This is Terrible news for New Zealand! I truly hope the citizens there will fight this with All of their Might. How is the NZ government assuming this will improve the health of the communities there? This is extremely dangerous and disturbing!

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They Don’t have to assume anything, they are Following their PAID WEF orders.

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south sea poms taking it again

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It wouldn't be my voice heard, more like a truck bomb outside of parliament.

"Can you hear me now!!"

These Dictator like governments have got to go. Where do they get off on this crap. Oh, I get it, first they outlaw guns (so only they and outlaws will have them) and then institute their controls. Check, now we can freely institute Communism among the masses.

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Any kind of violent response would only be the “reason” more controls are necessary. They’re probably counting on it, or at minimum gaming that scenario.

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“Can you hear me now!!”

You can count on it because they leave the people no choice, at least in an armed country like the USA.

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That is why they were pushing so hard for the WHO "treaty". If they could have gotten that passed in the US, then they would have declared an "Emergency of Gun Violence" as a health and safety issue; and had UN 'peacekeepers' try to take our weapons.

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The US Army couldn’t take our weapons, the UN would just be the occasional target practice event.

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If the USA imposes a gun ban the entire world is f*cked! Watch out! The enemy knows that.

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Guns were banned in that sh*thole several years ago and this proves that you cannot trust a government that does not trust the people with firearms.

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"Through all this, I keep anticipating an event that will mark the beginning of detechnocratization, that we can point to years from now, where people can be said to have prevailed over technocratic rule at *this* world-historical moment, and how it can shed light on the world we see outside our windows now."

Anticipating the Stalingrad of Detechnocratization

...just as Ðiên Biên Phú was “the Stalingrad of decolonization".


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Fascism and your Politicians are on board with it . And it wont matter who is in Power they take their Orders from Klaus and Co.

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But don't worry; they won't be mandating anything nasty for THEMSELVES.

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And orders from the City of London Corp (Central Bankers) — Schwab is one of their minions.

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What has to be done here with all countries around the globe.

A body of people from the field of virology,

Biology and the science field in general.

Not people with an agenda but honest people who are willing to go public as with what’s been happening to expose the levels of evil within the medical fields all across the world.

People that cannot be silenced.

This includes legal people who are willing to expose all of these evil people going back 5 years and more to all contents in all supposedly safe medical poisons.

Then all the people who’ve been outing the evil medical systems over the years need to be brought into the public domain to offer their findings.

And any msm media that refuses to publicise these findings need to be held to account and any funding they receive from big pharmaceutical companies exposed and held accountable.

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With the draconian gene therapy laws trying to be passed, it looks like they are trying to "Lahaina" New Zealand. Imagine having a whole island nation turned into a billionaires retreat? Of course there is always the problem of what to do with the Peasants? Looks like they found an answer.

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I am a nz' er, that has been my thoughts for years. Ithink you are so right.

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Laws are made to be broken and there's nothing they can do about if we all say NO!

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Absolutely right except most will not say NO. Last 4 years is proof. Most will point at you and say "He said No" and you'll disappear.

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I said NO in 2020, and l am still here. Most of my friends said YES and they would still say YES. We can't let totalitarian governments destroy our dignity, freedom and humanity just because they think they can. We have to keep fighting them till we win.

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I said No too.

My point seems missed. Most will not. That's what will make it more dangerous and grow to be like Nazi Germany or USSR. Saying NO grows to them having you disappear.

The question won't be if you are willing to stand up for your belief. The question should be are you willing to go to jail for your belief.

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That's the problem, here in NZ. Being such a small country, apart from us being a small population, and a lot of NZ'er's just aren't making the effort to stand up to them. A lot here have become so complacent. Follow the 🐑. It is infuriating.

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Sounds like this Collins monster needs to immediately get up to date with all her shots.

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The World Health Organization is trying to do these things at a global level. Yet, there are countries that are allowing the World Health Organization to walk all over them. An example is Canada's Bill C-293.

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Canuckistan is ruled by a sop turdo whose ASSministration is a herd of hooligan fools and the people are mostly sheeple.

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The country like many others are overseen by the likes of the UN and WEF.

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Yes Lisa. The real enemy.

But I struggle to understand how the women here are intelligent and poised but also with pretty names like "Lisa." Janeice. Celia. etc etc etc A very attractive trait in women is intelligence, perhaps the most attractive trait...to a lowly conservative man like me. I note your last name but do not know if it is your maiden name. I had a land lady decades ago from Slovakia who would always tell me, "Eddie, Canada woman no good, Europe woman better." I told my father and he went hysterical in laughter. My gf would call every Wednesday at six and she hated my landlady because she sat by the phone and would answer and say, "Oye" and then hang up. I dead ended that merely by calling her from a pay phone.

