain people, especially Hollywood types, when screaming about their sense of equality, always mention they are leaving the US for Canada. Well, good luck.

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Maui a demostration of the terrorism laser tech available to seize property. Too frequent laser use, people would understand their own vulnerability.

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Thank you Lioness for this, and your peerless news coverage of information-current events that truly matter. The kings of the earth are "giving their power and strength unto the beast." Revelation 17:13 KJV. This process is occurring as the nation's of the world increasingly renounce their decision making process, and defer to the United Nations beast and it's tentacles, the WHO,WEF, Sendai framework etc.

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Thank you. God bless. Stay frosty

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Speechless. But hey, read the rules around FEMA that were adopted way back when Janet Reno was Attorney General under Clinton. Basically the same except less on personal rights aspect. Can seize grocery stores, gas stations, means of production, etc.

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Canada has gone full blown commie globalist.

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I have wondered if and when the armed enforcers the govt have hired will ever introspect and decide that govt over reach and cancellation of human rights is not in their own, their families and society's best interests and side with the people should they hold a general strike until demands are met?

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