Consider what the WEF would have US eat!! -- Hell.. if human flesh is good enough for New Guinea Stone-age Cannibals, where's my 55-gallon cauldron, a sack each of potatoes, onions and carrots and I'll dump Klaus and Yuval in there, head first! (One of them's sorta Kosher anyway...π€)
We could start with eating the members of the WEF and the WHO.. π€
Love that. Yes let's eat the elites.
Slowwwly roast over hot coals while turning them slowly on a spit (with a stake up their arses and out their better-than-thou mouths)?
ββ¦i dream time to time.β Tom Petty
(βItβs Good To Be Kingβ)
π€’ π
Consider what the WEF would have US eat!! -- Hell.. if human flesh is good enough for New Guinea Stone-age Cannibals, where's my 55-gallon cauldron, a sack each of potatoes, onions and carrots and I'll dump Klaus and Yuval in there, head first! (One of them's sorta Kosher anyway...π€)