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Dec 14, 2023
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The LEFT loves poking you right in the eye...

This is the new-version of the left, which only came into being due to decades of right-wing policies.

Specifically, it was the right which defunded the state apparatus, eg. CDC/FDA/USDA etc., allowing them to be captured by the right-wing corporate criminals. And here we are.

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The personality changes have been noted since the very beginning.

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What I have found is that the Rat Juice shots have exposed those who were always stupid morons - but were hiding behind a cloak of false intelligence.

The Rat Juice has outted them

Now they are out in the open... and they are dying off.

This is fantastic!

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That is one wY of putting it

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I just wanted to add some positive spin to a grim situation

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You kind of sound the way I imagine the death culters sound. They see us as not on their level, inferior to them and therefore they're doing a "good thing" by destroying humanity. I think the only way we can survive what they're doing is by evolving, rising above the monsters, not emulating them.

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Yes of course I am superior to a Vaxxer. I sometimes question if they are a different species altogether - MORE-ONS.

Anyhow that's all just speculation

Here is the Plan https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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You believe in Peak Oil?

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Well I don't believe the resources of the Earth are infinite cuz that would make me insane... and I do wonder why we have resorted to steaming oil out of sand if there is so much easy stuff left... plus we burn 100M barrels per day -- which seems a lot if you multiple it by 365

So ya... I guess I do believe in peak oil.

Call me crazy

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Ok. You're crazy! 😁

What about the Rockerfellas coined the term 'fossil fuel' to make us think that it was finite? So they can control the price? 🤔

Could be that countries that don't have enough of the oil that leaks out of the ground where they live that they might try to squeeze it out of the sand?

The earth is pretty big...bigger than we/you can imagine...because of that you're saying we must be running out of oil because of some maths that sounds really big? 🤨

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Yes! Some people were saying "I can't feel God anymore!" right after injection. CRAZY times.

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WOW! How Awful!

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Even an Eastern Orthodox priest said this! May God have mercy.

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Geez. Seriously? How awful that must feel if they even feel anything anymore.

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It harkens back to that leaked CIA briefing where they were told about the new "Funvax" engineered to attack (and kill) the part of the brain identified as causing "religious fundamentalism." The idea was to stop "terrorism" fueled by religious fanatics, (fundamentalists). We're talking about our SPIRITUAL centers being targeted.

I wonder if one of the things they were "testing" with the warp speed jab rollout, was this "Funvax." I mean, the entire operation was under the DOD, so they probably wanted to test one of their other weapons out.

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My brain can't even go there.😲

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I realize you're sharing an article by Ethan, but you may want to add a note indicating the ICIC interview actually took place on November 13, 2022. I discussed it with Naomi Wolf in the Dissident Dialogue I published yesterday:


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I see a few Shamans regularly. They are virtuosos of intuition. Anecdotally, these ultra-sensitive transmitters/receivers have been badly damaged Spiritually by the EAU countermeasure. The unjabbed ones have not been so impaired.

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I am unjabbed, do not use pharmaceuticals.

And have found those displaying disturbing behaviors are also unjabbed.

Behaviors, in my view, are very amped up by many, understandably so.

I would say, steady as we go. Careful that we do not leap to extremes.

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I agree, Elizabeth. Those of my family who've been jabbed (all of them) seem to me to be the same as they ever were, with me anyway. And, I would think that there must be repressed rage and fear, knowing even if they won't consciously let it in, that they've subjected themselves to poison. That alone would understandably have it's effect on one's character.

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Hi Joanie - this is an older thread so I'm unclear on the context.

I was speaking more to those that are unjabbed.

To the question of whether a jabbed person has been poisoned, I would imagine that depends on the lot of 'vaccine' they were given.

Some are saying no one has untainted blood as we are all being subjected to poisons in one way or another. Some are doing work with blood and trying different measures to affect it.

I think swimming in all this on the regular is affecting us all adversely. How could it not. Teasing apart the fear of something and the reality in the moment is a challenging task.

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Yes, it is. All of the mRNA injections are unsafe at best.

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I don't know what 'yes, it is' is a response to.

Well, I wouldn't go near them or any 'vaccine' for that matter.

Or any pharmaceutical either.

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Fascinating. I would love to hear your anecdotes!

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Incredible that the majority of the world got hooked into an experimental mRNA substance for which virtually nothing is known about even after 3 years. We still do not know its exact purpose and all the ways it can affect the body. What a fantastic medical community we have...deaf, dumb and blind beyond reproach to even be recommending these anti-human poisons.

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Incredible also, that the National and Global "Health Authorities" have sofar avoided revenge attacks?

These "Health Authorities" are much more guilty of the atrocities than the governments they pretend to represent. While they are only tools for the Globalist Cabal, they seem to be willing accomplices.

