Canada as a country is being divided by what is going on and how they it. The adherence to United Nations ideology and censorship of media has brought a strange environment. There are people who believe traditional main stream media. There are people who are more in search of alternate media. There are people who are not interested, if it does not apply to them. As a Canadian, I am trying g to find the truth for my health and well-being.

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Hint: do not watch MSM!

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I do not watch msm.

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I found answers at anamihalceamdphd. substack. com. And to support her findings in microscopy I look at Alternative Roots on Facebook. Alternative Roots is a business out of Ontario that does Live Blood Analysis by Kelly Bacher. She writes on Substack now as well.

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Trudeau is fearful! Go for the jugular

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Trudeau is hated by almost every country for what he did to the truckers when they held their rally, he shut down over 800 bank accounts, seized trucks, cancelled their insurance etc. Many of them lost their homes because they couldn't work or pay their mortgage, some families couldn't get medications they needed for their kids. Trudeau is an evil puppet who will be dealt with one day, if he thinks he's safe and the WEF will shelter him, hes got another thing coming, they will throw him out like yesterdays trash.

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Good news when will this trash be picked up ⬆️ and taken to the DUMP.... THIS JT makes me sick 🤢🤮

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I was privileged to attend some of Detective Helen Grus's trial. She is a true inspiration to us all.

From Ottawa ... where we continue "to hold the line ".

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What was the outcome? The article didn't say.

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This is EXACTLY FOR SURE how you know that the COUNTERMEASURES ARE A BIOWEAPON INTENDED TO INFLICT HARM (i.e. CULL THE HERD). Whenever investigators are viscously attacked as “law breakers” YOU KNOW THEY ARE DIRECTLY OVER THE TARGET.

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Most “skeptic” Substack authors and posters have called out most of the “leaders” in our now completely-captured organizations … but I don’t think we’ve done enough to point out the hypocrisy of our allegedly “fearless” plaintiff trial lawyers. I try to rectify this oversight with this piece.


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The Canadian government was in court Friday to bring back the vaccine mandates. Since the mandates were only suspended, there's a decent chance they'll succeed.

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If people are willing to sacrifice their health for a pay cheque, that’s their choice. The government/health care employees who are happily taking our hard earned tax dollars will be the first ones to go. How is the government going to continue to run if their staff are all dead or on sick leave??

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The older generation is having their entire world turned upside down. Everyone's lives are negatively impacted. It's horrible the lies that are being spread. People going along to get along. Well it's not acceptable when bioweapons are involved. Even mainstream Doctors are calling STOP THE LINE. Ban The Jab Resolutions are going on in some States. I hope more Canadians speak up once they see enough data to know what is going on. So many hearts are being damaged. Embalmers are finding new tissue forms that clot and grow to lengths of 33 inches and more or less in the vascular systems. We are all in big trouble as this technology is self spreading according to Pfizer documents. See Courageous Discourse by Dr. McCullough for more information if wanted.

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Makes sense. You can't find something if you don't look so first order of business is to make it really painful for people to look.

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Detective Helen Grus is a truthful and honest person. She is definitely in the right side of history and is directly over the target. ‘They’ know that we the people are waking up to ‘Know’ that these countermeasures are designed to be deadly.

Safe and Effective..for health ? No it is for everyones expedited death.

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Good times, heh?

1984, anyone?

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Trial not over yet....to re-commence

Oct 30

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Thank you for the update.

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Newspeak being enforced.

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INTERESTING and Encouraging, Lioness . Patriots WILL NOT lie down or 'go-away' . 'Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done' will yet be bannered front page of NYTimes in this our very lifetime . ......shalom

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Shared. This needs to be in the light as well.

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