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May I ask to whom this comment is directed at?

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You are one who is spreading lies. The entire Khazarian Jews PSYOP has no historical basis and not supported by archeological evidence obtainment by the Soviet and Ukrainian archeologists over the decades.. This nonsense is only popular in the Western Atl media, because the majority of people in the West have no idea of the history of Khazarskij Kaganat.

FYI: One more archeological find that totally disproves "Khazarian Jews" nonsense. Jews were already present in modern Russian territory during the Second Temple period, approx 600 years before Khazar Kaganat was established by nomadic Turkic people


You are free to believe what you want, but I'd appreciate if you keep this nonsense out of this stack comment section.

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Dark celestial forces are in control of ALL the governments for almost 6000 years. The Adversary is the small "g" god of this evil eon (aion Gr)

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RemovedSep 5, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry
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Unfortunately, it takes more than the survival of journals and books for us to know our true history. Our universities, libraries and museums contain much truth and yet pretty much everything we are taught and know is a lie. 99.9% of us have no idea what the truth about our history is. They don't want us to know the truth, because the truth will set us free.

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EVERY SINGLE individual is responsible to pass the history of the family onto the next generation...EVERY HUMAN BEING. A child can't know where they are or where they are going without knowledge of history and it's even more important on an intimate level within one's bloodline. Humans learn much from the experiences of others and knowing how our people in the past dealt with trauma and joy; how they prospered, lost, suffered or survived is a vital piece to provide esteem and hope in their own lives.

A part of my Family's cultures on all sides is to spread knowledge of the family to the next generation via Journals...And, mine is quite extensive beginning with a Native American woman marrying the son of a Pilgrim on the Mayflower and her Sailor husband; also from the Mayflower. Her people learned to read and write from the Europeans and all have wrote to some extent, some more than others. ANYBODY can begin this tradition. When adults, it is magnificent to read about the events confronted, marriages, tragedy, sins and joys...EVERYTHING. Not all are ignorant...Or, unlearned in history. Take the stories of your life and those you know from your family before you and write them down before it's too late and nobody remembers.

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“They want the death of humanity. . .": Exactly.

No opportunity now to watch the video, but have already seen multiple corroborating reports.

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Seriously, repent of your own individual stupidity sins, shortcomings, & poor choices & seek God’s forgiveness & PRAY for wisdom, strength & courage - no matter what comes down the pike.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

A big ding ding ding to this!

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Alluding to man made directed energy weather weapons as source of Maui disastr? Like Florida and turkey earthquake, Palestine Amish proximity. Can't get Amish off land fast enough using lawfare (US government is suing Amish for selling their products). Environment sacrificed by controllers to manipulate their agenda of s monopoly controlled compliance based social credit Chinese population control system.

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There was a story posted here the other day, I lost it before I could read it all. Very distressing about how they manipulated the chemicals in the Palestine train wreck to be like 100k times more lethal than it actually was. If anyone has it please post link. And still ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has been done to help those people not has fake Pres even been there.

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Agree 100%. I have lived since early 2020 with the knowledge that Medieval grade dark Black Magic with human sacrifice and the worst of debauchery has bought and sold the world. We as humans ar on the edge of extinction and a genetic bottleneck awaits any of us still alive and able to reproduce. Start learning to make flints & bows and arrows - start fires & build shelters to keep warm. The system rules the world and no one wants to destroy the system.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Yep our gov is focused on global governments like UN,WHO; migrants entry in conflict with our health and security regulations and laws; breaking up Russia and or while strengthening Russia's economy; breaking up iUS ndependent businesses and families. An in general wasting time with lawfare while they push their takeover and laundromat steal. Congressional bill with money for Maui tied to money for Ukraine.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Well, it's a no brainer for them, they get to kill people (no mercy for children, on the contrary, they make sure they get as many as possible), and then claim the land for which they have plans. For mega development projects from Blackrock or Vanguard? one thing sure, Hawai was in the target years ago to be the first state to start the 15 minute cities trend.