I've heard that Bonnie Henry (and probably the rest) now have personal security details? These people need to be tried and punished. But, where do we find a court willing to do that?

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Here in BC we have the brilliant Kip Warner, who's been in litigation with her for a couple of years now. Last update was in October. Here's a link: https://www.covidconstitutionalchallengebc.ca/status-updates

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I have read about the personality changes. But I have not noticed it firsthand. Plenty of other issues, but not personality issues. It’s often mentioned so I’m sure there is something to it.

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Oh please.

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My thoughts as well.

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Abdul Mannan Baig (Ph.D., MBBS)

Consultant COVID-19 and Long-COVID



Second News letter from VERDICINALS

Google drive link for publications and News letters


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My daughter in law had at least 4 covid and several flu shots. Her personality is different. She went from an intelligent college grad to a nonstop talker who I don’t recognize. I recently learned more about her in one hour than I knew in the last 20 years!

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Non stop talking could be a display of anxiety or a display of fear.

If one believes all the pieces being pushed forward how could one not feel that way. The jab itself might have nothing to do with it. Simple endless indoctrination, relentless spread of fear of imminent death.

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She totally believes in the shots and got her 4th and flu shot after that conversation. She thinks she’s protected and mad that my son won’t get them. Her personality has changed.

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It's hard to watch.

I do think there's a difference between personality and behavior. But on the surface it doesn't much matter.

All I was trying to point out is if she wasn't in a very heightened fear state she wouldn't be making the choices she is making. If she wasn't terrified of contagion and death she wouldn't be getting injected.

She is a victim of this psyop. I'm so sorry. It's heartbreaking.

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It may be a combination of both, but she is definitely not the same person.

She was hospitalized last Thursday for 4 days for a bacterial infection and a viral infection. It took them 3 days to figure it out. Not good.

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I'm sorry you are part of this and bearing witness to it, what a horrifyingly rough ride.

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Thanks Joanie

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Kevin Mc Cairn Prion man video chanel DOJO live

Self-Assembling Amyloid-Like Nanostructures From SARS-CoV-2 (S1, S2, RBD, N Proteins)


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Thanks for the video I'll give it a watch. I've noticed a change in some but not all of those who I know took it.

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We are all under constant pressure. It is going to affect everyone's behavior.

Steady as we go.

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I noticed a change in some people who took the vax. They're dead now ! I'm not joking, there' re dead after the jab, close people to me.... did not wake up one morning, blitzkrieg cancers, strokes ect ect... my friends and family ( UK, France and Italy where I live).

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I'm sorry this is happening.

It's hideous and not okay by any stretch of the imagination.

My thoughts are with you.

Sending you love.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf - NOT to be trusted. She - Malone - Kirsch -- are embedded agents of the machine

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You too Fast Eddy?

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There is a possibility that I am the mastermind behind everything ... or at least on the Board

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Or the possibility that you are the mastermind within your own mind.

Only you would know. . . maybe. . . maybe not.

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I also don't rule out that we are players in a sophisticated simulation ... after all -- nobody knows how we got here... how does something come from nothing .... and how could those running the simulation come from nothing...

Ya I know god blah blah -- how did he come from nothing and if he/it did... then the people running the simulation could be considered god...

Puff goes the dragon

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Yeah I've read the idea of those who like simulation theory as a basis for this existence. And I would rather think that those who use the word God mean many different things by it.

I don't personally like the idea that humans are at the center of everything. I think it is very much how we got to this place.

Some are reaching deep into history. What is true and what is not. That if what has happened, if deeply understood will shed light on where we are. And maybe it will.

I think, we as humans, are capable of so much more when we step away from systems of indoctrination and disempowerment. And there are many who are doing so. We are capable of deep healing, deep love, deep beauty.

May we be allowed to fully embrace this as we step into true humbleness and deep embodiment and deep empowerment.

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I am witnessing the unravelling of mental health all around me, in real-time. Just yesterday during a drive to visit my grandson, I had no less than 6 people look me straight in the eye (all from the right side of the roads) WHILE pulling out directly in front of me. The only reason there was no crash, is because each time, I swerved aside in the nick of time, as my only way to avoid collision. I was simply LUCKY that at each of these events, that there was room to swerve safely (no oncoming traffic, or nobody to the left of me).

One of these lunatics actually smiled at me AS he suddenly lurched into the roadway, almost slamming into the side of my car. There is NO WAY these people were unaware of my car! Beforehand, I saw each of them well-ahead of time, waiting to enter the road/traffic for NO REASON (while it was clear). But each time they WAITED (could have easily gone before I was in the vicinity) until they were CERTAIN they would crash into my car before punching it! There was something about the extreme closeness of my car that "triggered" them to suddenly hit their accelerator just as I got VERY close, close enough to see their faces really well.