You do not have to comment but I have a theory I am working on relative to the above.

Always Edward

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These are not laws!

They are corporate contracts over the legal fiction identification documents.

(Passport or drivers licenses)

So what is your identification?

For me, this can only resolve when a critical mass know who they are. From experience, if we only consider the last four years; majority of folks do not know who they are. If we are to purge the interlopers and traitors, our own foundation must come from our real identity. Most folks, when asked of who are they, respond by showing a passport or a driving licence. The reality is none of these documents represent a living identity. They are legal fictions that no beneficiary owns and so the document cannot ever be the property of the beneficiary or their identity.

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Why is Gates setting anything in governments he is not a government official he is a sick and twisted low life providing genocide at a cost so him and his minion can rule the world.

People need to blow up all his business labs, affiliates, and any and all financial institutions all the governments that support him from Canada to the UK.

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Blackmail? On authority from some place we don’t know? Just money?

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I'm still hoping for vengeance from the Lord. Quick end at the bottom of an I-5 Tunnel in Seattle during the Great Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake. I won't miss him.

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About ten years ago my wife wanted to move to NZ and me to Hawaii so we stayed put till 2020. Both places are now fascist hell holes for medical freedom. I like it better in Tanzania and so does she now, so we wound up better off and agreeing.

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The people of NZ should storm and take over the government seat as citizen farmers did in the Netherlands and are trying to do in the EU. All of NZ’s corrupt officials and those elsewhere in the nations should immediately be rounded up and tried for high treason and crimes against humanity.

No doubt, NZ is a full-fledged globalist City of London Corp. (Central bankers) WEF-run country. Same as the UK, Canada, and Australia.

Reminder …King Charles wrote off the “Commonwealth nations” long ago in a 2022 tv statement spoken during an “elites” event in Scotland in the pandemic era (when no one else could travel unless they were jabbed). He spoke benignly at this meeting of a mysterious “he” —- an unknown but powerful person and multi-multi trillionaire whose wealth Charles said will make the sovereignty of nations no longer necessary and will bring in a “better system”. (No surprise, 😳 no trace of this speech by Charles can now be found anywhere— if you find it, please share!)

The global coup of nations by the criminal “elites” through the culling of humanity via biowarfare, (cv19 injections, chemtrails, food supply destruction, and $$ control through the projected CBDC digital money scheme, etc.,) is all linked to UN Agenda 2030 and the UN’s recent Pact for the Future (signed on to by 192 nations). The UN absolutely MUST be disbanded, but will that ever happen? Unlikely. Just as it seems unlikely that the people of beleaguered Commonwealth nations will storm their governments anytime soon and hold them to account.

Instead, it seems that the band of evildoer “elites” who are currently hellbent (literally)on depopulation, global takeover, and bringing in the Beast system (CBDCs) and the AntiChrist global ruler…(see Revelation 13) are having a total heyday and mocking God and all of us.


God CANNOT be mocked and He WILL deal with the corrupt globalist perverse greedy world system (identified in Scriptures as Babylon)…(strange how the globalists seem to ignore this part of the holy Scriptures but have somehow followed the “global takeover” mentioned in Revelation 13 right to the letter and with an unbelievable unholy fervour).


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SOMEONE is trying hard to make socialized medicine look like a VERY BAD thing....

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Revelation 21:8 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, the murderers, the fornicators, the druggists, the idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." Revelation 18:23 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And the light of a lamp shall shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall be heard in you no more; for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your pharmacy." Revelation 9:21 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And they did not repent of their murders or their medicines or their fornication or their thefts." Job 13:4 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "But you are forgers of lies; you are all worthless physicians." Deuteronomy 9:27 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "Remember your healers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; do not regard the stubbornness of this people, or their wickedness, or their sin." Exodus 9:11 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "And the mediciners could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were upon the mediciners and upon all the Egyptians." Deuteronomy 18:10 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination, or tells fortunes, or interprets omens, or engages in pharmacy." Exodus 22:18 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "You shall not permit mediciners to live." 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "For the time will come when they will not tolerate sanctifying teaching; but according to their own desires, they will heap up for themselves teachers to satisfy their itching ears. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and will be turned aside to myths."

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Yes, it is all there in the Bible, and more and yet these arrogant creatures still think they are above God Himself and the people will not take heed. Beggars belief.

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