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I have thought alot about evil. We are all sinners even though it can be hard to admit. The ohly Humans as far as I know who never committed sin were JESUS Our Lady and St. Joseph. Even though we are all sinners I believe that many of us are not truly evil. When these oligarchs face the Creator and realize that all their money and poscessions mean diddly squat, what will be their reaction and sadly it will be already too late for their souls. Pray like you have never prayed before, we will go through the garden of Gethseme and God willing emerge on the other side will brilliant smiles.

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By now we all realize “ they” are killing and incarcerating us. Once you have a preponderance of evidence stop looking for more and take action. You can still read about 9/11 where 3000 were sacrificed. It does not get the job done. We have found a way. There may be other ways but this works. People are assembling on every state. Many are do-gooders; agent provocateurs; controlled opposition; charlatans and the like. We need Jural Assemblies with one goal returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. We flipped Oregon from de facto to de jure November 2022. It took us 4.5 years at 1 step at a time to go from 6 founders to several hundred on Oregon. There may be other ways. However, this works and it can be done in 30 days. Everyone that reads this already knows 50% more than you need to. It is time to take action. Keep it in your state as the feds look for people that cross pollinate in others states.. Charlie prepared a packet to get you started. Each state, commonwealth and territory is different. Remember we are dealing with over 160 years of organized crime and they do not want to let this go. Every state from Kansas on is color of law. The perpetualUnion was broke the second time December 24 1860 when South Carolina seceded. We lost "original jurisdiction" and got color of law then and martial law/Lieber code March 1861. DJT added FEMA. Ex parte Milligan removes those issues. With full faith and credit governing law is established in this document at this time to be: Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union; Oregon’s Original Constitutions circa 1859, and The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. And ORCP 20A; Clearfield Doctrine; Accardi Doctrine; ex parte Young; ex parte Milligan; McCarran Walters Act 1952; Judiciary Act 1789-Sec 32; Judgment Nihil Dicit are all specifically called into this document. They are all governing law, which must be accepted. The current 13th and 14th amendments are bogus and must be rejected. Take Heed of the Blackstone Commentaries. The DOJ is agent to the entity responsible for the enumerated requirements of Article III, the one supreme Court that must claim original jurisdiction to be a court I would consider to have jurisdiction when found in conjunction with Amendment VII Court… The DOJ has failed miserably in their responsibility. ..We must do it ourselves. We define the words we use. We decide our method of communication. Each of the 33 states were flipped after 1906. Oregon was flipped into de facto November 8, 1910. If you are just a reader or one that needs a seminar or to buy a membership and be part of a larger group where someone else carries the load and you pay dues or follow along. This is not for you. You come later when it is time to climb on the band wagon and ride. www.orsja.org; ronvrooman38@gmail.com; 503 641 8375

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Yes.. no need to target the blue states with weaponry as they have willingly deep-throated the gun already.

The only purpose of keeping the sheeple alive is to distract us with our empathy to ' wake them up'. ... Oh, and the ol' divide and conquer thingy.



talk about nanoshit in the food, air and water, because the vaxxed don't listen and will never listen to anything about vaccines because-

1.They made an irresistible decision that poisoned themselves and their families.

2.They now have dementia or Alzheimer's.

3.They have been brainwashed for generations.

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Mass migration of conservatives to red states. Could it be on purpose so they can gather us and extinguish us all in one place?

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Land grab. No brainer. People have been trying to take over that real estate for decades and the owners said no.

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We are in effin' trouble.... they are doubling down, folks......

WHO director Tedros says COVID is ‘here to stay,’ urges people to get booster shots

‘COVID is here to stay and that we will continue to need tools to fight it,’ said WHO chief Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus at a press conference promoting mask use and booster shots.


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Oh, ok. Thank you for responding. 👍

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