If it is there is a reason. Is it bribery, blackmail or intimidation?

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All of the above.

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And more.

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It is obvious someone is moving Heaven and Earth to keep this information from trending mainstream suspect it is akin to sticking your fingers in a leaky dike that is about to break

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May it break and flood the planet with knowledge and truth .🙏

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It's ridiculous because the information IS out

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Sadly, our young and our next generation of leaders are being reduced/killed and we all know how/why. History will not be kind to this administration and big Pharma, as well as other global leaders who pushed this jab and ignored the safety signals.

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Hopefully there will be a future where history can even be made. I think about mass extinction constantly. They are sucking the life out of the Earth’s atmosphere, spraying us, poisoning the water , jabbing us and animals, biowarfare, GMO 5G radiation etc etc

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Just read the obits. Save $10,000

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Yep. The obits tell the story.

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Chump change for Ed.

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This showed up on their stats in the first year of the vax roll out.

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Add the society of actuaries to the list of evil scumbags complicit in the covid 19 multi-level crime against humanity.

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COVID was a scam, not a disease.

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They will say they had to kill 200,000 young people " to save millions of lives ". That will be their excuse. The fact that common cold viruses are not fatal seems to elude them. Covid - a virus like no other. Sarc.

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Well, its out, well and truly out and insurance ain't going to be able to pay, because the money will be taken up by the "golden parachutes" all the top executives have given themselves.

I wonder if this is the reason GEICO (you know, the gecko company) won't pay for my wrecked Audi, 12-28-2023, hit by an uninsured driver (whose car was covered by Progressive) but he himself didn't have a drivers license.

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You’re lucky you lived to tell the tale.

Dangerous on the roads nowadays for a few unspoken reasons….

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I am lucky, GEICO could’ve had me bumped off and no one would be the wiser.

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Yikes !

Oh dear

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CEPI - Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations - was set up in January 2017 by Bill Gates, the Wellcome Trust, the WEF, and a couple of cutouts. Gates seemed to know a pandemic would be coming. Amazing clairvoyance. I'd like to get a tip from him for the Kentucky Derby.

CEPI is now powering ahead with its " 100 Day Mission ". That is, to have a vaccine ready for global rollout within 100 days for the " next " pandemic, called Disease X. All governments appear to be onboard with the agenda.

So buckle up folks. These guys aren't done yet.

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Good God. I have baby grandkids. It’s literally a horrifying future if we can’t stop the elite lucifarians.

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Behind a paywall until Feb 2025? Right when a new President will take office, or is it when they expect the new WHO rules to kick in?

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As the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World says, They want you Dead, Do Not Comply!

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SOA...another paid off entity paid to hide the truth? 99% of the truth has been replaced with misinformation...in other words bold faced lies and propaganda.

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They scream their blood guilt.

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