Mathew 24 : 6-13. 🙏Good Friday to all 😘

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Probably Mossad firing those rockets.

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Yes, anything is possible. I never take stories at face value. I think lots of govts use false flags as a means of manipulating the population--easier to control a population when they fear an outside enemy. There have been too many lies over the years. Cui bono?

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You and I both know who benefits. But they may only be spoken of in a whisper, and then only with people we intimately trust.

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Truth! And that's how you know how rules over you.

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Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of rockets ready to go, this could get very ugly. The bullies might get punched in the nose and go cry to mama.

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Off topic…..

Why is there no reporting on the Miles Guo, Hickingbottom trial going on now?

Obama got 20-30 million of China dark money for 2012 election!!!

And… Guo gave USA 3 files from china in 2017 . One file said China was releasing a bio weapon within 3 years!!!!!

This is major news!!!!

China is trying to get Guo back to China for years to basically do away with him. He is presently in jail on bogus charges and the prosecution won’t let him testify!!!


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