Wonder if they could “mobilize” everyone in preparation for war, just to force the vaccine. Doesn’t mean we have to have a war.

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It may be likely Putin is just playing his role, but I also wonder whether Trump-Putin-Xi-Bolsonaro-Meloni, etc might be either 'higher-ups' within their whore system, or part of a 'beast' system, a global fascist overtaking of the world (with final antichrist at the head) that might happen in an overthrowing/destroying the NWO/UN/EU system - if we are approaching the final Tribulation, antichrist must be alive and he must have allies who hate the NWO that is riding their 'back'. If ac is the 'spirit of Nimrod' - it is a wonder that Barron Trump was born just 3 years after Gilgamesh tomb was found, he's already 6' 8", there is predictive programming about him and Donald going back a long way... I've just started studying about Nephilim/1 Enoch recently, not my gig and we need to keep our eyes on Jesus, but I do wonder... extra interest that Clinton's appeared to be searching for Gilgamesh/Nephilim location and USA invaded Iraq shortly after Gilgamesh/Nimrod tomb was allegedly found.

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I'm wondering whether the CIA convinced their medical bureaucrats to do this. (Just a thought.)

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Me thinks the new Russian made Walvac boojabs being rolled out in Indonesia fit in with this theater. Mandated Indonesian boojabs and you get freedom to choice your brand of poison Chinese,Russian,US made.

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All jabs and medical treatments should be administered after informed consent has been granted. But one detail about the Russian covid vax which makes this not quite so bad; , afaik it's a conventional jab and not an mRNA experiment which many westerners have been coercied into having.

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There are people that have proclaimed Putin is not in on all of this globalist fuckery. I would argue that these actions on his part tell a different story.

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Putin is a member of the cabal. He is just playing his part in the script. His script dictates that he put the energy squeeze on Europe to further shove them into Agenda 2030.

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I am quickly coming to that conclusion myself. I think your comment is right on the mark.

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As I’m sure you know, but for those in the back: Putin was one of the original “young global leaders”.

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Proof Putin is in league with the WEF

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Actions speak louder than words. He has already caused 5k Russian deaths with this war. I do not like Zelinski either for the same reasons. I say America has no dog in this hunt.

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But American politicians doing the bidding of the globalists certainly have unleashed the most terrifying “big dog” in the world on humanity.

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Good comparison.

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Oct 3, 2022
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If you look at the Deagle numbers and geography, that predicted depopulation, it sorta matches what we see today. The Deagle numbers didn't say that Russia or China would suffer depopulation. The population of those countries was not slated to decrease dramatically. Along with Mexico and a few others.

It was mainly the western countries, according to Deagle, that would suffer depopulation. We see that playing out in real time.

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