I have never before observed THIS level of crazy on the road. Many other strange things afoot these days as well.

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Very scary. And government can apparently take control of almost any car made after something like 2010? So if they can control cars and jabbed drivers, we are are truly in danger.

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I'm actually starting to wonder if they can already "control" some of these jabbed people. I have read the DARPA patents that described this tech almost ten years ago. Growing neural networks (that highjack pre-existing systems) for remote control of "mammals" is something they already knew how to do. It includes the "operator's" ability to see and hear everything the "host" is seeing and hearing.

Due to my nationwide "Control Group" study, I was a target for a time, and did have a couple pf "scrapes" (what I believe were actual attempts). Then nothing for years, until the study got peer reviewed and published in an international journal that "they" (pharma and their cohorts) do not control, so they cannot get it retracted.

IDK anymore, just how crazy all of this may still get before we reach the other side of it, let alone how many of us will still be here after 2025. I do not believe they are yet able to slaughter as many of us as they'd hoped to meet their 2025 goals. An army of "drones" (that otherwise appear to be human) would serve them well in reaching many of their goals.

CRAZY crap. I try to go on about my life without thinking about it too much. But it's impossible not to SEE what's happening around me, people dropping off like flies, etc.

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My eyes started to roll when I saw "Experts" in the headline. In the original post it's "experts warn".

What I didn't see was any substantial citations for the claims being made. I wouldn't care as much if I had seen ample evidence elsewhere, but I have not. To me, it's an unknown, worthy of continued investigation but not to be taken as true just because somebody wrote about it.

Instead there were two links to two other articles, one a related article by the same author and the other, the primary reference, to what appears to be an anonymous article in The Expose. That second article is decorated with pleas for donations, and no wonder if all the articles are anonymous with no citations. (I didn't check.)

The personality changes I observed in people I knew began before the shots rolled out, and intensified even as they were rolling out, even before these people were injected. They were worshiping their new-found savior.

The scripture reference (1 Tim. 3:1-7) has some relevance, but it points to another cause for personality changes. It clearly addressed something that was happening 2000 years ago, and the present-tense (present middle imperative) "from such turn away" (τούτους ἀποτρέπου) confirms this. Specifically, it addresses the encroachment of false teaching into the Ephesian church of that time. Not that it couldn't apply in the future as well, but the "last days" have been with us for two millennia.

The inclusion of v. 7 is somewhat unfortunate, being the start of a new paragraph, and containing here the translation "silly women" which does not portray the situation clearly. They were most likely wealthy, foolish but influential women, themselves influenced by other deceivers. But that's a another study.

All that said, we don't need a sorcerer's poison to induce these personality changes. All it takes is wide-scale, persistent, unrepented sin fueled by deception, and that is the situation we, as were the Ephesians, find ourselves in. While the present-day poisons may contribute in some way, they are an effect and not the cause, and therefore yet another distraction.

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Romans chapter 1 also comes to mind, specifically the last several verses.

However, as for me and my house, we are “NOT ashamed of the Gospel for it is the POWER OF GOD unto salvation, for all who believe. To the Jew first and then the Greek. 1:17.

“Here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that KEEP the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.”

Revelation 14:12

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the Everlasting Gospel to preach unto them which dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people saying with a loud voice; FEAR GOD and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment is come. Worship Him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea and the fountains of waters.”

Revelation 14:6

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Then there is this (elided to make the point):

Gal. 5:19 (CSB) Now the works of the flesh are obvious: ... sorcery ... and anything similar. I am warning you about these things—as I warned you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

"Sorcery" here is φαρμακεία (pharmakeia), meaning the practice of sorcery. The "pharma" root could mean medicine or poison, but leans toward poisoning in NT usage. Sorcerers -- φάρμακοι (pharmakoi), Rev. 22:15 -- are poisoners. These shots are φαρμακa (pharmaka) -- as in Rev. 9:21 and sometimes translated "sorceries" -- things employed by sorcerers in the course of their work including poisons and spells.

Believers who look to modern sorcerers to save them, while not necessarily becoming practitioners themselves, are treading into very dangerous ground.

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Spot on my friend and God’s blessings to you.

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The article says that there is mRNA in the beef supply? I know that our pork supply was injected but I heard that they hadn't started with the beef yet. Does anybody know if that is true or not?

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Tom Renz reports on it.

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Yes, I have heard him speak on it, but he said they are planning it in the future. I just thought that there might be some new information.

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"Ideological subversion or psychological warfare, changes the perception of reality to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country." Yuri Bezmenov

-personally I witnessed during the lockdowns people lose their ever loving minds and submit to the fear campaign. It wouldn't surprise me though that the jabs are doing even more damage.

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